Thread #669511
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Dororo Fairy Gone Hitoribocchi Kenja no Mago YU-NO Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin One-Punch Man Sewayaki Kitsuno no Senko-san Shoumetsu Toshi Tate Yuusha no Nariagari
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tate yuusha OPM shoumetsu dororo hitoribocchi
I'll go rouse the rabble I guess.
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I've pinged him but no response yet. Maybe start with Shoumetsu just to give him a chance to come in or something.
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shoumetsu we're on ep 2 of this right? ah ep 1 okay lets start!
I don't really know anything about this show but it's one of the few things I've seen zero chatter about so it's probably a whatever show.>>669519 No. We haven't watched any of this. Hence why I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS SHOW.
Oh no the aidoru are all dying.
There's one guy that seems to have Gate of Babylon only it's GUN.
This is some extremely irresponsible scooter driving.
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so she's on a journey to find her dad or soemthing and this scooter guy is gonna get caught up in it
She's got to find out who killed her da
>Well, something like that Wow he doesn't even refute the accusations of kidnapping.
>She's just a package This guy has some real tact issues.
Oh here's the guy who's Gate of Babylon GUN.
Oh that made me jolt a bit.
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So is this going to be about magic and scooters
I'd be fine with it if that's the case. I like magic. I like scooters.
Geez his face really took a beating from that psychic impact. Oh and now he's fucking (totally not) dead.
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tate yuusha okay lets start!
Shield me daddy
Flashback time! Time for S U F F E R I N G
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flashback episode
I'm still hoping Raphtalia runs this fat asshole through with her sword. I know it won't happen but that's not enough to make me stop hoping.
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ah there it is if we kill you we're just as bad as you are
Hey I got my wish anyway! Sure it was with the magic sword but she still ran him through with a sword!
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Looks like he committed suicide by sword.
>>669543 i hat ethat so much
Wow she was pretty strong even as a kid. The torture she suffered at the hands of that arse must have been particularly bad, considering the state she was in at the start of the series.
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Yeah, he was pretty pathetic by the time he met her.
The demi-humans like Raphtalia and this kid worship the legend of the Shield Hero like he's a godly saviour. Naofumi's really Oh well shit. I expected her friend was dead but, well. That's a real blunt way to show it.
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oh this is kinda the reverse of that moment after the duel last season.
It's Naofumi's turn to save Raphtalia from ZETSUBOU
Oh this is unexpected. Guess all that lard on his body protected him from being too hurt by the fal.
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>is he trying to release that seal it looks like he's doing more than trying looks like the party is going to get some more EXP from this one
Hah hah hah fucking RIP.
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OPM 2 okay lets start
So this guy wants to be a human monster eh.
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yeah he wamts to be hardcore but his humanity won't let him
Oh fire guy needs a hand.
>>669559 Honestly his humanity doesn't seem to be holding him back much.
Sonikku's such a loser.
Saitama is such a great MC. Just wades through all the politics and drama of being a HIIRO without a care for it all.
He's giving her such incredible attitude too.
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I like how Saitama just rides along with some people's attacks.
It's a good way to gauge if the person's worth him going all out against at least. Hah hah hah Sonic.
this season definitely is a downgrade compared to S1 but its not bad
One-Punch Man doesn't really need that gratuitous animation anyway. Like sure it's great but the comedic timing and cool-factor isn't really diminished by poorer animation.
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yeah it's still an enjoyable watch
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haha menacing with the potato face
Oh ah hah hah hah hah hah. I remember reading this in the manga now. Saitama is such a tool in some ways.
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haha I forgot King dropped in at this part.
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dororo okay lets start
>>669577 Wrong show nerd.
I wonder if this was inspiration for the Golden Kamuy author when they were coming up with the tattoo map plot in that series.
I wonder if this blind monk will make it to the end of the series. He's a fun character.
Oh these are some good ol' traditional Japanese spooks.
Hah hah Hyakkimaru what are you doing just leaving Dororo there.
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that thing still kinda looks dangerous
Well Japanese folklore has a lot of creepy monsters that aren't as dangerous as they look.
This guy has a little bit of an evil aura about him!
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It's a bit subtle though. Maybe he's possessed.
Honestly you don't really need to be able to see auras to tell he's a little evil. There's something totally unhinged about his stare.
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Kinda weird that he's working so hard to entertain a few bumpkins too.
Hyakkimaru still doesn't say much, but he's gotten a lot more confident in the few words he does say.
Traditional Japanese pillows are always so funny-looking to me. They're just boxes!
I wonder if Oh fuck that's gross. I wonder if Hyakkimaru can't willingly control the muscles around his eyes since the demons still have them. He can't seem to close them when he ought to. Or maybe he just isn't in the habit of it since he's never needed to.
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you'd think eye muscles would come with his face but he can't react to things to close them because he can't see okay hitori okay lets start
It is a mystery.
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The new girl is plaincute.
Well Bocchi is pretty plaincute herself too.
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That's true but bocchi has a lot of dork mixed in.
>I'm the type that gets more optimistic at night I know this feeling.
Arupaka Her friend has been light teasing her all day but Bocchi unintentionally gets back at her.
Bocchi is such a doofus.
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yeah that was a long story
She really did change into her gym uniform.
Oh I think her seiyuu is T S F from Umaru.
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She makes stupid mistakes sometimes. I get that.
Hanger-chan really is an advanced baka.
this shows pretty nice
Okay one sheep two sheep time for sleep sheep
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yeah, time for bed bye bye
Night night