Thread #659821
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Egao no Daika --Episode 10-12 Go-toubun no Hanayome Meiji Tokyo Renka Yakusoku no Neverland
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There's a new kakegurui too, right? What was the ;ast e[ we watched?
Episode eleven, so this one would be episode twelve, presumably. I forgot about it since it's not a normal show as far as subs go.
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oh yeah, 12 is out
where is ikak
I'll ping him.
Oh no now where is Rika.
thinkign about making a sandwich while i wait
Go do that lickety-split.
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meiji tokyo kake 12 neverland gotoubun
ready for meiji
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meiji okay lets start!
i like this OP's jazzy bassline
Yeah it's a fun OP.
Charlie sure is a unique fairy godmother to have.
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progress update sandwich complete it is delicious
Pretty stacked sandwich.
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Oh I want that sandwich.
She's going to DITCH his party.
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>>659844 go hard or go home>>659845 i'll share with you
Oh she showed up for the party but ditched the dress. What a waste.
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>>659848 thus the facepalm
Yakumo's Engrish was sure something. I guess she gets a one-on-one with her whole harem during this dance.
>>659850 he had a surprisingly good accent
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that was a hell of a lightning round for the losing boys
Syunso gets a bit more of a last encounter. But no dance. Guess he was the runner-up.
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this show wasnt bad better than expected soso like a 5.5 or 6 out of 10
i thought it was a decent show but didn't do anything surprising other than the otojiro arc nice and vibrant art though
Yeah I wouldn't say it did anything special but it was a fun show. One of the better otomege adaptations I've seen recently.
little squirrel is still not a romantic nickname
She traded a romantic, eccentric life in the Meiji era for a normal life in modern times. At least she'll probably live longer.
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hmm I wonder if that's the last ep weird ending
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>>659860 I saw it coming but I wasn't a fan of that Shoulda stayed in the past I guess the harem got to visit the future themselves though, or something?
I'm fairly certain this is the finale.
>>659862 Well they're all famous figures from the Meiji era. So their fame and reputation lives on long after they've been dead.
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when you miss your cellphone so bad you give up your harem okay kake 12 okay lets start!
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>shut tf up you dumb bishonen i need to check my tumblr >im going back to 2015 is this the end of kakegurui xx? the finale i mean
Gamburin>>659866 Yeah I believe this is the last episode of the season.
I wonder if that's Yumeko's mother or something.
Either that or the mother of the girl in the wheelchair.
This is a pretty ingenious game on Batsubami's part. Unless all parties can come to work together without doing it with obvious intent she stands to win the house's cut.
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Yumeko has been wonderfully crazy lately.
Wow they're really heckling her. Hah hah there goes the podium.
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Looks like Yumeko turned this one on its head too.
It feels like that normal-ish looking guy in the ~bami kids is going to be the dragon to Terano in their power structure.
Well if that wasn't an outright confirmation I don't know what is.
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oh god
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Flashback lady had the same ring.
And the kid in her hospital room was pretty obviously Yumeko. No one else quite has eyes like hers.
So is Yumeko now a Batsubami. Guess not.
>This suits her better I dunno I liked last-boss mode of her better.
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Yeah, Yumeko won all that money and blew it. sasuga neverland! okay lets start!
Well the money at least was hers to begin with. Neverland's also already had a second season greenlit for 2020.
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that last crazy yumeko was super crazy
Oh cool this show has its own custom noitaminA bit now.
The kids in this show are always kind of freakishly mature for their age. Like Phil can't be more than five or six. I'm guessing it's chalked up to the brain training they put the kids through to make tasty brains but it's still terrifying.
Now both Emma and Ray have been seeing hallucinations of Norman.
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>>659889 they've both long since lost it
>>659888 SOME FEAR
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Looks like she got that smug expression wiped off her face.
I guess this is the guy that becomes Ray's father.
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Or maybe he gets ate and it's some other Joe schmoe. It's hard to be certain since some kids seem to not get ate and some do.
>>659896 or maybe Ray actually was his kid the mystery thickens
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I wonder if she's going to be removed as the Mama of this House. A disaster like this is bound to have some punishments.
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Seems like they'd just eat her. I wonder if they eat the old ones.
mama :(
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>>659901 yeah poor mama
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gotobun okay lets start!
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at least she's being nice to the babbies until she gets killed or something for this failure
Well she's always been nice to the kids except when left with literally no choice.
Miku doesn't have a very good social sense. Hah hah Fuutarou's not much better either.
Hah hah yeah. I had a feeling something like that was up.
Oh no now he's DEAD
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This tsundere is probably going to come from behind and win it all.
She was the first girl that's how these things always work.
Wow is he going to clear the air with Nino too.
Ah nope, still playing this game.
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When is she gonna notice the bandaid
It fell off in the snow earlier in the day. She saw it on the ground and thought it was the fake-Fuutarou but since he had his hood up and she saw him from behind the mix-up kept going.
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what a shame They should have done something more with that.
>Nino >Getting along with Fuutarou
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2019/03/29 (金) 06:35 No. 659923
>>659921 who’s this cutie
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hmm I don't remember her name but she's the protagonost of dame x prince which is really otome
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2019/03/29 (金) 06:36 No. 659925
Yotsuba don't care 'bout your RURUS
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Wow, all five snuck in there. that's really incredible
They're all modern-day ninjas.
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So only one of them held his hand, and they didn't show us. Is this a timeskip? She looks older.
Probably only a temporary one. I mean this show did start off in this timeframe if anything the rest of the series is just a flashback.
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There's really a lot of episode left. I wonder how they'll skirt around not showing us the bride this whole time.
Jaj Oh whoops. Hah hah instead they just show the face because identical quintuplets.
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I guess they can get away with it cause they all look the same.
And they all held his hand during the campfire so the legend gets fulfilled regardless of who wins in the end.
The manga for this series is still ongoing so it's not like they could drop a reveal on us anyway.
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What an evil commercial It makes you want to see the end in a really irritating way.
Well at least Itsuki's dropped the constant tsuntsun. Now Nino's the only sister who's particularly tsundere.
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well that was a good series thanks for anime!
If you're lucky maybe they'll do a season two. Though that would still probably not finish the story hah hah. I wonder how long the manga will run.
Arigato yo.
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now go-toubed