Thread #84066
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shingeki boku no hero bang dream eromanga sensei hinako note recreators (might get saved)
yeah probably will save recreators if anything it looks ok
Think you can start with bang dream?
oh i was gonna suggest save bang dream if you wanted to do recreators today
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yes, we can start with bang dream orange for bang dream okay let's start
How do you rate the show?
Bang Dream? Mediocre at best.
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It's okay.
hmm id say its like a 5ish the character designs are decent at least i kinda wanna play the mobage but not really cause its jap
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She's become super quiet.
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It's that old lady's fault. She did>your band is missing something important but I won't tell you what for three episodes
She doesn't really sound like she's lost her voice. But I guess that's something that's really tough for people to imitate.
They're kind of all suffering from KEY eyes this episode.
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I guess she's going to go full ZETSUBOU before the series wraps up for good.
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Arisa was really tired compared to everyone else.
no more emo time for the finale
Good riddance.
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okay let's move on to SnK okay let's start!
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is that really a show people want to watch orange
I don't want to not watch it.
dunno but i dont mind watching
the eoten onsalught
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I like SnK. It's better than that kabuki thing we watched yesterday.
Wouldn't a titan stand out.
>>84114 Apples and oranges.
4 years for 12 episodes
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where did the anime even end last time? is this their first fight against monkey? oh that's far behind
annie's capture
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There was a big fight around annie and the last scene was the revelation that the walls were titans
>>84119 Yeah but we're also getting more Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress instead. Plus WIT is also busy working on Mahoutsukai no Yoru. Both better material than Shingeki no Kyoujin.
they shouldve keep shooting it out while it was popular as heck most of the hype died down
>>84124 WIT was an extremely minor studio. Still kind of are, really. But they were absolute nobodies when Shingeki's first season came out. I would imagine diving straight into a two-cour series with a fair amount of action and camera work would hav been really taxing on them.
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i wish the manga had a recap chapter i can't follow what the hell is happening there anymore
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oh oh it's le va i wow
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are they gonna torture him?
Don't recall but I don't believe they do.
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I'm sure they wouldn't do something like that.
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She's a titan
She's just feral.
This is kind of weird.
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I stopped pating attention for two seconds and stuff got weird. That is a really tiny titan.
that's pretty small for a titan
Hah hah fucking Sasha.
i like how the old lady is so calm
this isn't going all that well
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How is taht titan so little. How does a person fit inside him? He's basically just basketball player sized.
bullying in the army
I don't remember Ymir being that outspoken.
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Yeah i don't recognize her
I mean she was rude but she didn't go out of her way to be a bitch.
why is armin wearing a dress
It's not the first time. Or well I guess in the adaptation it would be.
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It looks good on him
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That tiny titan got a lot bigger.
why dont you just run its not that fast its small
Titans kind of move slowly until they don't. And then they fucking BOLT.>>84153 Like 60% of its body height was its legs. And it spent most of its time in the house kneeling or crouched over.
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Do titans even use their eyeballs?
The walls are titansand the titans are people
Is that a titan in your house or are you just happy to see me.
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that was a really sad titan there in the ending
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What show now? sure why not orange
Hiiro academia?
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yeah Let's do boku no hero okay let's start
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Getting ahead of yourself there deku
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oh this is a good OP.
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Half the season probably is gonna be a tournament arc probably could put people off
Half? I'd put it maybe closer to two-thirds or three-quarters.
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those are hard words so i went for half
im not t hat far in the manga it'll probably get passed where i am
It's okay the tournament arc has one of the best character development moments in the entire series.
zawa zawa
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I'm not sure how i feels about his look I think the eyes should look a bit heavier
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they've got a problem if kaminari is the voice of reason
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I guess he has lost a lot of his fire. He just wanted to be a hero and he kind of has that.
ATATATATATATA you're already dead
What a cheap woman.
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She didn't give anything away! She just got some free food.
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so you approve of such shameless behavior i did not expect that of you rika
Did you really?
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my general expectations of rika are rock bottom but you'd think she'd have a bit of shame and pride
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I didn't know mount lady could be not big.
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How would she even live her life then?
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>>84189 I dunno, maybe she'd live in a hangar somewhere.
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Is his mom gonna be shaking autistically like deku when he watches all might?
She'll probably be too fraught with worry to manage that.
Aw yeah mechanic-chan.
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business course?
Midnight isn't as weird in the anime though. Since you can obviously tell she's wearing a suit and it's not just her skin.
Typical Bakugo.
tear drinku
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isn't a 4km lap make that a massive stadium?
Have you been looking at it? It's a massive stadium.
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no i mean like 4km isn't that super massive?
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>I wonder where they got the money for it >Says the girl who can create matter from absolute nothing
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Is it nothing? Didn't her clothes kinda go away when she made the cloak to protect herself from kaminari? I'm not sure if things she makes last
Well it spawns out of her body but other than that the actual matter comes from nowhere.
Deku makes some really good under pressure faces.
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That went by fast What now? Eromanga maybe? I just thought we might be able to grab a moon.
Oh Girlish Number's 4koma is getting an anime adaptation. That's not quite the season two I was expecting but I'll take it.
>>84207 We probably don't have the time to cram all three remaining shows in so likely.
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>>84207 If they want to do all three remaining shows then I want to do re:creator. I want to preserve the comfy pyramid tonight.>>84208 I don't remember that at all.
Yeah I figured that would be the case.
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>>84213 Not at all? You were all over the show when it was airing.
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but the 4koma? I mean is that it? Isn't it just another season if it's the same characters? I thought you were talking about a 4koma that would have been an in-universe spinoff. Like how that show about the bucket head girl spun off of Genshiken.
need like minutes
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don't we all?
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>>84217 Well I dunno. Haruhi Suzumiya had a 4koma that got its own short anime which definitely did not feel like an additional season. Girlish Number was planned as a multimedia project from the get-go so the feel of the 4koma may be drastically different from the LNs-that-became-anime. There's a good chance it'll also flanderize the characters for the sake of comedy compared to their characters in the more plot-driven novels and previous anime. Y'know, kind of how Diva-chan seems to be a mobage addict in these bits.
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>>84218 we're doomed
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we could grab moon for eromanga
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oh looks like he's sleep now
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>>84220 Oh, it will just be shorts?
I don't know. All I know is Girlish Number's 4koma is getting an anime adaptation.
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speaking of mobage i finally got a 3rd 5 star in fe but still no floops it's also annoying that with every update the game crashes more and more
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Ika needs some unspecified number of minutes so it will probably be awhile.>>84229 I'm annoyed with how they removed the daily orb gift too.
I haven't been checking in on Fire Emblem for a number of days now. PC distractions and Story of Seasons have been keeping my focus. There's a good chance I've missed any feasible chance I have to accrue orbs before the Easter characters go away.
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ready ehhhh i guess>>84236 ok lets do 2
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re creators orange eromanga reorage
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so before we do re:creators I must confirm Ika you are good for three shows?
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We can just do two if you want. If we save one, I want it to be re:creators though.
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In that case we're doing eromanga sensei now. I'm orange. okay let's start
Erotic cartoons teacher
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Is that 8man?
An effeminate, less-jaded version.
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>not blood related
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looks like a show rika will love
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literally looks like teh same MC from oreimo nice job you hack
Incest is inferior if they're not actually blood-related.
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>>84243 but the hair is 8man so it's totally different
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>>84243 hachiman is a lot more gloomy. oh wait he looks like hachiman, not the guy from oreimo. He's an upbeat version of hachiman. He doesn't look anything like kyousuke. Kyousuke looks like kind of a douche. He's more lanky.
You're confusing your series.
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I think the face itself is very kyouske
Kyousuke looks better than this MC but hte imouto looks better than kirino
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looking better than kirino isn't hard
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It's not hard to look better than Kirino. Despite being a model, she's one of the ugliest anime charactres out there.
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is he mune-kun because he likes oppai?
I think he's Mune-kun because he's a Masamune.
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I want to be a hikii eromanga artist! It sounds like a good job.
You can't even draw though.
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I'd be surprised but your dreams have already shown you as a top tier pervert
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I can't read or write Japanese either.
Hah hah she's totally using Clip Studio.
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>>84257 Everyone has sex dreams.
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>>84260 i have not had this experience wow she used her butt as reference
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I hate authors who mercilessly kill off cute girls too.>>84261 You've never had a sex dream?
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Yes oh no his world is crumbling
Oh that's how the secret comes out. He should just confront her in person. Oh no she's gonna mess up.
>i don't want to see a dude strip
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Oh no, she forgot to turn off her stream!
Hah hah they thought he was her dad.
I wonder if she's going to go bitchy tsundere like Kirino now that her secret is out. Surely the author couldn't be that uncreative.
That's a really wobbly door. Oh wait does she know that he's the author?
He showed his face in public at an autographing session.
Holy fuck he does write a tonne.
He writes isekai as well. Wow far ahead
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So his sister knows that he writes, right? I mean she wouldn't make fun of him so much if she didn't.
I would assume she knows but I guess they haven't confirmed it- Oh he went and- Oh she didn't know. I guess she didn't pay attention to the autographing session.
shes gonna beat him up for killing her favourite
A slightly awkward situation of making erotic fiction with your little sister.
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I guess she didn't know.
She has a nice floop
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What a difficult little sister.
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Does she look like that zvezda girl
>>84289 That's par the course for every little sister. There's no such thing as a little sister that isn't difficult.
Hah hah she doesn't have a good reason for it.
Jokes on her he really is a LN protag
What a rika line
I bet she wants someone who would provide food if she stomped on the floor.
Say perhaps a maid?
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>>84294 Which one?
>>84297 I think if i leave my room, i've lost or something
A couple of my drawfag friends used to stream a bunch. Dunno how regularly they do that now.
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>>84298 It would be nice if I could get away with that.
dont let this show being not that bad so far distract you from the fact that the author made oreimo
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The heroine is fine this time though.
OreImo was fun enough before the drama kicked in. Back when it was just about playing games and learning about otaku culture.
Oh no She wants more skinship
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Oreimo was weird because he tried to go family values but his fans wouldn't let him. This seems like it will be different because they're obviously not blood related from the start.
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>>84306 Do we hinko note now?>>84311 do we orange
I guess a ClariS OP should have been expected.
Seeing people drawing always makes me want to draw.
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A good job where she can live like a hikki NEET and an onii-chan slave I'm really jealous of this girl
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Looks like some normie is coming to ruin her peace. okay, hinako note okay let's start!
I struggled to find that file. Okay ready now.
Step up daughter
the one with the ahoge looks like a best
wow she ate a book
orange looks the best
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This has a chance of being comfiest show this season.
this opening sucks
is the order a rabbit?
She turned into a nonowa
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>>84335 She does look kind of look like Cocoa-san. I think the key to being good with animals is to be gentle.
Oh yeah there may be more Coffee Cuties in the near future. There were some talk about it in /a/ threads earlier but the actual context escapes me.
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i like her design more than cocoa's
this one reminds me of Konata
The flat-top eyes, blue hair, ahoge, cat-mouth... What tipped you off?
Sakaguchi that damn traitor rip odasaku
>I eat my friends What a terrifying girl to be friends with.
an ojou maid is it rika
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I actually used the "I may not look it, but I'm actually..." line this week. Someone was underestimating me based on how young I look!
It's not like books have a good caloric content.
>>84350 Was it "I may not look like it, but I'm actually over thirty!"?
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Chese doria
Cheese doria is pretty good.
At least she isn't a bear miko
Japanese-style pastries are so good. Adzuki bean paste is really tasty.
She nonowa'd again.
I like Kuu-chan's voice. It's a good voice.
Oh yeah She wants to be in the theater with her anxiety problems
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That girl with the hair flaps reminds me of Konata.
You're really slow aren't you.
She just doesn't read anything the first three times it gets written. You need to say something like four or five times before she actually reads it.
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Rabbit pajamas!
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So far I like it. IT was worth fighting so hard to preserve the comfy pyramid for this show. I am now comfy.
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The non konta is a star they know
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the opening sucks i went back to watch it
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if it sucks why did you go back
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That's all for today right?
>>84393 i had to make sure that i wasnt wrong
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>>84391 It's not about how you start, it's about how you finish. thanks for anime!
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in contrast this bad show has a pretty good opening>>>/watch?v=KhYnIePifIg >>84407 uh huh but at least the designs are nice and the op is good
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That show is probably going to be really bad.
Oh I still have yet to catch up in that one.
try it i think its a monday show or sunday something like that
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oh yeah are there any shows you'd recommend that air during the week
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so far I like: sakura quest sagrada reset alice to zouroku
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plus a few of the things we watched tonight
Yeah there isn't much that has popped out this season yet. There's a lot of shows that have some cool attributes that are weighed down by other aspects of the show though. But if you haven't been watching Little Witch Academia you should go watch that because it has been a blast.
the latest LWA was a really good ep