Brand New Animal Appare-Ranman! Arte Black Clover Fugou Keiji Balance - UNLIMITED Gleipnir Episode 1-2 Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 15-16 Houkago Teibou Nisshi Episode 1-2 Jashin-chan Dropkick' Episode 3-11 Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Episode 1-2 Plunderer Episode 12-13 Princess Connect! Re Dive To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 10-11 Yesterday wo Utatte Episode 1-2
>>830505 We were planning on doing PriCon and Listeners before we tapped in Dorohedoro. I wanted to do Kaugya and we ended up doing that instead of Jashin-chan.
They already HAVE power levels too! That's supposed to be the whole point of the petals on the clover on your grimoire. But that's not been a thing for like a hundred episodes I guess.
>Mock training Oh no are we getting another tourney arc.
Most of the squad captains are nobility to begin with I'm sure they don't really care about having a reduced salary.
The full version of this I found on YouTube is way louder naturally. The way it's kind of quiet in this TV size is kind of a shame because it's got a lot going for it.
Well she sprouted rabbit ears for a moment there. Seems like whatever turned her into a beastperson reacts to her needs and gives her suitable body parts.
>>830522 sorry to hear that... it's messed up my business too, and my mom caught it and had a bad time. i am patiently awaiting for things to go back to normal. hard to have fun in a world where everything is closed.
The colours in this series are kind of pretty desaturated. It makes for a neat stylistic thing. Still like Kill La Kill and even FranXX were really saturated and brightly coloured.
>Gets given a smartphone >Throws it away hours later
>>830563 Yeah I'm not really getting the stringy arms either. She did it in the last episode too when she was trying to get out of the cage with the kids. There was also the ballooning tail she had going on. So yeah, some of her weirdness doesn't seem to be strictly animal-related.
princess connect 2 took a little longer than i anticipated to finish baka hour okay lets start
We can probably get to it reliably starting next weekend! PriCon and Hamafura both air over the weekend so it should be easy to consistently lime them up.
Oh yeah this is the character I've seen on social media before.
I'm not sure how I feel about Pecorine's catchphrase of "yabai". It kinda makes her sound like a gal-type character but nothing else about her really lines up with that.
Oh no.
The MC is really nonchalant about being in the dragon's maw.
I'm guessing she'll survive this with the power of stupid
It looks like she got a clean hit on its head at least. Oh Karyl's magic wore off there.
Oh no MC-kun
I guess all the girls in the main cast are gonna be princesses or princess-y roles. Pecorine is a human princess, the elf girl seems to be the daughter of her clan's leader, Karyl was talking about having a Princess Knigh power.
Pecorine seems to take the lead for that one at least though. MC aside of course since he seems to have a literal INT of 3. But Pecorine seems to be within the normal range of human intelligence while still being a Hard Baka.
Everyone needs friends!
Guildhomes in shows like this are always so comfy. I'm kinda envious of having these chummy communal houses full of good friends.
How many Miuras are there in Japan. Famous ones at least.
Hah hah Spirityus I'm pretty sure that's that famous Polish vodka that's like 95% alcohol.
Oh right yeah Mahjong. Aw that didn't last long at all.
I think this was a fair moment for Jashin to get angry with the lady. Letting your kids run rampant around while fiddling with your phone is pretty irresponsible.
All the characters in this are pretty ridiculous. There isn't really a hard normal type. Aside from maybe the cow demon girl but she's also like, never the spotlight of anything.