Thread #665923
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Any sign of tilde?
I'm here give me a sec.
Dororo Fairy Gone Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Kenja no Mago Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin One Punch Man Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san Shoumetsu Toshi Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari To aru Majutsu no Index
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dororo tate yuusha kono yo hate fairy gone comfy show? what's a comfy show
Senko-san is definitely definitely a comfy show.
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dororo tate yuusha kono yo hate fairy gone senko-san
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okay dororo okat lets start
Party is over ;_;
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Let's see if the new OP is as good
I listened to it earlier. It's not as unique as the first one but it is Asian Kung-Fu Generation whose sound is generally up my alley.
The second animation definitely hints Hyakkimaru will get his eyesight back before it's all over.
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Yeah it's not nearly as good I want to see him get his eyesight too
Wow that's a very clean cut.
aye matey
Lemme know when you need the time for Dororo.
i am ready ye landlubber
8:05 8:10 8:15
yarr right on time per usual fer me best mate
Aye aye Cap'n.
this girl's hair is so long
This episode's a little bit QUALITY. Dororo in particular looks kind of lazily animated.
Hah hah she's pretty open about what she's doing.
Search [iqdb] (185 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 13 [72(…).jpg )
what if the statue doesn't want his face it's not even real
Yeah I was wondering that too. I think he's got most of his face back though. There's still some fakeness to it in the eyes and -at least.
Hah hah what are you going to do about a stone stature Hyakkimaru you can't exactly cut that with your swordarms.
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She really wants faces huh
That shot of Hyakkimaru on the ground tied up in the magic ropes was what the staff chose for the preview earlier this week. It prompted some interesting fan responses online.
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 13 [72(…).jpg )
why you hittin yourself? why you hittin yourself?
Yeah I guess that's the way to do it hah hah.
Search [iqdb] (220 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 13 [72(…).jpg )
mr dororo i don't feel so good
I can't separate talks of the face of the Buddha from Sekiro anymore.
Lots of naked children all of a sudden. Oh Dororo's got something on her back.
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I wonder if her secret will be revealed since it's baths nope guess not
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stupid dog you make me look bad
>>665963 Well her lower half's underwater and between being that young and probably a bit of malnutrition Dororo's probably got an upper body indistinguishable from a boy her age. And she talks like a boy so that's probably what people assume.
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okay tate yuusha okay lets start!
Praise Shielddad>>665967 Damnit Rika.>>665970 She mistook your post for him and hadn't noticed you'd shown up. I wonder how long it'll take for her to come back and realize she messed up again.
tatato yuushoup
wait a second wheres ika>>665968 ika could never conflate tate yuusha with potato soup only i am retarded enough for such a level of amalgamation >>665967 rika stop you're tearing this family apart!!
Search [iqdb] (357 KB, 942x1200, 50273101_p0_master1200.jpg )
oh hi oka we're all orange again let's start!
we did it team we made it happen
If only it didn't take so much effort to get right.
baby steps
>>665971 boop
what is it with anime and extremely bad wanted posters
It's a pretty reliably amusing gag.
Search [iqdb] (323 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha (…).jpg )
raph attacc
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raph protecc
The goodest girl.
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha (…).jpg )
but most of all he just wants to go bacc
Wow look at this NERD.
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he's got the scholar goggles he's not to be trusted
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This seems like it's going to go badly for him.
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he's trying to rival the MC in terms of chin pointiness level
Naofumi has a powerful ability to corrupt people into becoming better people!>>665988 Maybe he's found a pillow shield mode to change it into while he sleeps!
can you imagine trying to sleep with a shield
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Wow, I guess they're gettung rank pulled I guess raph is going to look for her friend
Looks like she found something less than a friend.
Search [iqdb] (208 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha (…).jpg )
just once i'd like to see a fat fuck ugly pig man in anime that is a really nice guy
Yeah but gluttony equals corruption! There's no way a chubster like that could be nice!
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I guess this guy ended up being a nice guy the other noble guy
Search [iqdb] (306 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha (…).jpg )
>>665995 seems like they like making big beefy scary looking yakuza esque dudes nice in anime so why not big flabby douchey noblemen this guy literally has an upturned pignose
Hah hah Naofumi is such a rude hero.>>666000 Japan probably has a degree of romantic idealism when it comes to the Yakuza. And the nobility they'd romanticize would be slim and composed, probably.
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>>666001 to save the world you must abuse the goys sieze their shekels and hear the lamentation of their finances
I'd like to see Raphtalia go to town on this guy but I know that won't be the case. Hopefully they can leave him in disgrace though.
Search [iqdb] (317 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha (…).jpg )
make him beg first
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>>666004 you're on the right track maybe take all his stuff ransack his place and drop him in a den of basilisks or something hogtied we can definitely stretch this out
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 96x194, 1545960672421.png )
okay kono yo whatever ijay lets start
kono traveling light
YU-NO what time it is. I hope my Internet comes back on now that I've had a chance to reboot my router phone posting is poorly suited to talking about anime.
Yu no
Ah yup there it is.
Wow he got the knack of using that remote pretty fast. Apparently the original VN of this is ridiculously complex. Like a whole bunch of routes and possible stories to come of it.
im sure they'll anime animate* it perfectly
I know, eh. Well I'm pretty sure it's two-cour so even if not perfectly, they'll have a bit more time to tell the story.
Search [iqdb] (383 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kono Yo no Hate(…).jpg )
IS it just me or does this remote basically give him VN savescumming powers
Kinda yeah. I wonder if that was something the writer had in mind when he was first coming up with the idea in the 90s.
I think I might've had a translated copy of the original VN on my PSP years back. The name of this one seems familiar to me. Not too sure though, it was a long while back.
That's kind of an interesting historical pattern. Seems like it hasn't held true for around the year 2000 though.
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The girl in this is cute.
What an unpleasant human bean.
Time for him to be a HIIRO for his stepmother.
>Show Hah hah is his stepmother doing some kind of drama or something?
Oh, yeah, that's going to get him acting up.
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what a cool entry
Oh I see it's a ploy by this annoying human bean to make himself seem better by the woman.
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fairy gone okay lets start!
I think Kirara enjoyed this one a bit.
very gone know who else is fairly gone? ika
The Funimation logo's been showing up in a considerable number of shows this season. Didn't have that kind of stuff for a while from them.
Oh man I love me some Industrial-era fantasy.
Oh shit this lady has a Persona.
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Oh they've all got Personas.
this show's animation is not very good lol
Not really, no. It's still kind of fun though.
the gunshot sounds are pretty well done good sound design
Search [iqdb] (279 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fairy Gone - 01(…).jpg )
FUCK she got the crap persona
>scruffy man has wolf persona
It represents the WOLF inside him!
wait where the fuck did that second sword come from
You gotta keep a spare sword on you ma.
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Hers actually looks straight out of persona.
Man even.
The names in this are particularly anime. It's kinds funny.
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>>666052 they all look like they're some random SMT demon/persona honestly
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okay senko-san okay lets start!
[X] TOUCH FLUFFY TAIL>>666061 It's actually quite wholesome!
is this one of those degenerate shows
>>666060 ok good you touching fluffy tail got me worried
This guy sure lives a pretty depressing life.
typical japanese man
he's so miserable that everyone around him is losing the will to live! GIORNO, THERE'S A STAND USER HERE...!
She keeps trying the same opening again and again.
Wow dude don't break her heart.
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sewayaki Kitsun(…).jpg )
really the only reasonable thing to do
Ware wa na!
senko is funny
>You will never have a foxgirl that wants to do nothing but pamper you
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They're really pushing the fluffy tail meme.
That little closing bit was kind of nice. Very relaxing.
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thanks for anime! bedtime now
Yup yup, thanks.
Search [iqdb] (248 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sewayaki Kitsun(…).jpg )
this show is cute but something about it just feels wrong