Heyo We're pretty much at the end of another week eh
Appare-Ranman! Episode 1-2 Fugou Keiji Balance - Unlimited Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 16-17 Jashin-chan Dropkick' Episode 5-11 Kakushigoto Nami yo Kiitekure Episode 1-3 Plunderer Yesterday wo Utatte
HorribleSubs still hasn't done a re-release for Tamayomi to fix the QUALITY release but [Erai-Raws] does have a V2 that is the better version. As a reminder Erai-Raws does have subtitles despite their name so it's pretty much exactly the same as HorribleSubs, they just rip from the translated simulcast. I don't know if they do XDCC releases though.
okay appare ep 1 i have no idea what these are okay lets start!
I think Appare is a kind of Meiji-era The Amazing Race across America by a samurai and a low-caste Japanese engineer after they get shipwrecked and end up in LA. It kinda sounds like a neat premise and it's a P.A. Works original. >>833709 Beep boop Rika
weird cars big cars fancy cars
Yeah there's a whole lotta cars. I guess there's some liberty with historical accuracy for the sake of style. That's fine though.
The marks at the side of his face are weird.
i love long drives id love to do a marathon drive like that
There's a kind of romance to it, isn't there.
That's one of the reasons I'm really hoping the JoJo's anime adaptation get to part seven eventually, since it's a cross-America race like this, full of weird JoJo characters. Though in that case it's on horseback rather than car, for the most part.
they're not wasting any time on setup at all...
I bet we're getting some set-up after the OP. Wouldn't be surprised if we don't actually get back to the race until the end of the episode.
this could end up being either okay or meh i dont see it hitting either extreme
P.A. Works originals tend to be all over the place. They usually have pretty solid starts at the least. Occasionally you get a home run like Shirobako at least.
Most of them fall into a range like Sakura Quest I think, where they're good but not stellar.
And then occasionally you get a Glasslip and gosh it's just plain weak.
mediocrity isn't a bad thing
What an atypical petty samurai lord hah hah Though I guess for the crime of wrecking his garden Appare's lucky he didn't get outright executed.
I kinda like his style, though the colours are a bit eccentric. And the rope bow on the back is particularly weird.
Steam machinery is definitely pretty cool though. If we get some nice visual focus on it for this series I'd be pretty happy.
That's not a very well-hidden escape route. The hole doesn't even blend in with the ground and the door sticks out too.
where'd he get the money for this
Maybe despite his family's grumbling they still look out for him and provide for him. Plus the Meiji Era was a time of a lot of reconstruction and infrastructure-building, maybe it was easier to get component parts for machinery.
Neat to see them using historical measurements like ri and what the Japanese called compass-directions at the time.
hmm that was interesting we'll see on it time for another new one!
nami yo kitekite
yyeah i have yesterday 3 as well
oaky let's start!
can't say im sold on it yet there's still time for it to make an impression though
ready for nami
(what episode for Yesterday after this?)
Should be episode three for Yesterday.
I think Nami is another older-focus drama. Probably won't have the sentimental charm of Yesterday. But I dunno it's been a while since I looked at the synopsis for the new shows.
Wait bears don't woof
you dont know that
I do know that!
what major plot point did i miss from yesterday 2? brief is fine
Hm, Sensei cut her hair, used to love a guy from her hometown who died when she was in highschool, and she and the MC agreed it was impossible to keep being friends because of the tension between them now after his rejection.
thanks that's rough i think i woulda liked that episode
If you've got the free time over the weekend I'd still recommend going back to look at it. There's a few other details I skipped over and there was some Haru stuff despite her being not the focus of the episode.
yeah i will i was considering watching it right now instead of this but this caught my eye
this might be good
I don't know if I missed it but I don't know why this lady is doing her broadcast staring down a bear.
Oh it's just an act. That makes more sense.
yeah it's just her internal stage to shake off the anxiety i think?
She's a radio show host! You gotta talk a lot for that.
>>833747 Yeah, that or her show has some silly gag to it where she's always in some kind of nightmare situation. I could see that being something a Japanese radio show would do for a gimmick.
oh hm now im more confused im not sure what they're up to
It sounds like her producer had a plot in mind where she'd get munched on by the bear but she's taking it off the rails.
How does anyone focus on the actual stuff she's reading though with this bit going on hah hah
I feel kinda bad for her show's staff. It seems like she makes a lot of work for them.
This woman's kind of a beautiful disaster.
>YUKI when the OP was playing i was just thinking how id love some new YUKI tracks
He name-dropped Utada Hikaru too. Weird little bundle of classic idols there.
September Brew Moon
i like this girl she's relatable
Yeah, she's pretty charming.
Did she hear herself on a live show or something. Or did they replace her without telling her and she's pissed now. I don't quite get how I'm supposed to be reading this.
this is in the past i think i thought he // i dunno exactly >>833761 it's nice background
>>833760 I think I'm getting it now yeah. The bear show was probably in media res and the part where she was bitching at this guy in the bar was the real story start. She probably ranted at him for hours after she blacked out drunk and this rant was all from that.
yeah, that's what i was tracking, that he was playing her conversation from the bar she got pissed and headed down there and that's how she ended up with this job where she fills up airspace with weird anxious chatter
i like this
She's quite the character. It's nice to have such an energetic MC hah hah
There's something a little heartwarming about a woman so angry she'll announce a manhunt for her ex on live radio.
These two shows kinda have some overlap. Both deal with young adults a bit adrift in life. Though the energy levels are quite different.
She's pretty content to just stand out in the rain in nothing more than a sweater.
the rain feels great
Episode three with still no OP By now I wonder if it's a choice or if they're just still working on it.
Well they're not making good of their intents to quit being friends. Not that it's the kind of thing that really just happens overnight. You can't really just agree to not be friends anymore, unless it comes off the explosion of a bad fight or something.
She's working real hard to win Rikuo over. What a nice girl.
this town has such a cozy atmosphere im intensely envious
it really feels like honey and clover in a lot of respects
maybe they'll wait a few eps and then reveal a yuki OP
A lot of these satellite towns in Japan are super cozy. The Japanese really understand how to blend residential and small commercial together to make a good community. I wish more parts of the world did urban design like they do.
>creepy mass media type dude straight from that last show into this one
I hope he doesn't ditch his date with Haru for this. It's important to look after people who are sick but Sensei is still young! She can probably handle a day or two of illness.
these homes are so cozy too and the 4-pack eggs aaaa
Oh it wasn't intentional he overslept. Still a doofus for trying to juggle too many obligations. But I guess that doesn't make it entirely his fault.
Aaaah bad communication
I guess there probably wasn't really a good route out of that nightmare though.
id love working at a convenience store in such a cozy place
Yeah, I'm not big on working in retail environments. But Japanese conbini are pretty nice places.
Hah hah She couldn't make a run for it since the light was red. Oh but now she's holding up the van.
Being able to get coffee delivered from a small cafe that probably really cares about the coffee they make sounds fantastic. You can do that with places like McDonald's or Starbucks here, but I can't think of an independent cafe I've been to that offers that.
Mayuri was also way more ungrounded. She like perpetually had her head in the clouds. Or at least pretended to in part to avoid making trouble for people.
Haru seems much more grounded.
That was adorable at the end though. She's a really nice character. The manga this is adapting is pretty old I think. Weird they slept on it for so long.
This really feels a lot like a continunation of SZS.
The humour is definitely right in that same boat. Kakushigoto though also has a ll these wholesome bits and earnest struggles of raising a daughter as a single dad too. That's kind of like a little extra icing on top of a cake as far as it goes though.
>They haven't asked me to do a coloured page in years Ouch
JK-chan is cute.
Hah hah the eyes on that bust
There are some mangaka who are pretty skilled at art overall. Like Naruto's mangaka is properly trained from years in art school. And JoJo's mangaka has spent a lot of time over the years practicing fundamental skills.
But then you get people like Oda, One Piece's mangaka, who basically just has his style and that's it. There's nothing wrong with that of course he's just an example of an artist that went deep into one style.
I think that you need to stufy fundamental stuff to be a good manga artist. people who never deviate from "their style" don't improve nearly as much.
you can always be a storyboard artist without any art skills just visual writing let someone else do the actual illustrations
>>833816 There's lot of approaches to getting better. Studying the fundamentals is definitely the most straightforward route to improvement and that usually translates into improvement speed, yeah. But you can make up for straightforwardness with sheer work. Which is usually what inevitably happens when you're making a weekly manga serialization hah hah. It's not like they've got the free time to go study the fundamentals anyway.
This is such a good song for the ED man. Right out of the 1980s Japanese music scene.
Duroppu kikku >>833822 Just to make sure did you get season two episode five? They dumped the whole season on us so there isn't a clear indicator which is the most recent episode.
Cute tote bag though
i saw a mahjong scene in one screencap from this dropped on the mahjong general
Yeah it got my hopes up when I saw it in the PV It just ended up being like a single shot gag though.
nice lip synching
>You left out Pekola Who the fuck is ignoring Pekola I'm gonna beat them up
Mandrakes? >>833832 Are you sure you're watching season two, episode five?
To answer the question of mandrakes though, the actual plant does look vaguely humanoid and because it's got apothocaric purposes it has a long history of being associated with witchcraft and the occult. So I guess somewhere along the lines its humanoid nature made people think it's sentient and screams when uprooted.
all plants actually scream when plucked! it's just outside human range of audible frequencies
that's why bats live in caves instead of in trees! it's too noisy there for them
Sure but mandrakes in myth audibly scream!
There's been a lot of good Yurine faces this episode.
Any misfortune Jashin suffers is generally deservedly received. She's quite the villain at times.
Hah hah hah
This is actually somewhat true! As a part of the season two marketing campaign they did to get this season greenlit they had the characters from the show do some VTuber stuff. They're probably not famous but the VTuber stuff was likely a good boost for this series getting its second season.