Yeah we can maybe do some of the movies that have come out if we're too empty on stuff to watch. There's stuff like the Bunny Girl sempai show that got a sequel movie, or fun shows like Promare
>>852821 We probably won't see any new stuff before Friday night, so unless you're around over the weekend, nothing until Sunday night. There will be PriCon and Fruits Basket tomorrow and an episode of Ahiru on Wednesday, but that's it.
That leaves nine shows between Monday through Thursday, so there's gonna be some totally dry days.
I really like this longer hair Abby's rocking now. It's a n improvement over the pixie cut.
These private rooms for art these rich dorks have always seem awfully cluttered. Like they never lay out the paintings aesthetically they're just hung up wherever they can be fit.
Oh this is the lady from the start of the second arc. The one she cheated that guy out of all his money and delivered all the money to.
She seems to have been painting a - been drinking a lot lately. Maybe she's particularly pissed off with this current circumstance.
I guess that art critic guy they're out to get crushed her boyfriend or something. Like ruined his career and maybe drove him to suicide. There's got to be a reason he's not around anymore.
Art scamming is a classic. I think this will be a good arc.
So far they haven't been doing much scamming aside from the first little game Edamura played at the start though. Like that bidding they did was as straightforward as it goes. Even this lady and the auctioneer conspiring together is more underhanded than what they were doing.
But yeah making a counterfeit of this painting is definitely the kind of art forgery you'd expect con artists to get up to.
Finale! We're finally getting to see how everything came tumbling down. This is the kind of series I might go and read the manga of if no news of more adaptation comes out because I've been kind of hooked by the story.
Shuuichi's development from meek generic protag to kind of psychopath has been fun. Personalities getting twisted are always fun.
Oh no the hair bands fell off. Oh okay I was worried she was dead and that was a response to it. But I guess the rest of their gang is planning on betraying them for Clair's onee-chan anyway.
>>852860 We still don't have the full picture but something happened between the MC and Clair's onee-chan after the stuff we saw last episode. And his memory got totally wiped during it and Elena became super OP.
goddamnit this is what i get for not opening the thread reee
>>852864 I don't thnk -think she's all bad. But I do think she's doing some ammoral stuff for "the greater good". Maybe even outright villainous. If she was really responsible for killing her and Clair's parents and Shuuichi's parents, then I dunno. Even if there's a greater good I don't think she can be redeemed from that.
They've only got half an episode left to end this on a somewhat tidied up note.
I wonder if this eyebrows girl ends up more relevant later on She kinda got introduced early on but since she's a totally mundane human bean she's not been relevant so far in this battle between monsters.
Kiiiiiiiitaa koreeeeeeee I don't know what it is but it's happeninnnng
Books! It's a good thing this series always does a thorough summary at the start of each episode because it's been so long my memory of what happened last is pretty fuzzy.
Do they not have pigs and wolves in this world. Wait no they do have pigs they had a festival in the first season to slaughter a lot of them. I guess maybe since they're sheltered in orphanages their whole life they've never seen or heard of pigs and wolves.
They already are! That's what they're doing here, cutting up the roots to make paper out of.
Making ink cheaply is probably going to be a wall she needs to overcome. Honestly I don't really know why ink would be expensive, the individual components aren't particularly difficult to obtain. I don't quite know why it was a luxury in real world history, maybe just because it was only in demand by those who could write and draw so low demand drove low supply and high prices since only the wealthy would buy it anyway.
It's a bit nuanced but not terribly complex, I think. Like I think you can even make ink out of like water, egg, and soot. I don't know the process of making ink with oil though, but oil-based inks are a standard ink type.
I'm not too well-informed on the production of ink though.
This girl's got some real PTSD problems. At the least she can hopefully improve so that she doesn't recoil when a kid touches her.
She's not incorrect, at least. Even at a young age infants can recognize abstractions of shapes and lines as faces and expressions.
I still dunno why they thought it a good idea to put her in charge of an orphanage
I get the feeling the task of running the orphanage is one of those tasks no one in the cathedral -really- wants to do. Which is why the position was empty before being given to her. They probably didn't care if it was a good idea or not but she was just an easy person to foist the position on to.
Poor Head Priest though. Where as Lutz was able to get Myne to tell him directly she's someone else reborn into this body, the Head Priest has to eventually drug her and mindread her to get her story.
Honestly nevermind making a whole book they could just do these pages with the print illustrations and sell those.
Only took her twenty-two episodes but she finally made her first book!
I've got a pretty good idea what the main theme for this episode will be. It'll probably serve for a nice cap on the second season. Since the athletics festival and Ishigami's stuff was obviously the season climax.
Their school's principal/chairman sure is a lot.
Poor Iino is -yeah- she's the kind of person who'd go along with anyone who told her she's cute. That's a dangerous trait to have.
She actually is one of the cuter girls on the cast.
Kaguya? Yeah, I'd agree, but being photogenic is more a thing of personal motivation I think. Like no matter how cute/handsome you are if you don't think of yourself as camera-friendly you'll probably look a bit lame in photos.
Kaguya isn't much better than Iino though hah hah. A bit more wise to compliments but still will get caught up in any circumstance that flatters her and Shirogane together.
Also Ishigami does look a bit decent with his hair slicked like th- Ah oh no. Even for a clamshell phone that's a long way to drop.
Kaguya's kind of gone into factory-reset too.
This is a cute thing with Hayasaka though. In the manga there's some stuff that states she's big into tech but I guess they haven't had a chance to do that in the anime.
Honestly I thought they'd end it on the smartphone stuff since it would be a real sweet moment where everything works out for the best. But I guess the weird chaos of the series demanded a more explosive ending.
Gosh I hope we get more though. This series gets better and better as it goes on and we're not even remotely close to catching up to the manga.