Thread #666427
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Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Kenja no Mago Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin One Punch Man Sarazanmai Shoumetsu Toshi To aru Majutsu no Index Carole & Tuesday Sarazamai and Carole & Tuesday are high on my priority to watch today.
how is this index is it continuation or remake of the old one
It's a season three, so direct continuation. But since there's like a hundred novels they barely get much further into the story. Covered WWIII at least.
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it's a continuation yeah they haven't finished it haha its gonna take like 25 years
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hmm nit seeing carole on my list need to figure out why
It's a Netflix show so there's no official subs. [PAS] is doing a fansub though. Might not be around on XDCC.
netflix needs to accept its fate and die ill catch up on index and join you next week or is it episode 1
this universe needs to accept its fate and die tbh>>666437 it's been ongoing for a long time
>>666437 Oh it's at the final episode I think. You'd have to watch like twenty-five episodes hah hah.
oh haha i thought it was just starting. my bad. nevermind then
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is either of them comfy?
Carole might be. It's a new show from Watanabe, the guy who directed Cowboy Bebop, Space Dandy, among others. Sarazanmai is Ikuhara's new show, who directed Utena, Penguindrum, Yuri Kuma Arashi. I don't know if it's particularly comfy but it's definitely wild.
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sarazamai OP< OPM that is cinderella nine kenja carole
I've heard talk that One-Punch Man is well-animated despite the studio handover from Madhouse to J.C. Staff. Or well at least the first episode is. Hopefully they continue with suitable resources.
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sarazazaza okay lets start
Sa ra za n ma i
People always have such adorable bedrooms in Ikuhara shows. The imouto from Penguindrum had a great one too.
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yeah this already looks so much like it
Lucky Selfie items is a funny modern take on the weird lucky items thing Japanese people have.
Wow a ruler as a weapon. Oh no they broke the statue.
Oh no they've become kappas.
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I guess kappas are going to be the theme of this one also what
>>666465 Well that evil city shot we got just a brief moment ago had otters on the signs too. Maybe there's a war of kappas and otters.
what am i watching
>Kappa zombies
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what time
14:45 14:50 14:55
I'm not sure what I was expecting but this is certainly something. And it just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
The AESTHETIC of this show is pretty nice though.
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okay time again i'm having issues haha
Damnit Rika. 17:55 18:00 18:05
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had trouble with the download it's better now though
>quit talking out of your ass
>>666478 It's like pottery.
I wonder what kind of drugs Ikuhara gets his hands on to come up with these insane premises. He should share.
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>>666480 no idea but whatever it is i hope he doesn't get caught
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okay OPM okay lets start!
WAN PAAAANCHI>>666484 They changed from Madhouse to J.C. Staff. Who honestly don't have the best track record, hah hah. Aside from Index III their stuff recently has been better though.
wan pan i saw that the studio is diff hopefully its not too much of a downgrade
onetrick man
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oh my did I see King King is the best girl
King should be a semi-regular character in this season I think.
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a kindred spirit
King is the best
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haha king's engine king is so cool
Being King is suffering
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king is so moe
rokketto panini
Saitama has a great smirk.
Good luck and bad luck are just two sides of the same coin.
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Saitama and King are also two sides of the same coin. I like the dynamic between them.
Genos looking pretty Terminator-poi there.
Oh it's Sonikku again.
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haha kits l lots of troublesome people
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yeah I still liked it cinderella 9 okay lets start
Long paunchi
>>666506 One-Punch doesn't really need some kind of crazy good animation honestly. But Madhouse spoiled us with the first season and now everyone expects it. This is some kind of mobage anime about sports girls? Honestly probably one of the weaker things this season.
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chin oh whoops forgot to close i started on time though
Wearing skirts while playing baseball is pretty dumb.
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I like the lips reminds me a little of some other show the uniforms look like girlfriend beta and yes skirts for baseball is dumb
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oh they're wearing sparts under the skirts that's less bad at least
You'd also probably not keep your hair long if you were serious about playing baseball.
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you could put it in a bun and put it in your cap a pony tail isn't bad either
Yeah, fair enough. I think even a ponytail is kind of a hinderance. And a bun can be a pain to put up, so pragmatically, short hair is just easier.
This was always my biggest problem with baseball. I'm a bit twitchy, having something thrown at me gets me jumpy.
You've got to swing the bat
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>>666517 A girl's hair is her life.
All the more reason to cut it short!
>>666520 >>666521 this got wayyyyyyyyy darker than i was expecting
I know I'm pretty proud of myself for it.
Oh no school council haet baesball This was better than I was expecting.
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yeah, I rather enjoyed that it wil lbe a comfy show kenja hmmm is ika still there? oh im just going to assume he is, he posted oaky lets start
This is the token isekai series of the season I believe.
kenja jaja
Time for some random Japanese guy to fucking DIE.
Oh shit it's an actual TRUCK'D.
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Doesn't a story where the protagonist is isekai'd during his youth as part of his backstory really just end up being a story about a fantasy world in the end?
More or less yeah. The only real isekai factor is the memories of the past life, which means he might have some advanced knowledge for a fantasy world.
>>666532 yeah but they have to add the isekai to get poplar!!
At least he's acting like a kid. Some of these reborn-into-an-isekai stories have them all mature and adult-like even as a child.
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The way a lot of these people dress as if they were from Earth is kinda weird.
Well really it's just the MC. The rest of them have pretty standard fantasy-y clothes.
He pretty much has an actual magic nuke.
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>>666540 THere's another guy at the table wearing a shirt and tie but it is weird that the protagonist didn't start dressing like he was in this world
He's been buddy-buddy with some big names eh.
Oh I was gonna say, more than party it seemed like a lot of romantic undertones between them. But they were actually married.
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This is kind of a typic isekai where everything is awesome and the protagonist is OP
Yeah, it's not really doing anything particularly unique. I like the knowledge of chemistry and physics being mixed into magic though.
some characters are ok at least nothing great
It's got nice, colourful character designs. Sure not anything special but it's pleasant.
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hard to get excited aobut that one okay carole okay let's start, jan can get the time
Music on MARS
Oh another really pretty bedroom. Oh gosh cute robot.
this ones stylish
Robot bartenders! I love future world stuff like this.
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I'm here but i'm usper sleepy and barely hanging on haha
Wow what happened to the good ol' late-night Rika.
They still need some work!
Man I really love this AESTHETIC though, Hah hah it's actually Instagram. I guess they got a sponsor for this show.
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nice shot nice music
Nice ED too.
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okay sleep now bye bye
Good night, Rika.