There's a lot this season I'm enjoying yeah. I mean I'm usually disposed to enjoying what I watch rather than not but this season's made it pretty easy for me.
Wow what a brat.
These sure are some weird Personas.
That's why you don't bring a knife to a sword fight!
anyone introducing themselves as a war hero probably isn't
Especially one that spends their days lounging around a pub.
when we called for fairy gone i remembered it as "oh, that show with the girl that has that blue coat i like" that's the only thing that really stood out to me haha
I'm at least a bit engaged by the world they set up. But I get that's also the kind of thing that naturally catches me and isn't necessarily something for others.
I like the worldbuilding but they spent a lot of time in the fray of action that second half in the bar was a much more enjoyable scene imo
yeah i did my best to catch up for this i read a synopsis of eipsode four to catch up it sounds like they had a bit of a stumble last episode huh
Episode four felt like a bit of a one-off. Like the corniness with the music video was funny but the episode feels like it could have been cut from the final production without much lost.
i feel you carole
I wanna ride a Mars train!
Maindo contororu
The character designer for this show does a really good job making fat people look fat.
i like shows with adapting wardrobes especially when they use them this well
There's so much great creative realisation in this show. Like from the fashion to the interior design to the near-future infrastructure of colonized Mars. It just shows so much thought and time into the world. I love it.
at least carole is still rocking the denim hot pants all hope isn't lost