Kind of a minimalist thread tonight, eh. If you want me to be punctual it's really best to link the thread in the general thread though. I don't check the front page all too often.
Ace of Diamond Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Black Clover DanMachi Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Fruits Basket Joshikousei no Mudazukai YU-NO Episode 18-19 Lord El-Melloi II Episode 5-6 Machikado Mazoku Tejina-senpai Episode 6-7 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator Episode 4-5 Vinland Saga
i do it sometimes too a couple nights ago i was having really weird sleep with nightmares i kept waking up but still half in dream state i started typing what made sense in my dream state but it wasnt anything sensible
that's actually the first time ive done it i think i always thought it wasn't really possible and thought other people might be just pretending for fun but i can see how it really happens now
It makes sense to me with Kirara because he has a history of sleepwalking and intense sleepwalkers can get up to some really crazy stuff that you'd think you'd need to be conscious to have the fine motor skills for. But yeah I've just figured for people without problems like that it wouldn't really be feasible.
I'm pretty positive I've never done anything like that. I'll pick up my phone after waking up and groggily browse stuff some times but I've never posted stuff.
when i was really little i had bad sleepwalking stuff too prompted by the urge to use the bathroom i assume i ended up trying to use the potty in places that weren't the bathroom and peed on the floor once i was like five haha
>>731909 All my siblings and I had little sleepwalk goofs when we were kids. The most notable one was when my dad came downstairs in the middle of the night and saw my sister's light on in her room. So he went in and found her sitting up in bed with // He asked her what was wrong and she replied "I'm looking for the letter Q..." Upon being told to go back to sleep she promptly did and had no recollection of the event the next morning.
They're setting up the first-years for their focuses and compatibility. Probably for when Sawamura and his grade are third-years.
they could afford a new OP it's a nice little song but we've heard it 20 times now
Yeah, maybe we'll hear it as we pass into the third-cour.
Er, see it change.
what's all this heckling
It kind of sounds like it, eh. I think it's supposed to be Glasses' team cheering his pitching on though.
I can get what's going on but there's a good bit of baseball terminology being thrown around Glasses' pitching.
i never realized how much there is to pitching i feel like this is probably way more advanced than high school level though
or maybe i was just obliviously stupid in high school
Hm, I'm not really into sports culture, but high school football's pretty popular down there still, right. Like kids could get rides to post-secondary off their performance. Would you be expecting them to maintain a relatively similar level of finesse and depth as football players, especially a similarly flagstone role like the quarterback?
you have the whole team helping the quarterback though he's not playing direct mind games against a batter for consecutive throws
I like this first-year with the shock of red hair. Kariba, I think Sawamura keeps calling him. He plays gutsy. I like gutsy.
i like it when base stealers get punished in real games when the pitcher catches it and outs him immediately by catches it i mean notices the steal
Yeah I've seen instances of that before. The pitcher's winding up and sees the stealer too far out and instantly whips around and has the ball at the base before the stealer can reset. It's great.
there's a tactic behind that too everyone is going to be leading off the base a little bit and by throwing it to the baseman, it forces them to dive back real quick
you can tire the runner out a bit if it's someone you're particularly fearful of
Yeah I've heard of that before. There's a fair bit of strategy all over baseball. It's pretty interesting.
Wow, half of everyone turning into evil elves is a crazy plot development.
Sounds like it's also a power boost for all the people that got elf-ified. If that's true then Yuno just got even more of a power upgrade than he already had.
Oh no Yami's waifu is also an elf.
wow the whole city is on fire
It's like the third time in the show it's happened, hah hah. You've got to wonder where they get all the people and resources to always rebuild after the city gets trashed.
Well it's been apparent in the series already that the human of her has been crushing on Yami. This elf is basically an entirely different personality that's hijacked her body by the look of it.
Hah hah she was so confident for a moment there. But she can't even use her magic.
The cicadas have been pretty noisy here lately too. Just how it goes in the depth of summer.
This poor woman. Shigure's going to give her a heart attack.
Hah hah hah Poor Ritchan.
When I was first reading through Fruits Basket I remember thinking "Oh this is the Monkey? I can't relate at all". But now I can kind of sympathize better with them. The world suire sure is strange.
oh i remember this character
yeah i thought it was over-the-top before but i can relate a bit now
Well it's still pretty over the top, hah hah. But exaggeration is an advantage of fiction. I didn't think I was such a neurotic person like this when I was younger but maybe it was always there just bubbling under the surface.
Mm, not really. The Souma family has a very wind-y and complicated family relationship.
Oh no
If all you ever expect is you to make mistakes and mess up, when you actually finally do it just reinforces it all the harder. That's one aspect of the Monkey I can really, really empathize with these days.
Tohru is the perfect blend of cute and surprisingly reckless. She's such a nice character. Plus this straight, normal hairstyle she's got right now is really nice.
Oh no. Damn it Shigure keep your roof in better condition.
i dont have strong feelings about that resolution it's kind of a rehashed thing
Ritsu is pretty feminine but when you see him walking it's really apparent that he's got a guy's body.
>>731977 Yeah it's kind of echoing the common "start" that most characters that interact with Tohru reach. I guess after this many times it does start to get a bit dry.
The rest of the Ritsu stuff is pretty cute though.
well that preachy bit is kind of generic too it's in a lot of stuff i didn't get to pay a lot of attention to it though because roommate kept distracting me with some stuff gosh