ragnaros dead week 2 of classic release please release me from this autismal hell i have become
You could just not play a shitty fifteen-year-old MMO.
if only it were that easy instead im the GM and now to bed after being up all night attuning people and then raiding
Okay goodnight Suggy
Mad impressed dude I'm still over here running noobs through DM/WC/RFK/SM/RFD/Ulda to steal their noob gold
what class do you main my guy paladin here
>>747039 d i s g u s t i n g don't even look near me
>>747038 you'll get there buddy just remember to invest in pristine black diamonds/larval acid for dire maul release and elemental earth for way later in aq ;) >>747039 went a rogue this time still farming my dal rends set, the off hand eludes me >>747099 this but unironically
>>747099 that won't be a problem i don't even look at the screen half the time >>747374 one day i'll make it big and ninja the eye of sulfuras so i can respec to ret and get blacklisted