ah Well let's see who we get. I'm not in a hurry tonight if you guys aren't.
I'm only one guy Rika!
I'm pretty sure we're not even behind since Cinderella Nine didn't air this week either. So we can just do four shows each night. So there's a fair bit of grace time before it runs late.
>>694010 Those kinds of tartan pants can be kind of more miss than hit in real life though. I saw a guy wearing them on the subway platform the other day and man ... he did not have a good top to compliment them.
being club president is a pretty thankless job! i was president of the physics club at my university
Being the president of something has always sounded kind of intimidating to me. I probably could have been the president of my high school anime club but that ended up getting passed on to a different student younger than me. Which was more than fine with me.
And I don't even know how to get involved with extra-curricular stuff at my university and I'm pretty self-conscious about how old I am compared to most university students that I don't know if I could get myself to go anyway.
what episode of jojo is it even like a thousand >>694040 I DONT KNOW WHAT THAT IS WHAT EPISODE NUMBER the most recent release is rarely the most recent episode
Should be the most recent of Golden Wind, uh. HANG TIGHT I'M CHECKING. Episode 32.
I'm navigating my cluttered Downloads folder while typing here while juggling a game of Mahjong. It's hard to do all those things in a timely manner!
People with weird powers that come out of ghosts that stand behind them fight between each other.
There's a lot of music references.
The plot is bonkers at the best of times.
That's pretty much the gist of it.
pretty forward anyway
Apparently there's only six episodes of this left after this episode. I wonder what weird things they'll do to the OP once the Boss is revealed. Like how DIO ZA WARUDOs the OP and Kira Bites Za Dust in their respective OPs.
wakka was the coolest dude anyone who uses a ball to fight gets honorary coolguy status
I never played much of Final Fantasy X. I mean that sentence could be used for any variable of Final Fantasy I guess. He did seem like the least JRPG-y of a character of X's main cast.
THese demons have some crazy powers. Definitely unlike the stuff he's run into so far.
I wonder if it'll end in a draw or if he'll kill one or both of them. They are Michael Jackson's Twelve Demon Moons, he might not be at their level yet.
Oh well there we go. One down at least.
he needs to start killing some of these guys if he wants to progress the story
barefoot running is super efficient! they make running shoes that emulate that effect i had some
Oh right he's a junior high student hah hah. I forgot about that.
>>694140 It's efficient but you can risk damage running like that on pavement and other hard surfaces. Part of the benefit of modern shoes is providing suspension. Even those running shoes that emulate barefoot take that into account.
I had TOTALLY forgotten this guy's entire character wow.
>>694141 yeah they were called hattori running shoes by saucony i dunno if you're interested for any reason but i could run really well with them, they're so light
wow he's a cow
>>694146 I've found them neat but I'm not much of a runner in the first place. Shoes that are better for long-distance walking are more my thing. Or shoes that are good for biking but as far as I'm concerned any improvement I can buy in that department just isn't worth the money.
The way he's normally so laidback is very cow-like really. Cows are pretty chill animals.
I love how they're always doing up Tohru's hair differently each episode. It reminds me of all the little hairstyles they used to do in shoujo adaptations. Like Sawako in Kimi ni Todoke.