Thread #683435
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai --Episode 5-6 Fairy Gone Fruits Basket Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Hitoribocchi JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kimetsu no Yaiba Kono Oto Tomare! Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Senryuu Shoujo
>>683435 (OP) Is that you?
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Nope, not me. If it was an azur lane boat then it would be. oh Jan tonight?
Maybe? He knows there's stuff to watch and good stuff at that.
Yeah he'll be around in a bit. If we can put off Fruits Basket and Yaiba until a bit later in the list that would be nice for him.
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play okay that is jojo kono oto kimetsu fruits baskct bocchi
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yall can do jojo without me that's convenient i have to finish up some things and i dont really jojo
All right, I'm good to start whenever you are.
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okay jojo okay lets start
Bento Oreo
what time on jojo
30 35 40
im doing this splitscreen on my laptop
Must be a little funky eh.
by laptop i mean tablet i'm stupid it is very funky
Who's this crazy Internet guy and why does he have the Arrow.
Doppio's such a nutjob.
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wow ice cream phone is amazing
Oh here's the next set of evil opponents. I guess the Boss wasn't out of people he could send against Bruno and his crew.
>Stands are powered by alien viruses from outer space Sasuga Araki.
>stands are powered by bruno
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I kinda miss ripple and vampires.
I'm whatever about vampires but it's a shame the Ripple doesn't have much of a place amongst all these crazy Stand powers.
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Yeah, ripple was cool. It's dead and forgotten now though.
It kind of gets revived in Steel Ball Run a bit. Not as the Ripple but a similarly crazy notion of improving human ability through strange physical power. Though there's also some pretty wild Stands in that part as well.
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haha, I thought he was using a real phone for once.
This is a real crazy bioweapon of a Stand.
>Green Tea and Oasis >Green Tea and Sanctuary I get they have to change a lot of the music reference names but if they keep Green Tea I feel they could keep Oasis as well.
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okay kono oto okay lets start
kono oto it's moon im joining from here out don't confuse me for someone else
Musikku Uh didn't we also need Jan for this one too?>>683484 You're not Jan? You were watching JoJo so I assumed you were along for the rest of the shows today.>>683484 Rika doesn't read, she just counts posts and goes on that.>>683476 Rika can you PAY ATTENTION PLEASE.
k-kono>>683478 i am and i am confused and feeling like people ignore me a lot>>683478 ...i am>>683485 this happens to me constantly to be honest>>683485 come bakc back
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i dont ignore you im new to the current viewing algorithm though sorry
>>683485 you don't but they do
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>>683478 >>683484 oh shoot, sorry okay okay everyone is orange lets start!
I'm just gonna reorange here.
so you just ignored the person wanting to join eh
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Uh sorry, I was getting some messages. You want to join in? Got the episode?
>>683493 i am sorry I was just passing by to shitting by I am honeslty soerry
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No need to be sorry. The way we do things is everybody grabs the episode and we all start at the same time.
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NO I was just here to be an ass whilea thing I was watching was dling and that is it
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have fun have a good mother's day since it was today also and so on me out sorry
All of a sudden they're POPULAR.
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>>683499 if you are implying I did this shit to be poplar I would have posted poplar with booze bitch
And now time for the surly teacher to knock some sense into them.
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I am 100¤ % out now do resume see ya maybe in july
Good luck PK be well.
This girl feels like a SNAKE.
>>683503 thx
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>>683504 snakes feel pretty nice and silky i wouldn't mind feeling like a snake
I used to go after garter snakes as a kid up near my cottage. Catch 'em with my bare hands.
Look at those EYES.
I kind of like that slow string-picking on the koto. There's a lot of Japanese pieces that use a similar sound.
Bitch I KNEW you as -was a SNAKE
She really enjoys being a homewrecker eh.
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I wonder if this girl will end up in the club.
She's in the OP/ED so yeah, likely. I guess they'll save her from her cynicism and toxic nature and she'll be good from thereon out.
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oh gosh
Pyjamas are such nice articles of clothing.
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im wearing mine right now! except i'm also working! wow i should be in a stock photo somewhere
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PAN Jan A's
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okay oh we kinda need Jan going forward right?
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oh yuu you are so silly ha ha ha good joke
We literally restarted the last show because you forgot him for it. Of course he's around.
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haha okay kimetsu!>>683526 I'm sorry, Jan! okay lets start!
yay ive been excited for this one>>683526 aww but im here too
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haha so funny if this show wasn't so good i'd have just closed the tab and left to fucking spite you>>683524 yeah alright it's whatever>>683525 well i couldn't abandon you
Okay I'm ready.>>683524 It's hard to feel like you're sorry when there doesn't seem to be any intent to make improvements on the thing that you're apologizing for. Feels insincere.
>>683530 Nice coupling
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>>683527 I'll try to be better. His head scar is different now.
Yeah it looks like parts of the forehead skin is growing over it. I wonder why it changed so suddenly. It's even different in the OP.
Aw shit he's upgraded from a basket and a blanket into a full travelling case.
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In the end he never showed his face.
it's isshin ashina duh
Maybe a demon ATE IT.
Hah hah Tanjirou really is a human bloodhound.
I like the early inclusions of modern technology around these towns. It's a cool time period to be fighting supernatural creatures in.
Oh that's an unpleasant sound. Oof ow my ears.
I wonder how many forms he's learned so far.
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the water effect is still so damn cool
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Amazing he can move so fast with her on his back.
Well he spent like a year in endurance training.>>683564 Yeah, I'm excited to see the other special technique effects in action.
Augh this sound effect is killing me.
Wow Isshin brainwashed Nezuko into being an oni-killing machine. Cool.
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are we doin flutes basket tonight or have we consumed our available time neat okay
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Can't wait for the next one. yeah we're doing fruits basket next okay we're orange lets start
Foozebasket These post-episode bits of Tanjirou and Nezuko are super cute.>>683574 It's fine I'm more than able to be the LIFE OF THE ANIME PARTY.
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oj sorry im not as lively tonight! im kinda multitasking with work froots biscuit
furutsu basuke>>683573 yeah i really like the post-ep sequences too
Being Yuki is suffering!
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Oh yeah I forgot one of the Souma was a doctor.
>Glomp Wow what is this, 2010.
Being Yuki is suffering.
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glomp is a funny word
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momiji is such a goofy fucker
>Boys don't like being called cute Says who.
Tohru's such an extreme spaz. Can't help but trip up. It's good she's got two such good friends though.
I'd also forgotten her yankee friend called Kyo "Carrots". It's such a great nickname.
>>683587 she's trying her best yeah im envious i wish i had that deep of friendships at tohru's age
what do you do for a living shigure my specialty is roofing
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There's something so fundamentally wholesome about Fruits Basket. Even these absolutely heartfelt and happy moments get me kind of dew-eyed.
Mystery boy!
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it's always been a really special show to me having it come back this season is a lot of the reason im here so im glad
I never watched the original adaptation but the manga was such a nice read. By now it's been long enough that my memory of the story is kind of falling apart so it's almost like experiencing it anew. That's a pretty rare occurence for me.
>A cartoon about a cat and a rat that were always fighting Well it was a mouse but close 'nuff.
The little things they slip in here and there like Kyo really liking milk are always fun.
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Some rats are so big that most cats will be like no thanks any nod and not mess with them
Too bad Kyo's too dumb to know when he's picking a fight too harsh for him.
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i had a friend who had pet rats she ended up getting into furry stuff though so i had to bail plus she was really mean
I had a friend who's older sister kept rats. They seem like interesting pets but I'm not really into rodent-keeping. I'll stick to cats.
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okay bocchi! okay lets start!
B O C C H>>683604 Good luck Moon. Good night, Moon.
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oh no bocchi for me im on a time crunch now have fun guys see yall next time
>Sleep x Sheep That's a very cute top.
Poka poka suru!
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This is a nice comfy show.
There's a decent variety of those this season. But this is also a very good season overall.
Putting together a decent Haiku in three minutes is pretty impressive for a middle schooler, even if it's probably only on the level of a middle schooler.
Also hearing actual Japanese people say Haiku makes me realize that English people tend to draw out the "u" at the end more than the actual Japanese pronounciation does.
Oh I think I remember this from the manga.
Yeah the potatoes.
Oh yeah that was a pretty good haiku.
This is a cute sensei.
Nako is a powerful grade seven girl.
This dumb ninja girl is really on the same wavelength as Bocchi.
>Nako wearing her full uniform
Wa Ha Haa
Geez the ninja girl is almost as tall the Sensei.
Dame Ningen!
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i can't
Wa ha ha...
>>683627 ;_;
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I like the unfortunate girl. I get her.
Aru's a pretty endearing character yeah. Bocchi is the queen endearing character though.
Wa Ha Haa...
Oh the Koko chickens in that notebook are pretty cute.
Hah hah hah. Aru just joining in completely clueless about the Wa Ha Ha.
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This is a really catching school anthem. WA HA HAA
Oh geez it doesn't stop.
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thanks for anime! monday awaits
Monday always comes 'round again.
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thanks for anime
>>683646 stretchybocchi