I kind of really enjoyed Machikado last week. That was the show with the poor girl that became a demon that has to defeat a Mahou Shoujo. UchiMusume is cute too.
I don't know, last Moon post was around 22:30. Might've gone for a nap, or there's just more work. Though I think Moon did say work got wrapped up earlier so sleep's more likely I guess. Might be good to see if you can put a ping out.
oh right i forgot casserole and tuesday was a thing it's been a while it seems
im downloading all that stuff now!!
recap episodes are pretty lame! do they even help viewership? i feel like you lose more people by throwing the routine off with a recap episode than you gain from new people tuning in
There was a Carole & Tuesday episode last week, but it did have a recap episode the week before that I don't even think [PAS] put out subs for.
>>719436 Recap episodes are more for the studio than the audience, since it's way less animation they need to do, or some times no animation period, for that week's episode.
Though for Carole & Tuesday the recap episode would have been in that between-seasons week that very little stuff actually airs so they might've put it out just for that rather than have new content.
Carole & Tuesday is a Netflix series so the RAW is ripped from the Internet rather than ripped from an actual televised broadcast. You don't really see this kind of thing for HorribleSubs shows because while they also rip from an Internet service like CrunchyRoll or Amazon Prime, they don't really ever get content from a televised broadcast anymore so there's no reason to distinguish.
Though it might also just be [PAS] being obsessively categorizing and really unnecessary overall.
>>719454 Do you keep your monitors at a low resolution or something? I can see from the last post you wrote to Rika's lead post with plenty of space to spare.
This guy is kind of just an even lamer Dale.
>>719459 I have the text zoomed in at 120% on the quite tiny laptop monitor
this is a pretty awkward dragon ride even moreso than the average
>When your Uber driver offers you snacks
18 and full father instincts is bit weird
Honestly Dale in general is a bit weird.
Yeah but the total sum of his weirdness makes up for a whole
it isn't "he became weird because he took in latifa" he was weird
>I'll even kill humans, if that's what the job requires >I'm glad to hear that
what's with this dude
you gon watch vinland today?
He's a sword nerd.
ep 3 that is?
Rika put it on the list, so I guess it's coming up. We'd be on episode three, yeah.
There's still like nine or ten days until episode four airs though so maybe it's not ideal to get into it this early. I'd be fine either way though.
If I recall right that is the p when the main story starts
>>719473 >this early ... do you know HOW long I have been here
I mean watching episode three.
or what will wait you in MANGA
Berserk had Boat Vinland has Farm
What I mean is, we don't group watch things more than once really. And I don't think a lot of us rewatch a lot of shows. So watching episode three this far out from episode four might make it harder to remember the events of episode three by the time episode four comes around.
It's not a problem I'd expect for myself since I'm pretty good at remembering plot details, especially with the slightest prompt. But it might be a problem.
>>719479 Why can't people just remember something they have once seen/read/stuff when they commit it to memory
Because different people specialize into different methods of information retention. You and I both grew up reading a lot of fiction, especially long-form stuff like a lot of fantasy series. So our brains as we grew up developed into retaining and referring to information presented to us in that fashion better than someone who didn't read as much or similar stuff to what we did.
It's a clever way to hide the horns in a society that she might be harrassed for having them yeah. I think it does kind of make her look even more childish than she already is though.
Poor lady yeah hah hah. She's being overshadowed by a seven-year-old girl!
damn I love the set up of the city here
it is actualyl even better detailed than the manga version or LN
I have actually NOTHING to complain about it, in terms of blueprint
Okay I do but they are nitpicks why would you fucking divide the city
he broke everyone's eardrums
>Maybe if I exterminate her entire race she'll spend all her time with me
he'd never do that
it isn't but come one
Btw I still find it funny, how this got an anime before SOmali to kami... whatever which was pretty much the first BIG name of father-daughter fantasy stuff Guess this sold better
In case you didn't see it earlier Rika, this is the last episode we'll see of this for like nine or ten days. Which is when episode four will air on it's normal scheduled date.
>>719504 yeah they were in a weird bunch on my list.
>>719506 if i was lagging, i wouldn't open a post opening a post signals im ready
>>719508 what if you opened a post with 2 words and then noticed the lag?
I am touching my head to adjust volume but my headphones are broken
i could still start the show if im lagging i dont see an issue
I'm a little puzzled by the motorcycle bit at the start. I thought that was Studio MAPPA's thing. Maybe instead it's a special timeslot like noitaminA?
not going to make that any point I just wanna know
I haven't read any of it. I jumped on the Berserk wagon late and figured that was enough long-delayed or slow-arc series for me. Maybe when it gets around to ending I'll read it.
the mercenaries are fucking best
I don't remember their name I have put it out ofm y memory
But the fact they have Madarame/Light Fater as the guy
and the guy they had for the Giant man jomviking
he was in ep 2 I think
or ep1
uncle of Thor's wife
Jesus... I know so many spoilers someone say STAAAHP in large shit if I even threaten to do so
>>719573 Then read this See if there is some conversation going on before going on START
I'm still not sure why she needed to remove her shirt for this though. Like you can get a collar and leash around your neck while still wearing a shirt.
that was my first guess based on the thing she said after handing him the book in episode 1
but since the other girl was basically just the other side of that, i thought maybe they'd switch it around more
they could just pair up with each other instead of involving him
Honestly it was because the black-haired girl was the intense masochist I had a feeling this girl was going to be the intense sadist. Black and blonde are kind of antagonists so having them contrast like this just feels predictable.
>>719613 it's something like that yeah they're using high contrast shading in the hair and like more matted outlines it's really distinct but soft at the same time
She's a very dangerous sadist. An aggressive sadist is probably more terrifying than an aggressive masochist.
they've had only two episodes, both covering S&M, one S, one M
are they just going to keep the whole show on that niche then? i thought they'd cover more ground
The fact that she gave away her panties here kind of makes me feel like she's not his Cinderella though. Her phrasing made it feel like it was a first occurance.
I'm good to start.
>>719628 I've got a bit of a feeling that the quiet girl might be a raging fujoshi who wants to see the MC get it on with his best friend. Which is a bit of a different perversion than these girl's sadism and masochism but it's still pretty perverted if you go HARD on it.
>>719629 yeah they're probably going to do S, M, exhibition, and voyeurism but i think they should have spread it out a bit? i dunno there's probably a lot of fetish things they could do i dont really know about that stuff
id be surprised if one of the girls doesn't want to be tied up
oh it's this show i forgot to catch up on it when i fell asleep
i thought we were watching nobunoonga haha
Ah well the girl with horns is living the poverty life and her family has a secret history of being demons. But they lost a fight with Mahou Shoujo in the past and now she has to kill one in order to lift the curse on her family that makes her so poor.
But she's also intensely damedame so there's no way that's ever happening.
Well it's another flat character but the horns really makes her kind of resemble Hanyuu from Higrashi.
what a bouncygirl
why do the subs say pounds haha
Wow Momo is such a nice person.
>>719663 That's some real lame localization. I guess they're worried people who use the Imperial system wouldn't be able to envision the feeling of the weight if they kept the kilograms.
>>719682 yeah you were right the demon girl had a throaty Y which sounded like a g to me
>Hyakku-ni-juu en >$1.20 If you're going to convert kilometres into miles then at least properly convert yen into dollars. Or just, y'know, use the yen value instead.
ill do this so you guys can start i guess you'll be here all night yep
Such is life.
Oh yeah their to-be producer is a raving lunatic.
Does this guy have a Mars weed grow-op or something.
Mars sure attracts a bunch of weirdos.
Is Angela's mom setting her up with guys for a relationship or something.
Oh no the leeches have shown up to go after Carole. Fame sure is rough.
Even if he means well he kind of comes across as a conniving journalist.
That kind of feels like it would be a surreal thing to encounter. Seeing yourself singing stuff you've never actually sung before. I feel bad for Angela. She's crushing a bit on Tao but he's too wrapped up in music and AI to give her attention.
Ah that's cool that they're bringing back some old minor characters.
I get this old man is a bit of an eccentric but driving your musicians to play for five hours straight without break is probably not all that useful to producing good music.
Yeah, it's fun to have so many episodes I get to talk only to myself in.
I do like the sound of Angela's music. It's not -It doesn't have the folksy sound of Carole & Tuesday's stuff but it's got a sythentic charm -synthetic charm to it.
Plus her singing voice actress has a lovely voice.