Boktachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Fairy Gone --Episode 4-5 Kenja no Mago Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san Shoumetsu Toshi Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
i am downloading these things bokutachi and fairy gone are ready, are yall starting with something else?
Tate no Yuusha would be likely near the start. Maybe Kenja no Mago? It's not very good but it's light. It's hard to tell until Rika starts putting the list together hah hah.
not quite as menacing as the berserk pope! he's up there though.
Berserk's Pope was like a stonewall. This guy at least is a kind of normal menacing.
I wonder how much time they've got before the next Wave hits. There's a lot of stuff they need to clean up before they're ready for it. Like figuring out if the Sword and Bow Heroes are actually (probably not) dead.
any sign of ika okay well we'll start and he can catch up lets start
kenja desu wow. im not sure if im old enough for this yall start at 00:00 right? you dont skip past the logo splashes okay
Okay that's certainly a first fifteen seconds. >>681594 The show's normally not really into this kind of nonsense so maybehopefully it's just a one-off.
>>681594 Yeah we don't make concessions for shows with weird intros. Would be too much of a pain. Only really adds like ten seconds of content on top anyway.
>>681593 I mean I did say I don't really want to be constantly fetching him to show up. I gave him his once a night alert for Tate earlier.
oh gooooooooosh i got the dub somehow please send help
Oh ew. Especially for this episode.
Do you not get the HorribleSubs rip?
i kinda grabbed the first one labelled english translated since i was hurrying to collect them all haha it's fine but wow it's pretty bad
The official services HorribleSubs rips from are generally pretty decent subs and release qualities in more recent times. If there's a show they're releasing it's pretty much a reliable choice.
If they're making him a gun I'm gonna make a FUSS.
The romance in this show gets really sappy at times you'd almost thing it was a shoujo/
it's a liiiittle too hamfisted in that regard to be shoujo
I dunno man I've met some pretty hamfisted shoujos in my life.
Well they're smart in the ways of magic not physics.
All those poses!
Well that's a good kind of nuclear deterrent or something at least. Can't conscript the kids without breaking the vow not to use the MC for military purposes.
i hope squiddy is okay he said he'd stay for that one i feel bad >>681623 just a short clip
oh it didn't link into the thread right you can disregard it's not important
>>681624 He's been around less and less lately or had other reasons for missing shows or whole nights. And I've made it clear I don't want to be fetching him on Discord for every show each night! He's a grown cephalopod he can keep track of things himself I think.
Episode four of this. >>681628 If a show on the list has an "--Episode X-Y" underneath it that means the episodes in that range have not yet been watched. Everything else is on the most recent episode ... unless a show's mediocre enough I can't be bothered to keep track of the number of episodes we're behind on. I think only Shoumetsu Toshi is in that state this season though.
ready sorry!
The action in this show is consistently set to good music.
Oh gosh a princess carry.
i like that grainy filter but it really clashes with the occasional 3dcg they use
It's not normally that grainy for most of the show.
I'm interested in it but it really fights my ability to be. They don't do a very good job of delivering the information to the viewer. It's a pretty show though and the action is kind of interesting.
visually and audially satisfying to watch i thought it was just me for missing the earlier episodes but it's not very engaging
This guy really has quite the stare.
Oh I know it might be kind of late to bring it up meant to do so earlier sorry. But could we maybe tap in Senko-san to close off the night instead of Benkyou?
oh wow she got stabbed >>681646 im happy to do whatever
A stab there probably hurts to stand up a fair bit too.
Oh here's her childhood friend to the rescue.
>>681646 Rika read this before spinning up what's next please
i shouldn't be watching this on an empty stomach haha it's very cozy though
Yeah it's extremely relaxing. It can get a bit bleak at times because it really trashes on the horrible Japanese office culture but it always rebounds with pampering!
it must be nice having someone to pamper im a little envious
oh no
Yeah it's a very nice situation he's found himself in. Though he's still a salaryman that's selling his soul to some company that doesn't care for his wellbeing!
>>681678 he's got something that makes it all worthwhile though, some catharsis waiting for him
i wish i could do that for someone
minus the tail of course
But still keeping the ears?
That bit about Senko being there to keep him from drowning was a really emphatically sweet thing. Like there's the obvious literal take but there's also the subtext there that was really heartfelt.