Thread #664964
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Bokutachi wa Benkyo ga Dekinai Dororo Fairy Gone Fruits Basket Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kimetsu no Yaiba Kono Oto Tomare! Mayonaka no Occult Koumin RobiHachi Senryuu Shoujo Shoumetsu Toshi To aru Majutsu no Index
Just like old times.
an theres a lot of ehh lookiing shows
I dunno if ill watch a lot this season my will to grind is dying
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im here im queer i've upgraded from beer
>>664971 Oh what you got then?
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okay dororo and hitoribocchi any requesds from you guys
Kimetsu Fruits Basket, Bokutachi, JoJo's, Fairy Gone, Index are probably the things on that list I'm interested in watching most you haven't already listed. We should also do five shows tonight if we can.
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>>664972 i got some maker's mark>>664974 i have no strong feelings one way or the other with the staunch exception of Fruits Basket I want to watch that for sure
oh matt said that fairy gone was sicko mode lets watch that one too
Yeah that's why it's caught my attention. Kimetsu no Yaiba is a cool feudal Japan battle shounen so that might be fun. Bokutachi looks like it might be a goofy series about dumb girls that can't study properly. Only they're not quintuplets this time around. Rika's got this one Webm of a girl from it, the one like slots.
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i dont think any shows are gonna rival go-to-bed in terms of harem comedy this year that one was really good
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go to bed? you mean go toubun?
I'm fairly sure that is exactly what he means.
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yes i mean goto boon
Go tabbin'
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it's taking a minute for me to get everything because the list is so big hold on
>tfw i've had everything for 10 minutes now even considering the handicap of half a bottle of whiskey flexes internet speed once again hnnng
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the list is just big and hard to manage jojo kimetsu fruits basked bokutachi hitoribocchi
Jo Jo Binks
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jojo okay lets start
Bento Oreo
Gioruno no burocchi!?
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does Mayonaka no Occult Koumin jave a different name? can't find it anywhere
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i shall try to keep an "ika dropped list" at the top of each anime thread
Oh I missed a u in there. Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin.
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>>664998 ika r u ok do u need a hug
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i haet aneim
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>>665001 ill come to quebec and hug you
Notorious B.I.G. is a pretty cool stand concept.
As far as Stands go, Trish's is really modern. It's one of those weird conceptual ones. As opposed to more standard powers like throwing magic or stopping time.
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giorno's is still the most broken fuckin shit in this whole series
Chou surou ni supiido
omg those noisesw
>At this rate we're going to crash! I TOLD you this plane ride was going to end in a crash.
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Looks like it's going to do more than crash.
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the soundtrack this eppisode is so good episode I mean
Hah hah YES Kingu Crimson breaking the keyboard.
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>mfw playing ranked overwatch
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kimetsu okay lets start
kemetsu This one has potential
Reaaaady>>665025 It's up next! I let Moon know we'd be watching it at about that time too.
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GIVE FRUITS BASKET>>665024 i'm HELL OF impatient i waited TWO DAYS
I've been wanting to watch it too! But we didn't have a chance to watch it on Friday or Saturday.
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fruits basket is next
starting off with ZETSUBOU
Aw yessss give me those ufotable production values.
What a good boy he is.
Oh no the ONI.
Yeah they're not looking too hot.
Oh SHIT she's a zombie.
Wow now she's getting SWOLE.
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So I guess she's turning into a demon cause she's traumatized?
Hah hah well that's the fastest character development ever.
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Sekiro detected
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Oh I guess that's how she became a demon.
This OST is kind of Katanagatari-poi.
And they say his heart grew three sizes that day.
Oh wow. That was a nice play.
that was fun
kimetsu is ufotable? oh my
It's a Shounen Jump manga that got adapted by them, yeah. This pilot was pretty solid.
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that was pretty col cool even
Oh these are some interesting skill aesthetics.
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might be neat okay fruits basked okay lets start
Is this some kind of meme of yours or do you just keep typing basked.>>665051 Yeah that's what I meant by >>665048 this. Those elemental skills are neat. Also we're collecting Moon for this one so don't jump the gun RIKA. Oh for crying out loud.>>665053 Okay now we just need Rika back.>>665049 Oi you. READ PEOPLE'S POSTS.>>665053 I mean I'm not going to say that's wholly incorrect but she does this a lot even with Jan.>>665051 Yeah, probably. Okay in lieu of Rika, Let's start!
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this part looked SICK>>665050 i figured but this one in particular was my favorite.>>665050 l0l dude she fuckin did it>>665049 rika please come back i miss you we all want our friend back rika pls>>665053 its ok she forgets that i exist half of the time too such is life as a degen shes TOO GOOD for our kind shes watched more fruits basket 2019 than me now and im JELLYOUS should we just start and give her the time when she comes to her senses>>665052 >>665053 Are you two still keeping tabs here?
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im here sandwich fruits basket oh no i caused an issue sorry i was warming up a chicken tortea i was watching the thread closely it took 40 seconds to warm up aaa sorry folks
>>665052 >>665053 We're good to go folks.
Guess she's too pre-occupied flirting to pay attention to the thread.
ive been waiting for this moment for over a decade
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I'd totally forgotten she started off living in a tent. It's been a long time since I read the manga.
>>665058 living the fucking dream literally
she's just like me
Mukaashi mukashi
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this seems almost scene for scene with the original
Puriinsu Yuki>>665063 Can't improve on perfection!
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OH I see there was an issue starting sorry for missing it
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>>665066 we're at 6:15
>>665066 Learn to read for Pete's sake.
>>665066 it's ok im sure you were excited for this one
Long-skirted female delinquents and lanky eccentric braided girls. How old-fashioned.
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omfg this soundtrack
Yeah that was a nice track for that moment.
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rip :(
>hotpot. Also I'm tohru this si fucking sad
Tohru's got some absolute sheer positivity though.
Shigure's such a loveable asshole.
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dogs be talkin to this nigga
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people always focus on the miniscule parts surrounding such things every little detail gets so examined hmmmmm
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dog be like yo this bitch just fell asleep just like that mega jelly
i wish i had a mom like hers
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okay lemme know when you guys are done since i started a little early
And next time READ PEOPLE'S POSTS.>>665082 For someone had a kid young and had to work instead of enjoying her youth she did real well for herself.
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pls clam down tilde everybody has their own shit to deal with
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not that i don't think you have enough on your plate but shit be happening alright fam its ok just irashai SOMAKEI
oh this guy i forgot about him probably subconsciously
Gosh Moon how could you forget about the CAT. Hah hah what was that smoke CGI.
probably cause hes fuckin gay
fuckin gay cat
gay ass cat
im cat
Me cat
im gonna enjoy this season a lot thanks for the show everyone i gotta go sleepy
Okey dokes toodles Moon. Good to have you.
ok good night >>665095 moon i love you
I think this should would be better without the animal gimmick
This is a nice ED.
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okay bokutachi just need ika okay lets start!
This one might be fun good designs at least MC looks pretty generic
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ok BOKUTACHI WA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA omg pls lemme start i gotta PEE
oops this one looks like nisekoi x TWGOK
Time for more goofballs.
Rika post your Webm from this show's manga.
doesnt that girol look like shes from nisekoi
The artstyle is a little Nisekoi-poi yeah. Maybe the guy who does the manga worked as an assistant on the manga.
>>665107 bruh ur a fkn weeb jsus
>>665108 Love you too Byng
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Geez girl you've got some serious abandonment issues.
He's doing his best to stay positive.
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This is a nice show so far.
I've read a couple chapters here and there. It's fun.
Wow he needs to choose his words better.
This girl really spaghettis hard.
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blue is BASED
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Anaroggu geimu
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Oh shit imouto radar
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Huh, they didn't even show tomboy-chan. I guess I never read any of the super early chapters so I don't know when she comes into the picture.
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>>665127 haha got distracted by the show the blue hair girl is cute
You have a WebM of her you know. The one with the face slots.
Oh here she is.
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she's very red and tan okay hitori boccchi full disclosure i've already seen this with some other friends and it's good not replacing just a little cheating okay let's start
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PUUUUN WO>>665136 \ wew you're cheating on us huh ] ok
>>665136 Wow you're replacing huh.
This one looks good
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One of my other 4chan circles watches anime just a little bit and sometimes I get invited to their viewings. but they do it late on weekends last week I watched this and then fell asleep during the next show
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>>665141 >4chan circles i bet they only watch MOESHIT with NO REGARD for the SCHEDULE
The manga this is adapting was done by the same mangaka of Mitsuboshi Colors.
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hmm They usually watch only like 3 things a season and sometimes it's moeshit their schedule is hard and htey don't watch as many shows as we do and I'm just a random that roams in and out there.
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She's kind of a baka.
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>>665148 she's trying her best!!
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Yeah I liek this girl. She's relatable.
>>665150 Wow have you thrown up from social stress before too?
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This sure is a dusty classroom.
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>mfw she didn't forget potions
Japanese poushun
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>>665152 hmm I think my external demeanor is much different than hers because that stuff doesn't show on my face. But she's relatable in the sense that we all have a spazzy little person inside of us that's always worrying about other people.
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i don't
I don't until I do and then it's all I can think about!
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the closes i've gotten is worrying about not thinking about other people enough my T key is broken and takes 5-10 presses to activeate wha did i do
Wow she really over-prepared.
There sure are some characters in this grade-seven class.
>>665160 Did you get something gummy underneath it?
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>>665162 Yeah, it's funny when you can so easily tell who is going to be part of the cast and who is going to be an NPC
This phone montage sure paints a depressing picture of modern socializing.
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his gil is vey jan-poi omg >>665163 i swea o god i did no even spill anyhing on i i haven' even goen so much as moe han a finge on i he R key also does not work no morea
i'm just gonna buy a new keyboard god dammit they are gonna blame me if this one beaks anyways
Yeah I know how that goes. Can't get under the caps to check on the situation?
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omg she died
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see that was super nice right great show
Well I expected it would be good from a while back. Mitsuboshi Colors was pretty great after all.
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as that was super good i mean yas ou wee you were ight rika omg this is diving me crazy>>665169 maybe i should take a look i have plenty of time but i'll probably just play ffxiv and i use a PS4 controlle fo that
It's kind of funny to see in action though. Your frustration is palpable.
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okay thanks for bed!
Yup yup, thanks for anime.
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thanks for anime too
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ok oyasumi rikak thank for animes
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im finna go rewatch tha>>665180 KIMESU ending/opening
Finna go where?