this is just some stuff i need to outlet, nobody has to come address it or even really pay attention at all, but anyone is welcome to too if they want
my last ditch living situation here is gonna be closing by the start of next year and there's a high likelihood i'll end up homeless with current work factors with health and bad finances, or at the least im about on the brink of homelessness without many options
being on that brink ive been thinking about the fact that my grandparents, with my dad's help, built a second home for my grandpa since he had a bad heart and being in the midwest during the winter would be hard on him. not just my grandpa but it was a summer home sort of thing it was arranged that my aunt would get the home in the midwest (where she's currently caring for that grandmother, who is on hospice and is very ready to go)
and my dad was supposed to have that summer home. but being as my dad died, my oldest cousin has been staying there instead, as he has done for a long long time, taking care of the house and stuff but also living there im not sure how that goes if the inheritance normally would go to the deceased's children or if it'd go to the next of kin instead or something or what, not that it was really a legally binding agreement in the first place, just family planning stuff
i havent done anything to deserve it but that home would save my life if i could get it like planned. or how things would have gone naturally within the plan, that is. even then, though, i dont think i can take care of the place by myself, and probably shouldn't live by myself anyway. id like to talk to family about it but i can't really talk to anyone. i mean, that's why im sharin stuff here im worrited too that /moe/ is drifting apart, and you guys are all i really have left, and kind of all i ever had these past years i hope things will be okay. thanks for reading
you know, I don't actually know how passing down property works either i always assumed it would go to your children or next of kin if none of them could or wanted to get it maybe people just usually write it down specifically in their wills or something since it's pretty important though now that i think about it my grandma's house went to her son's wife since she was dead and // since he was dead and that seemed kind of weird law is confusing i am already confused
i don't really know anything about how property works but i don't want /moe/ to drift apart either if there's anything i can do to help make /moe/ feel more cohesive, i'd like to do that
before either of you get too invested im going to say it's not about the legality here it's not a legal matter
it was just family arrangements, expectations and responsibilities, not legal mandate the issues im concerned with are the messy ones, like how to even talk to family to find that stuff out, how to approach them about the subject that im going to be homeless, how to ask for help anything i can't do these things
it's the same as for my work situation right now, and in the years past already im super super high functioning but the discomfort of exposure and vulnerability and the sheer aversion to logistical procedures of how im to go about making things happen are preventing me from a lot of things i would do very very well if i had someone to take care of those things for me but that is obviously an immense expense. many high functioning professionals are like that though
it sounds pathetic but i need someone who knows how to do things to hold my hand and do the things for me that i dont even know i need to be doing ive been up here a year and i havent gotten my michigan ID, i can't schedule doctor's appointments and get myself checked out, i don't know how to interface with the healthcare coverage i do have. i should cancel my appointment in saint louis, not go there as i dont have any money for a trip anyway and i dont want to endure distress from family, and figure out how to use this coverage to find and schedule an appointment with someone here i can't do these things. in the situations where ive been forced to do these kinds of things, i get frantic and have bad panic attacks and end up either sedated or in a fugue state for days im not being lazy, i literally can't do these things without compromising myself
thank you for the responses. i appreciate it these are things you guys can't have answers to so dont feel like you have to try to answer them
>>677279 yes this is a big thing too i have some very heavy leaning to do and /moe/ is most of my support structure, and it's already drifting and i dont want to suffocate it. that's why im trying to stress this as just an outlet for myself and not trying to occupy all the space in main threads for myself and my problems. i want to see /moe/ have lots of room to breathe and interact and grow again. yes we're all adults and have less time now, but i don't think that's a barrier. i want to see people happy while they're here and not stressed out.
ive gotten so stressed out at people in the past here and i think about it a lot i wish i had been a better person all around and i wish had taken the chance to enjoy more of the liveliness of our golden era here live and learn and all that sorry idk this is probably pointless
nah it's not pointless /moe/ has been my only real family for a while now i don't think that's such an uncommon feeling i'm /// i think it's good that you're willing to make a thread like this since you're usually worried about complaining too much we gotta be there for each other imo
i always start feeling a big urge to want to bring /moe/ more together, and want to talk about some things ive screwed up, make amends and let people know how much i appreciate them but at the // then i realize it could be like "jeez whatever moon, so melodramatic. i dont have a lot of time im just checking from my phone and this is really overbearing" and i think it's the problem
this kind of disconnect is what keeps me in functioning logistically all the time too i really need someone who can make calls and schedule things for me and keep a calendar scheduled and make sure im remembering to eat real food and not neglecting myself too much but like that's a physical role, they'd gotta be here im so uncomfortable in this living environment right now because there's leakage that just floods in and it smells like there's probably mold, the house is unreasonably messy and i cant function in that and it's not good for me psychologically to be handling someone else's laziness for them but considering im about to be homeless i really can't complain about any of that
if i just had a few basic things i needed then none of this would be a barrier idk i can't talk about this stuff then feel right about myself afterwards as soon as i say something i feel this pang of hopeless irritability, feeling like it's excuses that's the effect of growing up with double-binds and manipulative parenting everything is lose-lose and there's no winning action, just soak up everyone else's anxieties for them
Kirara 🍄
>>677290 is there anything anyone can do to help without being there physically? you're my friend and i want to do whatever i can to help
>>677294 is there a way you could make calls on my behalf nah that's too much like the services offered with this health coverage, there's even transport. they have a driver come pick you up if you can't get to your appointment yourself but like you gotta make so many calls and do so much stuff there's not enough comfort room in my head to organize all that while still functioning blue cross is telling me to use my blue cross card along with my MIhealth card for everything i do but they didnt send me an // a blue cross card either it never arrived in my mailbox or someone just threw it out or something either way i dont have it and it's already may im scared i might not get to get the healthcare i need while i still can this year but i dont have any money to get stuff and do stuff im so distressed thinking about those things that i have to just not do it or i become frantic
Kirara 🍄
>>677300 a lot of things i can't call for you because they'll need to talk to you but there are probably some things i could help call for your blue cross card, you will probably have to contact them, they might have a way to chat on their website instead of calling? a lot of people do that nowadays
i need to sign up for grocery delivery service it's available for like $12 a month or like 80 for the whole year but that means i gotta have 80 bucks available -before- buying any groceries and then the tip too the items are sometimes more expensive for delivery and there's no room in the kitchen to actually store food anyway... i didn't ask for this, sigh and i wish i could stop doing this