Thread #641686
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yes hello is this anime?
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hello hello it' is indeed anime
3D Kanojo Real Girl --Episode 16-17 Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale --Episode 3-5 Boogiepop wa Warawanai Egao no Daika --Episode 4-6 Endro Grimms Notes --Episode 3-5 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka W'z --Episode 3-6
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okay jojo boogiepop kaguya endro maybe something else maybe
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ok ready for jojo then t-tilde?>>641696 i thought you died forever mystery anon
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jojo ijay lets start!
Oh sorry I am here now.
>>641693 I'm playing in a D&D campaign Sunday nights and we can run a bit late some times. I only have so many monitors to pay attention to all the stuff going on, hah hah.
Giorno's theme gets really funky. It's so good.
What a pleasant person.
Oh no.
This old man's eyes are really distracting to me.
Well shit.
Italian road trip!
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Ooh, venice.
venice> v nice
More pretty inventive Stands this episode.
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looks more like they're in chicago to me
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wow he's unhappy about that
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he raises a fair point
This part has been really like a Hollywood action flick. It's a lot of fun.
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play boogiepop okay lets start!
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Wow she's got a good sleight of hand.
Hah hah he's actually doing the Boogiepop.
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pfft >pretending to be boogiepop so you can steal drugs
this kid can actually beat up 3 drug dealers at once he's basically spiderman
This girl wants him to sex her so badly but he just wants to be friends.
>guy just vomits a ton of blood and dies in the middle of the street with no warning >no sign of poison
Well I think it's supposed to clearly be Very Suspicious circumstances.
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Imaginator is a funny name
I wonder when Kirima Nagi is going to come back into play for this series. The OP kind of plays her up as the final antagonist for Boogiepoppu. I guess after this Imaginator plot wraps up.
Oh here she is. Speak of the devil. I'd forgotten he was her otouto.
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jojo pose
It's kind of funny how different these people the fat dude brainwashes to turn into puppets become. That one kind of delinquent guy became an upstanding student and now this meek bro-con girl has become kind of a bitch.
the brocon became a brother killer
Hah hah oh no. He's become an AVATAR OF JUSTICE acting on his own now.
What an unpleasant man.
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Scary looking guy.
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okay do we want to do 4 or 5 tonight?
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im kinda sleepy
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okay then kayuga! kaguya too okay lets start!
LOVE IS WAR LOVE IS WAR LOVE IS WAR The manga for this series has been excellent as of late. Though there's no way we're getting near that point in the adaptation anytime soon. Unless they adapt like for a full year straight.>>641737 Nah they could be fully caught up to the manga by somewhere in episode 60-70. There's only 128 manga chapters.>>641737 Spooked by SPOOKY E>>641738 Well that's your only alert of the night you're getting from me so for all intents and purposes it's your loss if you can't keep attention for the rest of the night!
kagoodles>>641736 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai ep 375 ika got so scared by the scary guy she died
kaguy a haha take that tilde i responded first
>>641736 NOOOOO
I wonder if Ishigami will actually make an appearance this episode.
lobr id est love is war
>>641742 It's like you went from Latin to English there or something.
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>KAGUYA WANTS TO HANDLE IT That's an interesting title.
Oh yeah this girl. She and her boyfriend were the pair that got together earlier in the series.
Oh gosh her seiyuu is too good. Kaguya's so adorable.
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she's got the TENSAI hat on
>>641751 You can tell she's gonna be a hard baka because of it.
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>>641752 nah she's a genie us
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I wonder if knew he'd be taking on society when he confessed to her.
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yeah down with capitalism
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Oh it worked out in the end.
Chika's a Chaos Elemental but when she gets involved things are usually a net positive.
Geez fucking louise.
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O kawaii koto
Oh I think this skit is gonna set up one of the series' great gags. Chika slowly getting more and more cynical about the ability to help Shirogane with anything.
>I'll never do it again Famous last words.
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The bandaid on the bow is a nice touch.
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it's pretty amazing that she changed anything maybe she is a real tensai
These two competitive nerds are so great.
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There's really a never-ending supply of these.
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Oh good, I was about to call them amateurs for not actually having umbrellas with them.
he's so terrified of getting ara ara'd at
They really play up the suspense a fair bit some times.
>Make a flat tire in your own ride to ensure your crush invites you under his umbrella
Kaguya's seiyuu does such a cutesy bratty voice.
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I guess they both got what they wanted.
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best girl is here to move the plot along
She simultaneously ruins and saves everything. Based Subject F.
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endro! okay lets start!
Hah hah Ishigami in the post-credits for this Kaguya episode. I guess that means he'll be around next week.
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this is a good show ready
This feels like it's going to be a problematic princess.
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That story does seem messed up.
I dunno it seems pretty par the course for this weird fantasy world.
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why is everyone bullying the hero
Because the Hero needs to be able to withstand any hardship!
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kawaii no wa fuwa
Poor Mao.
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Wow she's committed to her role.
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>>641796 >oh i guess imgay
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Yuusha looks like she's severely panicking over what she's gotten herself into
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Oh she got officially certified.
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>tfw you're tired of being satan but everyone in the world is a top baka anyway
Oh everyone's treating her funny because of the certification now.
Wow this princess is an advanced stalker.
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she picked up a dangerous person
I guess this is the power of a royal bursary.
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yuushacon 1688
That's some unexpected social criticism and snark from Fai.
Poor Yuusha.
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This princess really likes heroes.
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this is all a bit weird
Oh no.
>>641810 It's gotten worse.
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at least they're all taking it in stride
Hah hah wow she really went hard gay.
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fuck even maou-sama is a baka
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one can not simply not arara in the face of yuusha-chan
Oh no.
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okay im gonna sleep forever bye watch a fifth show if you guys want
We can end on 3D Kanojo since we don't need Jan for that. I think Ika might be conked out maybe though.
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okay 3d kanojo honestly I fell asleep a little too, the tent exploding woke me up it won't be as bad once this month is over I think ah looks like we're losing ika? or are you watching ika? oh okay he's sleeping yeah okay let's just save it i'm going to sleep t oo thanks for anime
You should tell your boss to not work you as hard. Seem to be sleeping bits of the evening pretty often as of late. Maybe he was typing that and fell asleep at the keyboard.
i think i shall sleep
I've got to do some reading I can't sleep won't sleep.