Yeah this whole arc has had some really comfy and classy clothing.
I guess she was a bit more morally upright before she starting working cons. She seems pretty off-put that her boyfriend's making forgeries. He's really gone warped fast though.
I guess that's exactly what happened with him though. The art guy got his forgeries from him and then just cut him of.
Their gang seems to have a bit of a staple trick in their toolbelt of getting someone close to their mark to have an in-man. Though in the past it's always been Edamura so it's interesting to see Abigail do it. Well actually she was their mole with the director in the first arc at first too.
Ah he self-destructed himself, instead of the art appraiser cutting him off.
He looks better with the scruffy hair than that posh haircut he got after he started doing forgeries.
That was a good episode. Art is so good for this stuff.
A bit of a more chill arc too. The first one was very mafia-y and Hollywood-inspired, the second was energetic because of the airplanes. But this one has been calmer and has a easier time focusing on the characters.
Yeah, I don't know how he's going ot -to find the money. I guess he probably has some stuff he can liquidate though. Certainly not from this lady anymore though.
What an upstanding butler.
It feels like Makoto might've Yeah, the girl caught on too. He exchanged the two paintings for some reason.
Yeah I'm happy with that answer he gave.
Geez Cynthia. I know a lot of people use the Thames as a garbage dumb but you really shouldn't throw stuff into it.
Well we've had a Makoto arc, an Abby arc, and now a Cynthia arc. I wonder if we'll see Laurent in the spotlight next time. I think the next arc is "Magician of the Far East" though so we might be getting more Makoto.
I think by this point she's got roots deep enough in the world that even books can't totally distract her from it. I get the feeling she was probably a bit of a loner back in her previous life.
Arguably the ritual she's supposed to participate in IS good for her health though. It sounds like it involves soaking magic items in the mana of the magic-able priests. And if she doesn't have an output for her mana she gets particularly sick.
Hah hah wow he's a real wizard. Has a wand and everything.
Yeah we haven't seen him do much wizardry until now.
It would be nice if someone explained to her why this all is so serious though.
Wow now he's a knight too. The Head Priest really works all sorts of roles.
Her ceremonial outfit is cute though. Very Asian-inspired.
Man in like one episode this went from being like low-fantasy to being pretty fantastical. It's not really like high-fantasy yet but I guess there's a lot of fantasy stuff we've never seen since it doesn't happen to peasants.
And it keeps getting more and more fantasy-y, wow.
So those fast-growing plants can become super monstrous if left unchecked.
For a series that has been relatively physical-conflict-light, going into a battle segment is a considerable departure. Plus they threw a lot of fantasy tropes at us fast.
Yeah it's a little unusual. I kind of like though when fantasies aren't so straightforward as "Darkness is evil" though.
Nobility really HAET PEASANTRY Kind of the thing that always ends up with the nobility staring down a guilotine though.
Though, well, that assumes on a physical level that the nobility and non-nobility are fundamentally equal. The fact that the nobility have an upper hand for learning and sustaining magic does make them distinctly unequal.
Ah oh no that's not good.
Does he really have time to make the whole chant for the magic though. She's kind of in a real bad pinch.
Wow do all bodily fluids contain mana. That's very Fate-poi.
I feel a bit bad for that kinder of the two knights that were guarding her. The two of them are definitely going to be reprimanded for this and the responsibility clearly lies heavier on the asshole one.
She's in a rough position where she's both kind of sickly and will get sick if her mana builds up.
It's a shame things became so awful so quickly here though. Her nice robes got all torn up by the trombe.
I guess the brown-haired one is only conveniently nice. Ah well he did kind of back up Myne's claim. He was extremely spineless for a bit there though.
Head Priest is piiiissssed He's usually so level that it's surprising to see him get this mad.
What an unbearably awful thing, caste classes are.
Well that leaves us with just one episode left. Though there will be an episode of Ahiru for tomorrow. So two episodes to watch. I don't think there will be anything else coming out before Friday though, so we won't be seeing anything new until Sunday.