Thread #653887
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3d Kanojo Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-8 Egao no Daika --Episode 6-10 Go-toubun no Hanayome Grimms Notes --Episode 3-8 W'z --Episode 5-10 Yakusoku no Neverland Kakegurui XX --Episode 9-10
neverland kake 9 egao 3d kanojo gotobun
Who are we missing, Jan or Ika?
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Ika is the one that we're missing.
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neverland okay lets start!
Neber Rand
hit or land guess they never land huh
Losing the brains of their operation is going to make an escape a lot more difficult.
>>653904 i dunno, they're all pretty bright isn't ray like a super ultra genius too?
Yeah they're all pretty smart but Norman's clearly the brain. Emma's smart but Norman's got some tactician power going on. And Ray's just got a flawless memory.
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I'm sure they'll all team back up before the end.
Emma's really got a tencency to flying tackle.
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looking fly
At least they still have the device. Would have been an easy grab for Mama with it laying on the ground.
wow are they not going to show what happens to norman
>Geese Oh no the real evil overlords of this hellfuture have shown their face.>>653915 They can't just go and show he's not actually dead after all.
Ray was too gay for Norman to go on living.
Emma's really dead inside. So is Ray though I guess. Tick tock Tick tock Tick Tock
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An end where they lose might be neat.
Oh shit Emma's gone nuclear.
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they're both WILD
Ray's kind of the same ANGERY he's always been though. That was one hell of a look on Emma though.
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I guess they're both pissed now. this is a good ED kakegurui okay lets start!
Episode NINE
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>>653928 you'd probably be MAD@LIFE too if you were born with a perfect memory in this shit world i guess
god dammit i downloaded s1 again on accident
at least it's easy to switch when you start the wrong episode at the right time
Yeah time is easy. Wow Suzui is still in the top ten for this election.
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he's such a dumbass
>>653941 i kinda like him
Ponytail needs to cool her jets.
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>>653942 yeah I think he's great
just seems like he's having a good time
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the gyaru and delinquent should get together
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well she kinda is that's true but she really just loves gambling
Why do girls keep grabbing other girls breasts recently. Or was it Sugita's character that went a-groping last episode.
>Don't eat my hair bitch
crazy stakes
The hell is this high school.
>it hardly seems to have any practical use
The school council president's the only one that can dance toe-to-toe with Yumeko when it comes to craziness.
wait isnt that the same thing as betting their lives
>>653956 yeah i don't get it
Well there's always a chance of surviving a drop like that. So it's just another gamble.
i guess they'll die as a stranger so she wouldnt show remorse or anything
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Yeah Yumeko is way too dangerous for this girl.
This is a pretty advanced No Snakes But Ladders
>This is hardly a rational choice You say that as if it's relevant to Yumeko.
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egao 6 okay lets start!
All right let's watch this dumb show.>>653966 No this is that show with the operator girl you took a snapshot of. The one with the battle robots.
i have not seen any of this i think
>>653966 Ground Control to Major Jan
>>653965 Oh I remember now
I kind of like how the episodes flip between focusing on the Princess and her kingdom and the empire. It's a shame the actual material isn't as good as that premise.
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Seems like a waste of a veteran pilot to send him on a suicide mission.
Well he's doing his darnedest to make sure it's not suicidal.>No, don't kill him!
They did kind of dangle the Princess as a tactician in the first one or two episodes. At least they're making good on that promise.
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She did save a lot of her people despite being super naive.
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actually not too bad an episode kanojo okay lets start
Yeah maybe it's finally picking up.>>653991 If you don't want to jump into this show I can collect you for Go-toubun when it's over.
okay I guess
>>653990 I'm just gonna put it up and play XIV on the other monitor tbh
They're going to burn up on this last weekend together until there's nothing left.
This is a very Jan-ppoi guy.
Oh she's dying. Or just getting a cold because of jumping in the ocean in the middle of this cold weather hah hah.
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They are really taking a loooong time to play the keyaids card I'm wondering if they're even going to do it 7:15
what time are we
7:15 7:20 7:25
Hah hah hah this fucking dweeb.
Her otouto is kind of a dick. Now he plays the rightous card? Oh Tsutsun's coming clean with his friend now. At least things will be better with them now.
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>>654000 wait this guy?
Yeah. He seemed kind of like you at first. Less so later on but there's still a few Jan vibes there.
Time for H E A R T B R E A K
Now her otouto's championing Tsuttsun's sake hah hah. But I guess it's better than having him literally camp outside their house!
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>>654016 oh yeah i can uhh, see the resemblance
Ah it's a tumor I guess. That's a pretty realistic Keyaids thing to be suffering. Brain tumours can be pretty life-threatening.
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Well it's a surgery so she'll probably survive. It looks like it's just a question of if we get a she forgets and needs to relearn ending.
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go toubun! okay lets start!
goto oh yeah Granblue Fantasy S2 was announced
Yeah I saw that on the day it got announced. I kind of forgot about it hah hah.
go to bed
now this show should be fun
All the girls helping out with their own specialties. Except for Miku she's a damedame cook.
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There really isn't anything special about this show at all but it still manages to be one of my favorites this season.
>Be the suspension bridge you want to see! Hah hah
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Nino and Itsuki are gonna get scared HARD
Well Itsuki at least.
Oh and now she's gonna not know it's him because of the wig. And yeah think he's yeah. This sure is a complication.
Hah hah wow Fuutarou.
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>i thought you were cute >s-s-she may try to blackmail me it's hard to imagine what goes on in the head of the average anime protagonist
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This bandaid is going to give him away after he takes the wig off.
Ara ara
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Oh no he's going to be stuck with at least two girls he's going to have to dance with now. I wonder if he can go for three or even more though.
>>654046 he's gonna have to dance with all 5 of them
Oh maybe Itsuki will be able to see through the wig. Ah he bailed before that. I bet she would have though.
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Miku has some consistent high-level pouts.
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He's so bad at being confident.
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He's forgotten completely about the bandaid. I wonder when that bomb will drop. Probably next ep at this point.
Maybe he's already taken it off hah hah. It's impossible to tell with his usual long bangs.
Ah and now these two are going to get shut up in the storeroom together. Those other girls were telling Yotsuba about the key to it earlier after all.
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this might be the first U E SU GI SAN blush
I think he might've at seeing Miku in her bed alongside him a couple episodes back. He's not inclined to blush a lot though yeah.
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that was a great episode
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thanks for anime! I like that show.