Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Episode 7-8 Bem Cop Craft DanMachi Dr. Stone Fruits Basket Granbelm HenSuki Isekai Cheat Magician Episode 6-8 Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 8-9 YU-NO Episode 18-21 Lord El-Melloi II Episode 7-9 Machikado Mazoku Maou-sama, Retry! Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai Episode 7-9 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator UchiMusume
Pigtails sure is in a rough situation. She probably doesn't want to betray either of her friends but in being a good friend to either she's gonna be hurting the other.
If there's no sign of Moon we could maybe tap in some of the other stuff that's on the list. Well Dr. Stone is probably fine to watch either way.
But considering there's stuff like Bem or DanMachi or HenSuki, Accelerator, Arifureta, or Isekai Cheat, we might as well keep stuff like ... well most of that list you put together, hah hah, for when Moon's around. I'm good when you are.
Better cooking like that is a pretty much indisputable boon for a stone age society anyway.
They shift tone fast.
Oh this guy was on the cover of a magazine someone had in hand in some scene back from the past. Though I don't think he had white hair at that point. I guess he's someone special.
I think he's having trouble getting enough heat, though. Heat can be hard.
Yeah, but he's not even making charcoal! Burning wood can only produce so much heat, that's why he needs all this man power to stoke the flames for additional heat. Charcoal can be burned to produce more intense heat, which would reduce the increased oxygen flow (the physical flame stoking) needed to attain the necessary heat to melt the iron.
He could also build a more efficient furnace that naturally ramps up air flow through the set-up.
It's just weird to me that they've got someone helping them with the scientific detals -details of this series, evidently, but the research seems to only be going like 80% of the way. Hell, the stuff I've been talking about can be found on YouTube.
Harnessing the power of lightning just like good ol' Ben Franklin!
Yeah. Good think the storm conveniently dissipated.
Hah hah magnets.
This shady guy is kind of a useful add-on to Senku's party though. Senku's never really been great when it comes to charisma and Kohaku is kind of equally inept. Having someone that can sell what Senku's trying to do is useful.
Only took them nine episodes to get electric light!
I wonder what he plans to do with a generator that can be used to fight though.
what do you want to watch next?
DanMachi, HenSuki, or Accelerator would work for me. Out of those I'm probably most interested in HenSuki but I know you like to put that one towards the end of a night so I'm fine with it being later.
I'd kind of guessed it was something like that. It's rather peculiar to need a specific race's soul to work though. I wonder if Ishtar had been preparing for a plan like this for a while. She seems to have some real beef with Freya.
Well if that's the purpose of that choker then yeah, I'd bet Ishtar has been keeping her around for a while, trying to get her hands on a Killing Stone.
For a show about a dungeon full of monsters, there's a lot of stuff that happens on the surface.
Yeah. I think there's some people that theorize this was the kind of story the author wanted to write. There's a reason DanMachi has the subtitle of Familia Myth. But the premise was too fantastical to sell to a publishing house, so it got tweaked to sell on being a dorky boy that wants to be a cool dungeon-delving hero to pick up girls. And after the series got popular, the author felt more confident about drifting away from that stuff and getting back to the story they wanted to write in the first place.
These Amazonesses really are persistent about being able to get with Bell.
I guess she's trying to help out even though she's charmed.
Yeah. She's probably caught between being charmed by Ishtar and that she is kind of an older sister to Haruhime. Must be rough to have conflictions like that.
let's do one and see where we go okay hensuki lets start
All right, let's do HenSuki then. If we're lucky Moon'll show up and we can close on Okaa-san or Joshikousei or something else nice.
He's gonna want to be careful. Even if he's just playing the role for one day, he might get hooked!
Knowing her she's probably not wearing any pantsu at all.
Oh I was about to say, a drop tower style ride would probably be better for sneaking a shot of her pantsu than a roller coaster. Though yeah, being besides her -beside her is going to make it impossible either way.
Hah hah the QUALITY in this episode is particularly ridiculous. It's never been a very consistently-animated show but it's pretty off this week.