i especially like how the tiles are drawn this is really cute
Did you have fun tonight?
Ace of Diamond Bem Black Clover Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 10-12 Lord El-Melloi II Episode 12-13 Machikado Mazoku Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai Episode 8-12 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator UchiMusume Episode 10-12
We should be seeing the new stuff of the Fall season starting up tomorrow. Though this is still kind of the dead week between seasons. ... Even though there's like four or five shows coming up tomorrow. Aside from those though and Azur Lane and maybe one other show we won't be seeing anything until Friday or Saturday.
Oh yeah last week's episode was a stealth recap. This series is still like one and a half or two and a half long-arcs ahead of the manga it's such a waste of time.
I mean it does but it's weird how little attention has been paid to it they didn't even go "hey they made me an elf but the fire in my heart shone brighter than the elf so it's okay" they just ignored the fact that he was an elf
One of the elves remarked on that at least. Or came to a kind of conclusion that was inline with that.
Maybe we'll get a more concrete reason why once everyone is done fussing over an army of elves trying to genocide the human race.
Oh I guess that's a valid theory. Asta might be able to black hole out the elf mana from the elf'd people.
Well stabbing him in the chest is a funny way of saving him but I bet it will work anyway.
Plus Asta's sword is weird and seems to have a blunt tip to it too. So it's probably the same as just clubbing the guy in the sternum. Which, y'know, probably still hurts a bunch and might break some of his ribs. But it won't break the flesh.
... Did we really need to rewind this far back after the commercial cut.
I'd figure he's just not too worried since Yuno seems still Yuno. Plus elf Yuno is even stronger than normal Yuno so it's useful to keep around too.
I wonder how many captains aren't elf'd. We've seen the Blue lady and Painting shota are elf'd. Fireguy and his sister are both fine, along with Yami and those two captains that were in prison.
Oh yeah and this loser of a captain. Noelle's onii-san.
I guess the elf that took over is a lot like he is.
Yeah, the elves all seem to echo the humans they inhabit. Or I guess it's more accurate to say the humans echo the elves, since the humans are the souls of the elves reincarnate.
Ah looks like some of the Black Bulls are going to have to square off against Luck. A pretty predictable result really.
I guess Amante isn't out of the series though. Unlike Wise and Medhi's moms, looks like she'll be a recurring villain.
This is just a theory I've got going but With how the evil-ness of the arc villains have so far been tied to items I bet the one supplying them with their evil items is Porta's mom, considering the mothers always mirror the abilities of their children
Not that theorycrafting matters much since this is the season finale. This series has been selling relatively well though. At least in comparison to other stuff that's been airing this season.
oh that's an interesting theory i guess that wraps up anime thanks for the shows!