Is it fine if we pick you up in about fifty minutes for Maidoragon, Kannagi? The other two shows are kind of mediocre and its nice to end on a comfy show.
This kind of feels like a totally different character from the present professor guy.
Pft, they're using Windows XP on their computers. Though I guess this might be five or --oh Heroine-chan was just born so more like fifteen years ago. That's more in line for it to be perfectly normal to use XP.
but what if it catches on fire and you die because you wanted to save money making one
bang's new computer
i wish i was that comfy
All that curry
bang's new computer
>>66858 I could literally make you a kotatsu for like 300 bucks of decent quality how much do they want for one i'm not willing to do this btw i'm just saying even i would be capable
I am all comfy wrapped up in my duvet sitting at my computer.
>>66868 I would get someone who's actually an electrician to do it of course.
>>66869 I have a bathrobe I use for that purpose when it gets too cold around here. The corner of my room that my desk is in has poor insulation and gets pretty cold in the heart of winter.
bang's new computer
bang's new computer
I'll reiterate, I wasn't offering, just saying it's not that hard. Also I have experience with electrician work.
bang's new computer
I forgot the neighbors existed
In the manga I think they show up for the single chapter that introduces them and then never appear again.
I want some mochi
Me too.
Hah hah hah. That show about the cute girls being Zodiac animals did the same gag. Getting partially through the Zodiac and then forgetting because the Japanese mnemonic for remembering them isn't particularly intuitive.
I don't remember new years at all I think I was probably playing video games like most years
No matter how small she cuts up her tail meat there's always a core of bone.
Her cuttin g up her tail to feed kobayashi feels always so yandere.
I would dig a friend like Fafnir. He seems easy to get along with once you know him.
bang's new computer
He'd be that cunt that never has money for fucking anything and never goes to fucking anything and i'm struggling with having a neet friend
You mean me?
bang's new computer
you're on the internet you're not even REAL
bang's new computer
you also don't take 3 slices of pizza when you don't contribute to the economy at all
Instead I take ALL the pizza. I do pay for it myself though.
bang's new computer
tohru-sama donmai
Kobayashi's keeping her meido a secret from her family. I guess it's easier than trying to explain the situation though.
>A maid moved with me last year >We also adopted a little girl
bang's new computer
everything's gonna be daijobu
My aunt recent got in contact me with. I am terrible with communicating with family members.
No one outside my immediate family contacts me.
What a lucky but unfortunate nightmare. >>66922 Usually the same for me! but my Aunty is really into watsapp recently. She text me while I was at work and then I could reply she sent the equivilant for a "Pls respond"
bang's new computer
is there any more coming
bang's new computer
sometimes people occasionally will my aunt lives down the road but i don't care for them any
>>66924 It should be a normal twelve-episode show, which means one more.
bang's new computer
I really don't want anything from my extended family. I love my immediate family to death aside from my dad, and we get along really well. I'm hoping to move in with my brother this summer.
Tohru became a maid. Kanna became an elementary schooler. Fafnir became a NEET. Levi became an OL.
What did Lucoa become?
bang's new computer
Kanna is a good kid
Oh they're going to bookend by showing the extra details on Kobayashi and Tohru's first meeting. Rika has an image she likes to post that's from that chapter.