As in keeping around in the thread checking for people posting, hah hah. Evidently yes. My brain was a little scrambled I'd pretty much just clawed myself out of a nap and was typing on my phone as I was still waking up.
There's only one episode out we can't fill five slots with it. >>753940 No! We don't have the leniency for this! I am a servant of EFFICIENCY here I can't abide such a transgression!
Reaaaady. This is another isekai of the season. I really know nothing else about it.
>>753944 There's unfortunately a real oversaturation of them in Japan even still. I still like giving them a chance since there's some real unique ones to be found out there. Honzuki is an isekai but I think it's got a lot of cuteness and charm to it.
The template is kind of exhausting so there's junk often because of it, but there's still quality occasionally in the junk.
It kind of makes sense that a dragon would show up to an airplane crash. Something like a smoking airplane would probably seem like to it a sudden intrusion of a rival creature.
>So there's magic here too Don't be silly girl there's no such thing as magic on Earth.
Have these bumpkin dweebs never Oh it was mayonnaise not butter. Who puts mayonnaise on baked potatoes.
gravy would have made more sense
Yeah, either gravy or butter. Though the Canadian in me would espouse chiisu too. Even just a nice, melty cheese over hot potato in any form is pretty delicious.
i like to put eggs in mashed potatoes but it doesn't keep well that way it has to be eaten right away it gets gross when it cools down
Eggs have always been a key part of potato salad in my experience. And it's also why I'm not -- sorry one moment.
How the fuck did she get cellphones to communicate with each other they're not equipped with the radios to emit signals that powerful.
It's also why I'm not particularly big on potato salad, as opposed to just mashed potatoes with a bit of extra like milk or butter mixed in. But I'm not really a big fan of eggs to begin with.
I wonder if they'll set up their own mini state around this village they've arrived in. They've got the people to get it started up.
i had like three whole walls full of books i couldn't take when me anymore im really sad about it
thank gosh for the internet though it's not the same but it eases the pain
with me*
Yeah, I hope I can figure out how to bring my books with me when I have to leave.
Wow so she just hijacked this little girl's body in another world.
Squishy faces
Who keeps their sick kid in a room dusty and unclean like this geez.
i think i'll like this one
Yeah I've seen a bit of chatter about the series from before the animation started and I had a feeling it'll be nice.
Using chopsticks to keep your hair up is a nice look. I like it.
I like that they're also being pretty realistic about the living conditions in this isekai. Compared to the cleanliness of our modern world, a more Medieval or early Rennaisance-era world like this- Oh those are some rather well maintained stonebrick streets maybe it's further into the Rennaisance than I thought. Though well real world analogues for technological eras like those tend to poor tools to understand technological levels of fantasy worlds.
Still either way at this level of development everyone's gonna be unwashed and everything's gonna STINK if you haven't grown up in it.
it certainly has the passion that a lot of isekai lack
Hah hah butchers shops are probably a big culture shock too.
>>753978 They're being honest about the worser parts of living in this level of technological development, yeah. It's neat.
Oh no she finally found a book and got stonewalled by ADULT PRAGMATISM.
it's a pretty gypsy tactic to get children or animals to do the stealing for you not that this is that area but im sure it's a common historical trend
Yeah I can see the sense in it. Plus it's just plain strange for a kid to suddenly be bowing to you begging to hold a pricey object like that. I think any sensible adult would be cautious.
Oh, weaving tools like that are always kind of charming.
This series was another one with a lot of charm and heart. There was a lot of care that went into making the world around the characters very well realized. Stuff like that is always a treat for me.
YEah This isn't really isekai but it is nice and healing
her clothes are pretty stylish this ep
This little beastchild really reminds me of a Pokemon hah hah.
It also reminds me Beastars is airing this season. That one's all sorts of anthropomorphic animals so it might be a bit weird. But it's animated by the 3D CGI studio that did Houseki no Kuni so I really want to check it out.
>My magic isn't very powerful That's not really the idea I got from seeing her use it
Running a fantasy tavern sure seems like busy work.
The girl with her is Unicorn. She's the best healer in the game.
Yeah I'm a bit familiar with Unicorn. Not in terms of gameplay though, hah hah, I'm completely unfamiliar with that. But Unicorn's a pretty popular boat amongst a certain subset of degenerates, as I'm sure you're aware.
I kind of liked how the Kancolle anime handled it, having to install it manually before battle. But I guess it makes as much sense either way, considering the base premise is already a little crazy.
I always though it was interesting that they named the super peaceful exploration spaceship after the most succesful warship in history.
I know that the original series was not quite as peaceful as those after but still.
>>754033 Yeah. I'm sure it's mostly just for the name recognition. Maybe there's an argument for the idea that America could make repriations for the brutality of war it waged with its warships by passing the name on to a ship devoted to peaceful exploration. But what do I know I never really watched Star Trek hah hah.
Gah, scrolled all the way down to M, couldn't find it. Scrolled back up to E, still couldn't find it. Finally remembered the show title starts with Lord, so L.
My downloads folder is getting pretty chunky I ought to cut some of it down.
Touka Travel is another Tsukihime/Kara no Kyoukai reference I believe. There's a character in both by the name of Touka that has considerable importance as a mage.
Hah hah what a fucking name. As expected of a magus.
This might fulfil your requirement of bullshit for the mystery solution. As far as I can think of, there hasn't really been any observable evidence that this guy swapped places with Waver's student. Like he said himself, he pretty much traced him perfectly.
I wonder what Servant type she is though. Oh maybe she's been summoned without a real type. Complete with new silly class name even.
Oh yeah hah hah. Iskandar in Fate/Zero really isn't likely a historically accurate depiction of the historical figure. It's interesting to see them bring that up.
Nice to see that Waver got his Iskandar cloth back at least.
His Mystic Eyes are really powerful though. Being able to make real again any effect that happened in that spot. The longer you fight against something like that the more stacked the deck gets against you.
Wow this entire train is a cannon fueled by Mystic Eyes. I guess it trashes the eyes after it uses them though, which considering how much money they go for. Makes that a real pricey cannon shot.
It's nice that Mystic Eyes, with how absurdly OP they can get, have that pretty basic weakness. That you can't enact them on something you can't see.
Hah hah that's a real Waver-poi result for him though. He makes such a brave speech and then instantly collapses afterwards.