Thread #712955
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ani,e anime
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Cop Craft Enen no Shouboutai Fruits Basket Granbelm Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine HenSuki JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] Vinland Saga --Episode 1-3
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uhhh im seeing a katsute 2 we didn't see a 1 of this did we?>>712961 oh ok
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Nothing new to download today?
Cop Craft, HenSuki, Arifureta, Katsute, Kochoki are all new.
>>712958 Yeah that was the one with the army corps of mutants that all went crazy.
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Katsute is an ep 2 so we have 2 eps of that
>>712964 >>712961 Damn it Rika READ THE THREAD
you read the thread tilde always blaming others sheesh
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okay what do you guys want to watch?
Cop Craft is an adaptation of a novel series by the author of Full Metal Panic and Amagi Brilliant Park. I've been kind of curious about it.
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cop craft uhh I don't know what any of these things are also i see danmachi s2 any interest in that?
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okay im all comfied up in my pajamas water we watching im fine with danmachi it looks like there's a zero episode from the 6th oh ok a recap might be nice on my own time what's hensuki?
>>712971 Is there an episode one yet? Episode 00 is just a recap episode.
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oh yeah it's ep 0 cop craft Katsute Granbelm Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga Enen no Shouboutai okay i just picked random shit may only do 4
>>712972 It's an LN adaptation, seems like a bit of a romcom. I don' really know anything else about it.
>>712977 I know you don't read things but like I said last night, we should probably save Enen for Jan since he was looking forward to it.
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cop craft>>712980 oh okay scratch enen then, we'll get something else if we get there with time so cop craft! ' is there anything that might be comfy on the list?
cop craft! i'll take a look at some of the stuff as we're watching we gotta make good time though
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oops cop craft oaky lets start!
HenSuki is probably the best bet for comfy. Most of the stuff is pretty action-y I think. Arifureta is an isekai show but I don't think the tone's particularly dark, but I'm also not sure. Oh wait no that's the silly-EDGE one. Kochoki is a historical piece about Nobunaga, featuring him squaring off against his brother, or something along those lines.
>Making drugs out of sentient beings
It's the COPS
>human trafficking it's a fairy
Gosh Moon faeries are people too
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i feel like you probably shouldn't be throwing insulting wording into the middle of the miranda rights like that might invalidate stuff since you sullied it? i dunno
Well the cops can always claim they read them the rights properly.>>712998 Yeah sure but I didn't see any BODYCAMS on these two.
BODYCAMS tilde where have you been this decade
they had a faerie witness
She was probably comatose or something I bet.
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i don't wanna judge this too early but i feel like it'd be better just to watch lupin instead of a lupin-feeling show but with cops
I don't really think it's gonna be very Lupin-y.
ah the >i want your report on my desk first thing in the morning trope
This guy is a bit unscrupulous. Sure he's not in uniform but acting like that is pretty unpleasant.
well his partner just died and he had to call his wife and those guys were askin for it so
Cute cat.
These kinds of reverse isekai shows are kind of neat to me.
Geez that name's a mouthful.
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A little more tribal than I expected from a character in this show.
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it might be interesting i like the fanciful clothing a bit clothes are nice things
>The country known as The United Nations
Kei's a real piece of work. Hah hah boliceman.
haha dont touch it
That's such a fat man compared to her.
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she's kind of cute i usually don't warm up to characters quick so i feel like im being duped
Wow she's got a real touchy-touchy problem.
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oh what time are we at I pulled an ika! okay
19:00 19:05 19:10
Ika ;_;
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yeah i wish ika would join us for the new stuff
>Satan can suck my dick
Oh she's got some battle armor.
Aw that went by fast once things started happening.
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it got a good bit more interesting once i got what it was about i kind of like not reading the synopsis of stuff and just goin with it
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okay granblem okay lets start!
We skipping Katsute then, or did you forget about it, or we switching them around? Granbelm is fine by me to start with though. Gosh I wish she'd actually read things.
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granbelm you're mixing up granblue and fire emblem
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>>713030 Oh I looked over that we'll go back for it
Apparently the mecha in this are a little SD-y. It'll probably have cute girls though.
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>>713030 use the big font so she can read it without having to get her glasses then
I don't remember the macro for it thoughhhh.
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im kinda tired of everyone blaming all their lunacy on me i can't help my phases
Nya nyan
i might need to grab audio samples from this for a track
It's got some pretty nifty sound direction with these special effects.
Er sound effects.
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Kinda reminds me of that other robot show recently. It also had really big sounding sound effects.
Planet With, probably. It had some awesome sound effects.
Hah hah hah She's got such a practical response to being stuck in a weird magic world.
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yeah this is totally asking to get remixed i like that green hood that one has
Zawa zawa zawa zawa
haha wow
Wow she can't handle pickled plums.
haha she's so enthusiastic
>Seven sages Oh shit this actually takes place in Hyrule
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The shoulderpads look like frog eyes.
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>>713052 They kind of remind me of the bits of Senketsu and the other uniform from Kill la Kill.
Oh shit she's got a Geass.
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To me it seems like Planet With mixed with a magical girl show.
That sounds like a bit of a fun combination. Especially with cute girls.
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it'ss // it's got some cute elements i think the sound design is pretty neat though that may not be very important to a lot of people
Good sound direction is great for a mecha fighting show. Nothing makes some big robots fighting more captivating than FEELING that clang and crash in your bones.
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good sound is enough to make a bad show good to me well, not a bad show, but it can make a show good it's one of the biggest redeeming qualities of the original boogiepop phantom it had sound design on a whole different level for the time
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Katsute! play okay lets start!
I'm curious to see where this goes now that the prologue is wrapped up.
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there's a chance i might doze off but im doing my best don't worry about me if i do! i'll be fine
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they always make these orphanages look like such happy hearthy places they really aren't that happy of places usually! but i admire the sentiment
Hah hah I get why he brought all the kids along from the orphanage for this hunting lesson but that's pretty dangerous and unhealthy!
that's such a scenic property i'd love to go foraging and farming around there
It's a nice bit of geography.
Oh this is starting even further back chronologically than I thought it would. He's not even a dragon yet.
And now he's a dragon! I guess the mutations for him progressed to the point where he can't be normal anymore.
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So he got stuck as a dragon but he's not crazy.
I bet he'll slip before too long.
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>>713072 he's probably got really strong willpower being a country folk like that
Plus he's a dragon dad to all the kids of the orphanag- Oh there he goes.
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Oh yeah I guess he's losing it now.
aw that's sad he's such a nice man
War sure is hell.
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I guess he took him out before he went crazy.
it's pretty sad but it's probably for the better i liked him he was really nice
Even in the last episode he was a pretty good dad to all the other mutants in the squad.
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Well I guess he made an enemy for life.
And now she's travelling the Wild West!
I'm a little confused about the chronology of this all. I get there was a timeskip after this guy woke up in the hospital to when we see him fighting at the end of the first episode. So I guess he killed her dragondad in that timeskip. I didn't imagine it was that long a timeskip though.
Oh this girl's gonna learn her lesson fast at least.
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this episode is a lot better than the first episode
Episode one took care of all the infodump and setting preparation and now they can actually do stuff.
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i really liked their cozy little orphanage house in the woods i wouldn't mind having a humble little homestead like that
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hmm pretty interesting kochoki okay lets start!
No bu na ga
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have you guys been keeping an eye on any of this season's threads i think a lot of people were excited about this one>>713095 yeah, do you not go there anymore? i do once in a while
Like on /a/? I've got a tab for /a/ pretty much always around. I haven't really been seeing much on this one but there was some talk about some stuff from this season. People were talking about Enen no Shoubutai when it came out, Araburu got a lot of attention too because it had a few solid shock moments in the episode and there's always some assholes that'll be shitposty about girls being interested in sex. Hm, people earlier today were talking about Cop Craft. I generally like to see what kind of chatter is happening about shows and I'm not too bothered about spoilers so I'm happy to check it out and satisfy my curiousity.
i try to be careful so i don't get spoiled but i also want to see what's happening
i didn't mean you had to go into detail haha sorry
It's just what happens! Once my brain starts remembering things it's a bit hard to turn it off.
This is a very bishounen-y Nobunaga. He's kind of Lelouch-poi.
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>>713094 I don't really keep up with /a/ anymore.
Wow he's even got a secret room. That's pretty cool
>You can't tell anyone about this room but I'm going to give you a very conspicuous item from this room that people'll likely be asking you where you got it from
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Protagonist-kun's face is so girly.
It's hard to believe he becomes NO BU NA GA
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>>713101 i never thought i'd see the day sasuga
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>>713107 /a/ isn't what it used to be.
Hah hah Nobunaga's onii-san is really bailing him out here. What a good onii-san.
Nobunaga's got some real confidence, staring down the barrel of a rifle at his father like that. But I guess his dad's as crazy as he is.
>Signifying one who will rule over the realm for a long time Oh the poetic irony.
i like this so far weird ED though
Feels more like an OP to me. I guess they had it run at the end of the episode instead of the ED for the first episode
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okay hensuki okay lets start!
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Well okay.
oh no
they need to get these subs under control
It's licensed by Funimation, they've become pretty awful when it comes to sub aesthetics. Out of the bunch that HorribleSubs rips from, they're probably the worst about readability.
These are some cute girls though.
Riajuu bakuhatsu!
That's a pretty forward way to confess to someone.
is he gonna have to find out who it is from the panties oh gosh
What an exciting MYSTERY
>Instantly takes his imouto out of the picture Bold choice, Cotton
She's a bit of a flirt.
Oh no he's dense.
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THe colors in this are really washed out.
Yeah I kind of like it. So much stuff is kind of poppy, getting something desaturated is a little relaxing on the eyes.
it's really a weird experience yeah
haha that caught me pretty off guard
Hah hah she's got him under her thumb. How cute.
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shows like this make me wonder how much of an oblivious fool ive always been
Yeah I definitely know how that feels. If anything I know for a fact I was an oblivious dumbass in high school so stuff like this is always a delayed slap on the face for me, hah hah.
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i think if someone wallblocked me i would probably hit them
Hah hah wow he actually went through with it.
I wonder what her actual secret is. They totally have different secrets in mind.
Wow he's just playing with the pantsu he got from before.
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I'm sure it will be something complicated. It's going too well!
Oh no. Does she want to be a dog.
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I had a feeling it would be something like that after she got all happy about him petting her and the thing about the dog from the middle of the episode. But that's REALLY wanting to be a dog.
The English title of this series is roughtly "Would You Fall In Love With A Girl, Even If She Was A Pervert?" So I'm guessing all the girls will be a little weird like this.
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yeah im guessing so im not out to kinkshame anyone but i don't particularly find it entertaining the show is fine but i dunno about all that stuff
I can handle it in comedy but if they start getting a bit serious about it I might get a bit put off, hah hah. It does make me kind of curious as to what the other girls are gonna secretly be like though.
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i think you can probably already tell from the interactions so far it's pretty late! good night anime thanx for having me
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okay thanks for anime!
Yup, rest well Moon.