Thread #70894
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minami bike club seiren bang dream rewrite youjou senki urara demi-chan chain chronicle
ther ewe go
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youjou senki? you wanna? in that order? that's a messed up order is jan around? okay please let's watch something
i wanna rewrite demi chain seiren for sure tonight well wecan save chain if Jan do esnt show no not that order which out of bangdream youjou and bike do we watch
Let Let's just do Youjo first. If Jan rolls in later on we can have him join.
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youjou senki okay let's start!
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Oh Internet please. I'm still orange my Internet is just being a pain.
I re-watched all of 3-gatsu over the past couple days. There's a bunch of stuff that's kind of neat during a re-watch/marathon watching.
Fucking RIP. They didn't waste time killing him off once his death flags were set up.
The bikes the enemy force are on remind me of hoverbikes from Star Wars.
Oh geez her force is getting decimated.
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The sky mage gear is so silly. ski that is
>Getting executed by your own gun
Oh what. A bunch of them weren't even dead? That's kind of...feh.
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That one guy managed to survive getting exploded.
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Kind of a strange beach party where half of everyone is bandaged.
Well all you need is one functioning arm to enjoy beer and barbeque.
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okay let's seiren okay let's start!
Ready. Apparently this has no confirmed season two too. So the other six -three girls of the six advertised may never get anime focus.
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Surely it will get another season.
Dunno. I'd say probably, yeah, but it isn't exactly successful in sales. We'll probably have to see how the VN sales go.
I guess they're giving the three girls that lose out on heroine time some screentime in the finale though.
Though I don't think lip girl is a heroine since she's a minion of Ruise.
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I'm pretty sure she is a heroine. I think the remaining three are kaichou, lips, and that retarded looking twintails girl from last episode.
Nah, that girl we just saw earlier talking about the swimclub, she's a heroine. I'm pretty sure I've seen her in the promotional material, plus it's a swim club character. Someone in the writing team for these series really loves swim clubs.
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This girl is trying really really hard to get out of it.
Hah hah, get wrecked Tsuneki.
>Transfer student >Swim club member TOTES a heroine.
>List of students who got into college through recommendation That kind of reeks of favoritism.
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Happens everywhere.
I never saw it.
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He better win this route.
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This girl is really determined to be a childhood friend.
She's just playing the game until she gets the upper hand.
nosy senpais
They really saved the best for last.
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I'm glad he got the good end.
And now he turns the charm on. What a waste.
I liked the development in her arc. It felt a little more natural and less anime-y.
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What do you want to do about Jan shows, ika?
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i think i still wanna watch rewrite since it s the finale but we can do like demi or bang dream first
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okay let's bang dream>>71033 yep, episode 9 okay let's start
Episode nine, right? This series is a few episodes behind the rest of the pack?
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The CG in the OP is pretty high quality. This picture is Live 2d Arisa too, it also looks pretty good.
There's a lot of work put into this series on a multimedia scale. I think they're trying to kick off a fad like Love Live! did.
more drama
i have arrived exactly on time i'm sure
So on time you're fifteen minutes early.
that's 4 hours earlier than i showed up last week!
Making progress!
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congrats on showing up jan We can watch Jan shows now.
i just burst into the room like jajaaaaaaaan
>>71066 so are you ready for rewrite? i thought you were in the middle of something
More like how the "EEEEH" did they miss that. Is this the universe of Superman or something.
Oh man that distortion. Gives me fuzzy feelings inside.
i'll give you a fuzzy feeling inside
I mean you can try with all your power. I ain't gonna stop you.
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>>71075 ok take off your pants then
Shame for you I ain't gonna help you either.
O-tae is so great.
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>>71070 we'll be ready for rewrite in 8-10 minutes.
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>>71077 fine want to know how to unbutton someone's pants with your mouth?
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>>71081 why not? have you ever seen someone do it?
Don't think I have.
They still don't sound very good.
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>>71088 I'll show you how to do it and you can impress all your girl friends.
Well I guess that's our end of season plot arc.
>>71090 Probably would end up being a vastly underutilized skill in that case.
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>>71093 everybody needs to know some cool tricks! even if you don't get to use them all the time
We're looking here more at don't get to use them ever.
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okay put the flirting on hold we're watching rewrite okay lets start
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>>71095 oh you can use them to impress your guy friends then. let's RERAITO ZA RAIFU
That would be less than ever in that case. Ready to RERAITO ZA RAIFU
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f i n a l e
I guess this is where he gets to kill the rest of his remaining friends.
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>>71096 also this isn't flirting this is regular man banter
Oh he just runs away. This acoustic version of RERAITO ZA RAIFU
the guitar is out of this world>>71104 maybe he'll kill them later yeah here we go
>That blush
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all he has to do is look her way and she gets all weak in the knees
the earth dragon is the coolest fight but only the one in Akane's route this fight is basically super short
>final boss is a trex with no arms
his blood is greeeeeeen
His entire fucking leg is green.
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the akane earth dragon fight was super cool he didnt rewrite himself as far as this i think
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I guess he has a magic leg now.
it's his lifeleg made out of pure lifeforce
He was having a rough time with the T-Rex fight earlier and needed a leg up.
>retarded adult dies on her watch >she feels relieved a bit in a way >kills them all something like that
the skipped the fake world scene where he saves akane
Probably crunched for time.
wow that's actually terrifying
She looks pretty nice in this half-tree half-Key mode. He looks kind of monstrous though. Oh wow RIP.
he isnt much human anymore cause he rewrote himself too much
This is like, maximum fuwafuwa KanaHana voice too.
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eww his bark had an eyeball on it
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yeah wow he looks even worse than i thought
so this is the post-apocalypse end
yeah he made jasmine leak everything and people had to adapt to survive the new cruel earth
Hah hah hah. He's a bit of a fusion of that butler guy and Koutarou.
>>71144 sakuya was a tree too
his power can bring them to a new planet if they ever find one thats habitable
So in the end he loses Kagari but he keeps his highschool girl harem.
i wonder
Don't we all, eh.
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At least Jasmin managed to live.
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she was with the edgy fire guy
Yeah but since Koutarou saved him as a kid he probably isn't edgy anymore.
that was a pretty good ending all in all
oh theres more apparently
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That was a bizarre and twisted path for a high school harem to take.
Welcome to neo-Key.
Though I mean to be fair they've always been kind of cruel or sinister under the covers.
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oh that wasnt in the VN i liked it
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that was a cute epilogue too
Though it kind of hand-waves that he returns to being a teenager.
i dont think he actually did
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>>71162 it kind of hand-waves the fact that he stabbed that bitch like 10 minutes ago
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Looks like his harem got cucked.
>>71164 thats a different kagari theres two moon and terra kagari
>>71166 ohh
Yeah and he fell in love with the Moon one, right?
wait why is there kagari on a planet that has no life i don't get it
>>71168 i think both
okay time for mobage bad end i liked season 2 lots
I'm fine if you people want to do Chain Chronicle, but do you have time for two shows, Squid?
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probably im happy with season 2 though it rushed a bit>>71174 s1 was a mess cause they mashed everything together and also made their own route worse thing they couldve done
It at least had a consistent plot though. I guess the Moon/Terra arcs are more or less straightforward? Compared to how they hodgepodged the character arcs into season one.
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okay chain chronicle and then demi-chan we're all three orange let's start
i hope all these fuckers die
Though season two was kind of clunky at first because it had that long session of Kotarou just monologuing to himself with an autistic Kagari hanging around.
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The good guys are goign to win, of course.
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i think my favourite routes were like akane >= terra = moon > kotori > chihaya >>>>shizuru>lucia the last two were pretty bad compared to the rest
aka guardian sucks
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She was mad about bonds.
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>>71179 i thought the 2deep4u monologues helped set the tone for the rest of the series pretty well and provided some interesting insight to this whole eternal love thingy
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Another squad of randoms.
oh of course he's eternally dueling his dark self inside of his mind
>>71188 My biggest issue with them actually was that I think Kotarou's seiyuu is kind of weak, hah hah. And just hearing him talk on end for a long period of time was more about it grating the ears than the content. But I think the content did get a bit too naval-gaze-y at times and was kind of heavy-handed in its delivery. Breaking it up and letting us have breathers would have been nice.
i bet he's never given up the whole time too
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>i want to believe in the me that they believe in
the power of frirendship
hes learned to control the animal he has become
kain and michida doing exactly no damage of course
why did he turn into a dragon
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That Kain guy spends a lot of time face down on the floor.
he's the first shitty unit you get in the game
hes a weakling
he's your tomodachi though
hows that guy flying
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I guess it's time for phase 3.
yes the WHY MUST YOU STRUGGLE monologue has come out i bet this isn't even his final form though
what a loser any good big bad would have had a duel with the heroes inbetween time and space right there
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I guess he's not edgy anymore.
>>71214 they rended the darkness in his SOUL
shi shi shi
why was the original character so gary stu he had the super light power and a giant dragon and the power of friendship
>>71218 because of power creep you know the newest characters are always imba so they can tempt you to spend your hard earned monies/crysta on that gacha
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I guess the cute girl magic squad has to clean up all the mess.>>71218 To give the good guys a henchman good enough to save Yuri I guess. Everyone else kind of sucks.
wow hes the sandman
thats a cool power why didnt he use that in the fight
wait guys im adopting a vagrant
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Sucks for that one knight guy who's name I don't even remember who got cucked by the queen and went dark and nobody cared enough to save him.
buckhard or osmething
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his name was butthurt, i think.
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well that was a very generic ending for a show that started off so crazy
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Nobody cared enough to save him. The queen didn't even try she just punched him off a cliff and broke his evil face okay let's demi-chan>>71233 Oh, do you not want to demi with us?>>71237 will you have time for anime tomorrow night?>>71238 okay we'll save demi then let's watch minami bike club instead okay minami bike club let's start
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>>71232 well he was made up for the show so he exists only to suffer and die for character development anyways thanks for anime
Okey dokes. All right, baikingu instead.
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>>71232 I gotta go to bed early because I have a long day tomorrow.
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>>71232 Yeah, I'll have plenty of free time tomorrow.
I thought this episode hadn't downloaded fully but apparently it did. My Internet was starting to freak out towards the end of downloading everything.
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They should have enslaved the gaijin sooner.
Her English use still kind of bothers me. She's a fun character but the way she talks is ridiculously aggravating for me.
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I like heavy gaijin accents.
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It's probably something stupid like they forgot to get an advisor.
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Oh, a Sandy drama episode. That's the hang up.
Sensei has a pretty good ability to infer context in English conversation.
The fact that the dialogue keeps calling it "Fuji-san" but the sub text is "Mt. Fuji" is making me read it as "Mr. Fuji".
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Get in the van we're going biking
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This must be 13 episodes. They don't have time to climb fuji and resolve Sandy's drama.
Yeah it feels like a weird theme to end on. Plus they still need to wrap up getting their club officiated by the school.
Going to the peak of Mt. Fuji would be pretty neat. I heard it can be expensive though.
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Maybe the stupid twist is that Sandy isn't actually going back.
Well of course she isn't.
Yeah that's what I expected.
I mean in her defense the English was pretty ambiguous on how long she'd be staying in America.
the ending is my fave thing of the show its pretty good
I really like the ED too. The combined vocals have a really nice feel to them.
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This show got a lot better once Sandy was introduced. All the other characters kinda fell flat.
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We got a lot done. Thanks for anime!
thanks for anime>>71288 as expected of gaijins