oh a little early! im still finishing some things up but i'll start downloading things i think dumbbells-- yeah, it is haha awesome
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Fruits Basket Kanata no Astra Maou-sama, Retry!
Kanata no Astra is a double-length episode one. It had a really cool PV I saw some time last season so I'm interested in it. Maou-sama is an LN adaptation but that's all I know about it. Dumbbell is cute girls getting /fit/.
The manga this is adapting is written by the person that wrote Sket Dance. Apparently that series was super popular in Japan so this one has been getting a lot of attention too.
a space anime makes me happy i like space there's lots of stuff in space
This is also going to be a two-cour show. Though I think it's still an ongoing manga and it's a long-form story so we'll probably not get a full ending even at that.
the existential terror of floating helplessly is surely a nightmare
but it would be such a serene setting to die in too i'd feel kinda lucky
I'd love to do a spacewalk in a setting where I'm not at risk of being stuck. Just float there in space, staring at the endless mostly void, sometimes stars.
i love that sound effect from the comms that's so cool
It was super neat that her voice degraded into electric screech as her suit failed.
throw the cable towards them dummies
alternatively he can be a true hero and push her towards the ship and sac himself
Yeah but a human chain is much more romantic, hah hah
Another cool detail was that he could hear her clearly once their helmets were touching. Since sound would transfer through the medium.
it's a really bad idea to just visit a random planet and start eating food from there
Yeah, but if the alternative is starve. Also it seems like they've got a decent bit of information on these planets so I guess someone's come along and done some prospecting already.
this one excites me a lot! their suits are really cute i want one
It was a really solid pilot. The characters are good and it's got a good bit of space romance sci-fi. And the comedic timing was really good alongside the more serious moments.
I might bring a friend for anime one night soon with the new season.
would anyone have a problem with that?
Gugh, I need the time. My internet died as I was oranging up.
4:35 4:40 4;45
I reached for my phone to orange up there only for it to go from 20% to dead because the battery is a pizza shit like that. So I had to rush downstairs to reset the router. Pain in the ass.
thoughts? it didn't really leave any impression on me either way
This OP animation is really making me confused as to the genre of this show.
>>710090 I'm good for watching more of it. As far as isekai cliches go it's pretty rife with them but I like the father/daughter dynamic of the main character and the girl. And I'm kind of curious about all the visuals we saw in the OP there.
marsh really liked this one no surprise there though
I've been anticipating it. I've read some of the manga chapters and it's fun and SoL-y And it's being animated by Doga Kobo who are masters of animating this kind of show.
i'll admit, this does make me wanna do some workouts! it'd be nice to have some equipment
I've got a twenty ... kilogram? dumbbell under my desk. I used to do some simple lifts with it while I was watching anime in the past. Should really get back into that habit.
definitely some good things to anticipate this season! how fun
i might have a friend joining us for anime one evening soon we'll see
And we're only like three days into the season, hah hah. I hope we can keep up with all the good stuff.
>>710124 Oh yeah I saw you'd posted about that. Sorry it just happened when my Internet went out so I got distracted. I don't have any qualms with someone coming in to watch.
I meant to get in contact with Ika tonight to see if a night of entirely new stuff would draw him in but we hit the gas a bit fast at the start of the night.
Im not sure if our schedule accomodates them or not. We watch kinda late for most people, but if I can get them to join us it'd be nice to have more anime friends