Enen no Shouboutai Kanojo, Okarishimasu Lapis Relights Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigateiru Kan
Enen gets pretty creative with pyrokinetic powers. Like conventionally electrical waves isn't really something you'd associate with fire. But they're both energy manipulation really, and electrical impulses on the scale of brain activity is just that with a very fine touch.
It's a good show but it's also kinda hit that spot that shonen often hits where it gets bogged down in exposition due to the complexity that has built up
Well at least once you explain everything you can get back to the happening. A lot of Japanese media does tend to lean heavily on the tell side of "show don't tell" though. I wonder if it might have something to do with the deadlines the authors always are facing and they don't have the time to figure out how to illustrate the concepts in a less literal fashion.
A pack of cigarettes labelled "Shalom" feels a bit weird.
Wow she's an opportunist. Takes advantage of knowing when housefires are going to happen to rob them.
Oh her model is kind of like the original fire brigade of Rome. They'd show up to burning places and offer to buy the property dirt-cheap. If the owner refused, they just let it burn to the ground.
Her power's a bit boring if all she can do is predict when fires are going to happen. Plus they were talking about another person with powers like Shinra and his brother's was about to be born. So I'm getting the feeling it might get a boost or something.
>>859122 Her, well, not friends, but accomplices did call her an adrenaline junkie. Looks like they were spot on it.
Maki's fire powers are a good demonstration of mundane but useful. Her little fire spirits aren't powerful or anything but they're enough to give autonomous flight to those armaments.
This guy seems to recognize her though. I don't think he was in her flashback earlier.
Yeah here it is.
Though still her power doesn't seem that good. It's just predicting things and igniting fires. Compared to supersonic Shinra and "I can literally stop time" Sho. Or the mindcontrol lady. Her powers seem kind of mediocre.
It seems like she can use it raelly intelligently though. She can cause destruction on a wide level instead of having good pinpoint powers like the others.
okay lets start
Yeah, that might be true. They weren't too clear if the fires she was igniting were inherently small or if she was, like, activating the fires she was previously just predicting. Because if she can ignite any fire she sees coming, there were some pretty big ones she was predicting.
Since when did Yukino become his "other little sister"
>There are some days I just want to drink Yeah I know how that goes.
The art style of this show reminds me a bit of the bunny girl show.
Yeah, I see the similarities. I think the colours in Bunny Girl Sempai were a good bit more pastel than this one. But they're both somewhat light on the stylization you normally get with anime. Not really realistic per se, but less caricatures of people.
It's still pretty silly how he insists on sitting at the far end of the table there.
Oh this reminds me. After being on hiatus for like for-fucking-ever, that ballroom dancing series finally had its manga resume. The mangaka had a really bad illness and had to go on hiatus because of it. I dunno if it would ever get more anime, especially since the first anime covered all the material up until the hiatus, but the manga's resumed at least.
Ah they're going to have to help set up a western-style prom I guess.
This school does a lot of events. I guess it's natural since the protagonists are in a club like this.
I get the feeling their school's pretty fancy too. So I'd bet the students are pushed to organize activities and big events too.
I'd forgotten this author really likes their alliterative names. Yukinoshita Yukino Yuigahama Yui Isshiki Iroha I'm pretty sure the MC also has one but I don't remember his name hah hah Hikigaya something-or-other
This is a piano version of an ED from season one or two. It was a character song for Yui I think.
I haven't really been following the LN releases for this series but I've peeked in on the chatter from time to time. The way people talked it felt like the endgame for the series was a lot more ambiguous. But it's so obviously clear who's gonna win.
It's been so long since the last season for me it's hard to get back into it and care
It's easy enough for me to care about things. I don't really forget anything for good ... for the most part at least. All I need is a bit of time with the characters to jog my memory.
i somewhat understand where she's coming from but i don't know any adults who don't regularly procrastinate
This guy sure is determined.
she is also quite determined
this is probably her last chance though her denying him here would be where the world-lines diverge
Looks like his grandmother is making presumptions before anything else could happen.
oh wait hold on this anime is.... good? this is not how i expected this to go down OH FUCK NO THERE WAS ABOUT TO BE DEVELOPMENT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
if this happened to me i would literally die or worse (and more likely) have a breakdown
I'm -I've got perfect protection from ever being in this circumstance ever.
mizuhara you gotta read the situation help a brother out
well this is his fault
Yeah I don't have much sympathy for him. Like a bit, since circumstances are a bit out of his control. But he's chosen almost every bad option presented to him.
oh wow she's pulling the "it's okay to say some nasty shit cause i've been drinking" card man i hate that shit this bitch
>>859241 Well there -are- four girls in the OP. Did you think the other three were just ornaments?
i just wanted pure romance but this is fine too
well not pure romance but romance with hijinks more rom-com, less soap opera but this looks like it'll eventually sate my lust for melodrama so that's good too
Nope! This is gonna be DRAMA and relationship suffering
man i kinda wanna read the source material now that got me wanting more
>>859247 Read https://mangadex.org/title/24104/sono-bisque-doll-wa-koi-wo-suru This instead It'll satiate your need for pure romance and won't spoil anything else for you. It's also really, really good.
Okay time for SUGOI DEKAI
>>859251 Probably yes but I don't know how. Does Mangadex have a phone UI?
can i get it for my phone?
thanks for anime, /moe/
if you can make kanojo a regular sunday thing, i can probably always be here
It should be feasible. The show comes out on like Fridays or Saturdays but Rika's doing Rika things during the weekend usually so we don't get around to weekend shows until Sunday.
Next weekend might be difficult because there might be some problems with me being around. I don't know how things will go yet.
"rika things" but rika is perfectly capable of bullying and roasting people on /moe/ does she go to special bully meetings?
>>859260 if it gets really bad, move here to texas
I'm not going to say "I wish" because I don't really want to live in Texas, but it would be nice to have somewhere else to live. These past couple weeks has made living here extremely stressful and energy-consuming.
Uzaki is one of those chaos-element characters I think. She just does what she wants and wrecks havoc.
Ah yeeeep oh no These poor ladies. What a sight to walk in on.
He's really bad at not getting caught up in her pace.
Master's good at enabling Uzaki's chaos. While being an all around decent guy.
Sounds like Japanese papers are about the same as ones in North American universities hah hah. All "You can't use first-person language" and "pad out your papers with overly elongated sentences"