Thread #640845
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3D Kanojo --Episode 16-17 Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale --Episode 3-4 Black Clover Boogiepop wa Warawanai Domestic na Kanojo Egao no Daika --Episode 4-6 Grimms Notes --Episode 3-4 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka Pastel Memories To aru Majutsu no Index W'z --Episode 3-5
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Will we have ika or jan tonight?
Good chance of no Jan, he's usually doing stuff on Fridays I think. We've got lots we can watch without him anyway. Dunno about Ika.
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I guess we'll wait to see if Ika shows then.
>>640850 Couldn't you check in maybe once more than every ten minutes. Ika showed up like seconds after you closed your post.
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hello domestic wa kanojo index jojo pastel
As much as I loathe to suggest it, this is an ideal day to watch Black Clover.
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oh well i am okay with that black clover is this ep 68? 69 that is ikaaaa uh well lets start ika can catch up
Kuro Kusoba Yes, it's episode sixty-nine. Sixty-nine exhausting weeks of this drivel.
She's cute when she lets her hair down.
Otoko namba wan
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I often like this show when it's action but the filler is so bad.
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I feel like there's a shoe hanging, ready to drop on this festival arc. But it's taking way too fucking long to get there it's getting exhausting.
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Oh boy more tripe.
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I am seriously lacking in means to express my contempt.
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yeh not the best episode
Well that's some sudden character exposition out of the blue.
Kind of a bit of a Sleeping Beauty-poi character backstory. Though the particular plot aspects have been muddled together
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Yeah that was a bit of a slow episode.
i am alive for next how many minutes
Episode's over. You missed absolutely nothing of value.
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domestic wa kanojo play ;ets start!
How childish.
Wow rude.
>Translating the Japanese use of "bitch" as "bitch" I get that it feels natural to be literal about it but the Japanese connotation of it is more of a slutty person than a, well, bitchy person.
This girl is kind of anathema to Rui.
>>640881 It's rude to judge dude.
Hah hah really man.
This girl is a fast spanner in the works.
she works fast
Too bad he's a social hermit.
He's already seen her entirely naked this is being kind of unnecessarily delicate.
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He has all these chances with girls but he keeps messing it up!
>Suppository Oh no.
Who even uses suppositories in this day and age.
Apparently the manga gives a bit more of a visual demonstration in that scene.
Does she make dolls of the guys she sleeps with or something. That's kind of in the fine line between kind of endearing and kind of creepy.
she seems pretty thot-y
Well that went from twenty to a hundred fast.
Rui's gonna Rui-n the moment.
Oh no.
Instead of giving her the D he gave her the D-inner.
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index okay lets start
Russia, ho!
Uorudo uaa surii
Oh wow, a late second OP. Guess it makes sense to kick off this arc though.
Can this dude even speak Russian.
Oh I guess he's speaking an international languag- Hah hah okay.
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Russia OP!
Last Order must be really sick. She's not doing her full Misaka Misaka shtick.
Penguin-chan's followed Touma to Russia.
This girl doesn't understand the complicated brain of Kamijou Touma.
>Colonial-era European galleons I get magic users are supposed to have an aversion to modern technology or something but this is -really- archaic.
I guess the usurper princess is a good guy now.
Man imagine if Touma and Accelerator ended up on the same train.
This girl is really trying her hardest. Too bad she doesn't understand the elaborate mind of Kamijou Touma.
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Those nuns are always struggling.
Honestly Fiamma killing the Catholic Pope and then allying with the Russian Orthodox church is kind of crazy heretical.
I wonder if Kuroko will get to go along with Misaka to Russia or if she'll get left behind as usual. Probably left behind. She doesn't get a lot of screentime outside of Railg- Well RIP Touma.
This lady looks like she's seen some shit.
Fiamma's pyjamas are still pretty ridiculous.
Ah here's Sasha. We haven't seen her since ... Index's first series?
Aw hell yeah time for the worst Misaka.
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oh, sory I fell asleep let's hop ahead to pastel memories okay lets start!
You know what would potentially absolve that problem? Not showing up at 00:40.>>640925 Yeah that too. We're kind of light on the edge this season though. I think the only real candidate is Asuka?
something edgy
Well I guess Shielddad could be holding out on the SUFFERING on us. We're past the manga chapters I read for it a long time back so I have no clue what'll happen next.
Oh this week we're getting a spoof of loli shogi.
Ryuuou no Oshigoto was a fun series. Not as good as 3-gatsu but still fun.
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I like how much they parody other stuff.
>Mai I wonder if they'll have another Mai like Ryuuou had two Ai's.
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This isn't shogi
It's kind of shogi. It's pretty easy to find phone apps that let you play out these kinds of puzzles she's solving
Okay this definitely isn't shogi.
I think they got the MC and maybe Ai's seiyuu to voice them in this spoof. It's definitely Fuku Jun at least but I'm not as certain on Ai.
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I love referential stuff like this
It blends really well with the kind of base clowniness this series has going on. Like it's kind of a cheap series and embraces that. Doesn't take itself even remotely seriously.
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yeah that's a good one thanks for anime!
Arigato yo