As the Cat I bet Kyo doesn't really like getting in the water.
What Tohru lacks in intelligence she makes up for in HEART
The Tiger really doesn't miss any chance to make an insensitive comment.
Honestly he's just a kid so eh, but to be fair, the Soumas pretty consistently have really shitty parents. They either willingly give them up or develop such toxic relationships that the parents torment the kids. That the Tiger can't comprehend Tohru having // Oh yeah the girl was the Tiger. What was the boy again, hm. Rooster maybe? Either way with the way Soumas have such shitty parents it's not that weird that he can't comprehend Tohru having loving feelings for her mom.
It's so hard to keep track of some of the animals.
I can do it mostly by elimination. Shigure is the Dog, Yuki - Rat, Momiji - Rabbit, Kagura - Boar, Yuki's onii-chan - Snake, Haru - Cow, that one guy we saw once that likes to dress in women's kimonos - Monkey, Rin - Horse, Hatori - Dragon, the little girl - Tiger... Which leaves of the Zodiac twelve, the Rooster and ...
I think I always blank on the twelfth. Oh yeah Sheep/Ram Maybe that's what the bratty boy is.
Plus I don't think we've seen all them transform yet. A few of them I just remember from the manga.
I'd had a feeling each of her inner council members had a particular guy they favoured. Guess the serious one crushes on Nicol.
I thought Sophia might prefer to go for Catalina herself. After all Mary has gone full gay for her. But I guess she's championing for her brother instead.
Wow Alan's like a full on male aidoru for some of the girls in this society.
I bet that makes Mary happy. If one of them catches his eye better than she has then their engagement can break off and she can chase Catalina proper.
Guess this redhead's not a part of the Catalinabowl.
Her friend from her past life kinda looks like Sophia. Just with brown hair instead of white. Sophia did say she felt like they'd gone shopping like that some time long ago. I wonder if she's the only one that's been dumped into this new life.
I guess the fruits were already fermenting hah hah They're all getting drunk on them.
This is a great bit. If this show does a bunch of just comfy fantasy cooking that would be great. Who needs to go out and save the world when you can just make tasty food.
Again GOSH This show is absolutely gorgeous.
Hah hah oh no How does he keep getting eaten like this.
It looks like even in his limited intelligence he is realizing what a mistake he's getting into.
>>839872 I feel she might run off now that everyone else has shown up. She doesn't feel too good with social situations.
Oh, more elves. They seem to come in all sorts of ear shapes.
Hah hah it's the ... alpaca? Llama? It's these goofs again.
This series is really good at just constantly throwing weird beats at you.
I can't hear the Japanese pronunciation of Christina without always thinking back to Steins;Gate She even kinda sounds like a feminine Okabe saying it.
I feel like her heart's in the right place but this one guy seems like a bad idea to get a start on practicing negotiating.
The workshop sprawl of this time period is aesthetically cool to me. As technology improves we always find ways to pack factory work into denser and denser spaces.
But back then they didn't have that so things had to sprawl out. It's kind of a shame we lost that.
Yeah I can kinda see where you're coming from. Just art instead of books. And no magic.
>Asking the woman who makes a living off her body for advice on negotiating I feel this is gonna end up with things that make Arte uncomfortable hah hah.
Ah I guess she stuck to teaching her the wholesome tactics of being an attractive negotiator.
They're both kinda situated in a similar technocultural time period. I think Honzuki is probably a bit further back, kind of more of a late-Dark Ages timing. Where this is easier to place since it literally specifies as in the Renaissance.
A lot of the characters have similar kinds of vibes too though.
She seems to have entirely gotten over her dokidoki problems regarding Leo. I think if she was still like that, him mentioning how she seemed interested in him would have had her spilling spaghetti instead of responding positively.
Leo's master looks a bit more Leonardo da Vinci-y than he does. At least if I remember what he looks like from theoretical or maybe self portrait depictions.
One of these days I should go look what RBI even stands for. I don't really follow baseball but between the baseball anime we watch and the occasional stuff I do see I hear the term often enough that it kinda bugs me hah hah
They don't really put too much focus on the other players on other teams. There was like those two pitchers from the first team they played against.
i guess like we've talked about previously a full baseball team is already kind of a lot of characters for a CGDCT show so having the other players being relatively faceless is probably intentionally avoiding overcrowding the series.
After all the poor performance they had in the previous two episodes it's nice to see them playing well this game.
There's always a lot of thigh definition in this show. Someone on the animation staff seems to have a thing for them.