You've been pretty consistently absent Sunday nights for a while now. I know things are wonky for you right now but I'd appreciate it if you'd make a concerted effort to try and be here, or otherwise just be clear you won't.
I'm more than a bit stressed out and kind of taut right now myself and this uncertainty is really not a welcome addition to that.
Yeah, my bad. The lack of structure is really killing me.
You're a competent human being! Now more than ever it's important to make sure you've got your own self-routine. It's hard to establish but on a mental level it really helps to have that stability. Set a schedule into your phone, or double down on alarms to make sure you're waking up at the time you want to.
Brand New Animal Appare-Ranman! Arte Fruits Basket Fugou Keiji Balance - UNLIMITED Gleipnir Episode 1-2 Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 15-16 Houkago Teibou Nisshi Jashin-chan Dropkick' Episode 3-11 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai S2 Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Episode 1-2 Plunderer Episode 12-13 Princess Connect! Re Dive To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 10-11 Yesterday wo Utatte Episode 1-2
Everything is falling apart a bit, not just my anime schedule. Can't be helped, hoping things get back to normal soon.
sec while i get organized
I meant a broader personal schedule, not just anime. A lot of people are encountering a similar problem with life now. They've been supported for so long by external schedules of school or work or similar structures that now that it's been pulled away they don't have supports to rely on.
I can't speak perfectly reliably about your neck of the woods but most forecasts for North America don't see safe, reliable return to normal for another couple months at least. At that point I think just hope is a fool's errand. If you really want normalcy back, you're going to have to take some initiative.
You know they're bad when they have that red shading on their eyes
He's just really a hateful man. Literally full of hate.
Tohru's survived this long being unflailingly positive that things will work out. Not thinking about the hard things is a pretty effective survival strategy.
At least until the hard things are all inescapable.
I've never liked this metaphor, or similar ones, for when you're overwhelmed with too much that it seems to drown you.
People always say you just got to start with what you can do. But I don't understand how that's supposed to take your attention away from the fact that there's still a monumental pile ahead of you.
I think it's a do your best to survive kinda thing.
The first half of this series was a lot more focused on the character exhibition and building up the world of the Souma family. Almost makes you forget it is a shoujo series. And you know how it goes. Can't have a shoujo without romance drama.
time for baka hour I put these two shows together on purpose
hamefura okay lets start!
Hah hah nice. I didn't catch that at first.
I've REALLY come to like this OP. I mean it was great in the first episode but I've been listening to it a lot in the week since and man it's so good.
angela's OP/EDs are always excellent.
hey, did you finish dorohedoro
>>830135 Not yet, no, we still have episodes eleven and twelve. I forgot to put in the remaining Winter 2020 shows into today's list but those episodes are still part of what's remaining.
Catarina already has two boys chasing her. What a talented young girl.
She's ruined this girl's image a bit since she's remembered her old life.
From how her mother talks it feels like even the previous Catarina was a bit of a troublemaker though. But I bet more of a spoiled brat than this agent of chaos she's become now.
>>830149 i'll see if i can catch up on some stuff everything's so bleh right now so i dunno
Fruits Basket is running again if you want something healing-y. We haven't gotten around to the new Honzuki no Gekokujou episodes this season since there's just so much to watch through but there's also that this season.
Looks like hse used stupidity to befriend this one too. but now the boys are fighting.
what's the time on hamefura? i got ep 2
kay thanks
17:30 Er wit 17:25 17:30 17:35 17:40
>>830157 I feel more than befriending she's outright getting points with him. If it keeps up he'll totally be crushing on her by the time the game's starting.
In Geordo's case Alan might be spot on. He is supposed to be the black-hearted prince who hides his cruelty behind a gentle smile.
So the premise of this moon is that she got isekaied into a girl in a VN but it was the bitchy rival who always gets the bad end of being killed or exiled
and she's trying to be nice and avoid that but she's really stupid
oh yeah i think i heard about it i heard there was something like that but i didnt know it was this
it sounds fun
She really is a super baka Though to her credit she -is- managing to throw the backstory to the game she's been isekai'd into off its rails.
is ebisu supposed to be one of those youkai things
there's some mythical japanese creature that's just like a tiny snake i dont really know what's mythical about it aaa what's the name
>>830169 Tsuchinoko She kinda resembles it but they don't have legs.
To me she kinda looks like an Ebi(shrimp)su
yeah that one
i hope we get more of this
we haven't really even touched the overall plot...
It was a decently long series, right? It's defintely the kind of thing that would need more than a single season.
i think it'd need at least 6 cour if it wanted to cover the main stuff at the pace they're going anyway
wow that's pretty intense metal, as the kiddos would say
Whoever could imagine the entrance to hell resides in a dumpster.
at least we're finally seeing some of en's story i dont remember any of this stuff honestly
En really embodies that fictional romanticization of the Yakuza it feels like. Tough and violent mob boss but someone who's loyal to his minions and is trying to make the world a better place.
yeah en doesn't have any of the generic villain feel to him he's more like an antihero or something
this series has really deep and interesting characters
Poor Nikaidou She's become just a doll for En's purpose.
Kaiman what the hell.
pieman lmao
Maa, ikka
Hah hah Kaiman's even using "atashi" like a proper feminine person.
this other guy still skeeves me out he's got like a sweater made of skin that covers his face too it's weird
He kinda reminds me of that blue furry guy from the X-Men.
it's really fun watching shin go wild with his hammer he certainly seems to enjoy it
Oh that was a stylish transition.
that's a pretty relatable somber mood of kaiman's when someone's moved on and you just have to let go he doesn't know she's controlled though
Kaiman's pie mask doesn't make sense. His eyes are really close to the goggles but his actual face has the alligator snout which means his eyes would be further back realistically.
Hah hah hah Sasuga En. All it takes is one good mushroom pie and a winner is declared.
i wonder if you can live off only mushrooms i really like mushrooms >>830206 the thing is, he's probably doing it purely for selfish reasons but they have that kinda connection i guess
i don't think kaiman considers other people's feelings much, if at all
>>830211 Looks like the soundtrack, OP single, ED singles as well as full album, are all on Nyaa.
yeah im gonna get it then it's been an S-tier soundtrack
Know_Name do some great music composition. It's a shame Fairy Gone ended up being such a weak series because I was looking forward to their music for it. Grimgar was made way better by their contribution and they've been a great addition to this too.
This is a serious fight but Kaiman's going around in a super cutesy dress.
i think this guy's just wishing for nikaido to die because he's jealous? i can't tell
Yeah he was En's paatonaa and now he's been ursurped by Nikaidou. He's totes jealous.
That was not Kaiman's head there. What a mystery.
What an interesting coincidence. And what a nice devil.
she's been doing okay given the circumstances chemo kept getting pushed back due to an infection and another cyst that had to be removed, and some other complications
at this point, chemo still hasn't started, which im going to conclude is a good thing given that coronavirus came along this would be a bad time to be in the middle of chemo treatment
it's maintenance chemotherapy since it's HER2+ which is aggressive and might come back, but the surgery already removed it so maintenance chemo is standard protocol afterwards. that's the only reason it's been able to get pushed back
she's having some complication though which we're going to get checked out tomorrow morning it might be nothing or it might be something, we dunno yet
thanks for asking
Oh no she fucking poisoned him
Hayasaka is the real strongest
>>830245 Cancer is scary and a lot of uncertainty. Hopefully things keep okay.
Oh yeah this series is kind of fun since they totally don't beat around the bush that highschool students fuck.
All four of them are spying on these two now gosh.
Oh right. Fujiwara's board games.
>It's your fault for having such a beatable body Gosh
It really is. They come up with weird fortune predictions for all sorts of stuff. That's why you always see things like blood type come up, for people that want to do compatiblity or personalty fortunes for blood typing.
I'm looking forward to Iino's appearance this season. She rounds out the student council with a certain autsy bitchiness that it lacks.