Wonder if he'd never lent her the hat it would have never drifted in front of him like that. And he would have just kept walking, leaving her passed out in the street.
This series is so dated they're still calling it "Mani" instead a kind of otaku fascination.
oh no is she into some prostitution business or is that just a front for some darker stuff
It kind of feels like a few things. She was getting paid off by the MC's dad up to the point he disappeared. And she's living by herself, so she needs to be getting the money for that somehow. Doesn't seem like she's working. This old guy seems to be interested in more than just what her body can offer too. So it might be yes and more.
Well that's a mysterious line to part on.
Hah hah What a good kid.
Oh well this is a repetition of what happened before. That billboard gets a lot of use.
>>718657 It's fun but it also kind of feels all over the place. Like what we've been presented with in the show feels like a standard sword and sorcery isekai but the OP has a bunch of hints to broader assortment of themes.
hades was trying to control his demon body so he had to character change but it showed the warning UNABLE TO CONTROL so he did it anyway and that's what he got haha
i can't really wrap my head around this game though
it's too advanced for our generation to understand i guess there's no real pattern to anything
i like the giant gold coin device though it's a neat use of storytelling they don't really say anything about it you just get the feel from the responses
I wonder where they'll travel to next. They've only got something like seven or nine planets on their travelogue to pass through to get back home. So there's no way things'll go as easy as they did last episode for the rest of them.
Yeah but that won't make the reveal any less exciting.
>>718683 Well they're already sabotaging the communications relay and is likely in on why they all got yeet'd out into the middle of deep space. So it's less about what would they be doing and more why they're doing it for me!
What if there's two different actors moving here. Someone that threw them all through that wormhole-y thing and someone in their group that knew this was going to happen and arranged for the ship to bei -be in place when they arrived to save them all.
>>718700 Maybe they don't want the other kids to send communications back because that would alert the people scheming to kill these kids that the plan failed and they're still alive.
I think causing the ship to crash should rule any of them out as the traitor. It has to be soemthing else.
I kind of feel there's someone in the group that's acting as a double agent protecting these kids from dying. And the real menace is safely back on Earth or wherever the schemers were initially. But the double agent has to keep the appearance that the kids all died when they went through the wormhole sphere so they're wrecking the communication relay and stuff like that.
It's all just me guessing though. Mysteries like this always get my brain running hard.
thanks for making the time weve been getting 5 a night, good progress
Back when Rika didn't go out partying two nights a week it was easier to stay on top of things! I don't really like cutting shows unless I really don't like them but it's probably going to be hard staying on top of all the shows this season even if we're watching five a night the whole way through.