A fortunate BNA episode to help extend our limited supply along. The sub group doing Pretender seems to have been slow to put out the final episode of the third arc for the show. Episodes 11-15 should have come out all at the same time but fifteen's been a while to show up.
Nazuna's really cynical about people it feels. Like she considers Michiru a friend but she still instantly assumes Michiru's actions are self-serving and moral elitism rather than concern for a y'know, friend. We haven't really seen much of their time as humans so I don't know if that's something she picked up after she got picked up by the cult or if she was always kind of like that.
It looks like something the cult that's following her friend put together. I think she might've already had one earlier.
She's starting to get really good at using her shapeshifting now. Turning into all sorts of animals.
I will conceed that Michiru does have a big problem with not thinking about her actions before doing them. But that's not because she's some kind of moral elite she's just stupid.
Yeah, she's pretty overpowered now because her shapeshifting is so high level
The guy's honestly probably got the right notion. Michiru would probably run rampage on a misunderstanding if they just tossed her out without informing her.
Well we've at least got an explanation for them getting turned into beastmen.
Assuming this guy's being entirely honest this is a pretty thorough plan. It does cover some pretty dangerous holes by focusing the beastmen's energy at the cult.
I'm still on the fence about the guy from the medical company. Can't decide between good, villainous, or ammoral. That masked guy from the cult is totally a villain though.
I guess Nazuna is partially re-opening up to Michiru though. Keeping the window that she came through last time open is probably meant to signal that. And she is taking a bit of her advice, distancing herself from the masked guy.
I think school is the best setting in this series. It's best as a school series
Wow man that's kind of a dick thing to do. Like sure get angry with Yuki he can definitely be a bit arrogant at times. But don't take it out on the plants.
Oh that's the foxgirl currently masquerading as the fake Pecorine. I guess Yuuki went up against her in a previous time and lost. If she's that strong then why's she pretending to be a crown princess.
Huh, I was under the impression the foxlady had some kind of guile cast over the castle that made her look like Pecorine, or at least make them not think about the weirdness of human royalty having a beastperson daughter. But that vice-captain lady seems completely unfooled.
That was a blast to watch. Real cool to see them get to do an all-out attack for the grand finale.
It's kind of hard to expect more adaptations of mobage anime but man I hope this one gets more. They hinted at a lot of stuff left to work through even up 'till the end here. What a great series.
Yeah that was good. I hope it did well and they make another series honzuki okay lets start
Oh yeah there's actually a BOOK now too.
Unless there's a surprise BNA episode out tomorrow there probably won't be anything more than the two episodes of Great Pretender and three episodes of Honzuki remaining. Well I guess the remaining unsubbed episode of Great Pretender might be out by that point. We'll likely only be getting Ahiru on Wednesday too so there's not going to be much to watch. If you want to do a movie or two in the time I can bring up the list I've been keeping again.
Honestly I can't see any reason to have sympathy and decency for someone that would trash a bunch of books like that just to make petty squabbles with someone.
Is she going to introduce the Dewey Decimal system into this world now.
Oh there's a Japanese version of it. Guess that's more sensible than copying an English system, though it seems they don't differ that much.
Wow bringing advanced indexing methods to the new world
Well decimal systems aren't terribly advanced. They're probably definitely weird I'd bet, to people that don't really use numbers in regular daily life.
Hah hah she's just sperging out on decimal systems to the head priest now. Honestly this makes painfully clear she's pretty inhuman though. Talking about people that don't exist and making references to history that hasn't happenend in this world.
Yeah, really. To be fair magic books are probably the only kind of book she's never ever been able to read, since magic don't real in the mundane world she used to live in. An entirely new genre to crack open must seem extremely enticing.
Why can't she just ... keep some for the orphanage textbooks and make more to sell.
Printing press! If she can work her way up to a printing press and moveable type then she's going to completely blow this world wide open. The printing press fundamentally changes culture it's introduced into, for better and for worse.
Oh yeah I'd totally forgotten about the side-plot of a new child in their family.
Aw she's going to be stuck living at the cathedral all winter. Being away from her family for months on end will probably be tough. Plus she might even miss the birth of her younger sibling.
Yeah it really would. She's already got the primitive components for it; they had woodblock stamps and used hand labour to press the inked stamps into the paper. But having the actual machine for it would be revolutionary.
Hah hah hah But in the original Cinderella she is of noble status, it's just her father's remarriage forced her to basically be a handmaiden in her own home after he passed. I guess more modern iterations just assume her family's just wealthy not nobility. I wonder if the French Revolution might've warped the narrative on that a bit as they tried to scrub noble idolation from their culture as much as possible.