Ahiru no Sora Appare-Ranman! Episode 1-2 Fugou Keiji Balance - Unlimited Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 16-17 Jashin-chan Dropkick' Episode 4-11 Nami yo Kiitekure Episode 1-3 Plunderer Episode 14-15 To aru Kagaku no Railgun Tower of God Yesterday wo Utatte
There's also an episode of Tamayomi that came out for today, but the streaming service that HorribleSubs rips from for some reason got an AWFUL quality version of the episode so it looks particularly dreadful. Like it's not even a matter of just a quality episode, the TV raws for the show that aired in Japan look miles better than the international streaming version.
Sure this wasn't exactly a series of quality in the first place but this is literally the same shot between the two versions and the bottom one is what the HorribleSubs rip looks like apparently. So I was gonna give it maybe a day or two to see if there's a fansub group that'll sub the better raws or if the official ones that HS rips will get a better version.
Unless you don't particularly care and want to watch it anyway.
Apparently this episode doesn't even have a finished OP or ED, which is weird since previous episodes have already had it. So might be that it's a demo version of the episode that Funi had on hand to do translation on and they just goofed up and published the demo episode instead of transferring the subtitles to the final release before publishing it.
so they're really suffering the quality is pretty bad
It's not as good as the more idol-esque girls playing baseball show.
some of those screens are pretty funny okay lets start
Well seems like it might've been a placeholder epiosde that got released instead of the actual finished product. Like I said there's TV raws from Japan out already that look on the level of quality the rest of the show's had so far.
When I was talking with my imouto yesterday about shows we've been watching she mentioned she wants to give Kuroko no Basuke a spin hah hah
Looks like Afroguy is having a bit of a Zetsubou moment after all the bullying he's been getting this game.
Tobi's kind of a dick but he's a pretty doting onii-chan If only he'd mellow out elsewise.
The girls and boys teams are developing a pretty comfortable rapport with each other. They've come quite the way from the boys being just a bunch of delinquents that no one took seriously.
Her number is a lot different. That's a bad place for a number.
It seems to be tied to her real powers or something. Since the number she carries on her breast does seem to change as people like her food like she established early on.
Jail ended up being a pretty decent guy. I thought at first he'd be like a dogged lawful good kind of antagonist to Licht but he got buddy-buddy and helpful fast.
hmm so railgun? nah i've got this loaded so let's just do it
okay lets start!
Unless you want to try one of the new things.
Yeah same.
Gunha is TOUGH
The process of evolving to Level 6 is cool though. Accelerator kinda did similar stuff when he started the process too. The further you get into Level 6 territory the more and more alien and inhuman you get.
Another callback to a previous story arc of Railgun. Kihara's now used both Level Upper and Multiskill, the weird stuff that formed the major story arcs of previous Railgun series.. Makes you wonder if their previous involvements were just him test-driving the powers for this plan.
the purse and gloves don't go with her school or hym uniform
It is kinda weird, yeah. I wonder if she's got something about touching other people. Carrying a purse kinda makes sense she she seems to need to keep some technology close at hand, plus the foci of the remote to use her powers.
But she could choose the style of accessory better.
Tech Support Uiharu always ends up being really critical to coming out on top of these situations.
Yeah I was gonna say hah hah Kuroko only just got out of being in a wheelchair like yesterday tops. She's sure getting beat up a lot.
She's still got it in her head she can out play Kihara.
Geez Persephone no need to dismantle Jashin's ego like that.
>Let's change the title >Titlecard in the OP has actually been changed
An unusual slip-up from Yurine. She's normally more capable than that.
Hah hah they're talking about the Olympics. Too bad it's been postponed. The production for this anime was probably done before the pandemic started getting serious though.
Oh she's got legs again.
Jashin really takes every chance she gets to bully the little yuki onna
Chinese vampire?
Though yeah I thought she seemed kinda jiang-shi-poi.