Thread #633146
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anime totally lost track of time
Yeah wow Rika you really did. Sure you don't need something to remind you better?
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to be honest I fell asleep a little bit
Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale Boogiepop wa Warawanai Domestic na Kanojo Doukyounin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue --Episode 1-2 Egao no Daika --Episode 2-3 Girly Air Force --Episode 1-2 Grimms Notes Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka To aru Majutsu no Index W'z
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Index Domestic wa kanojo mahou shoujo what's somethign comfy?
My best guess would be either the Doukyounin show or Bermuda.
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okay doukyounin then
Oh wait sorry there's also JoJo's tonight. Not sure if that changes anything but it's available.
Oh no did Rika fall asleep again,
>>633156 Riiiiiiiikaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa
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I just want to watch anime.
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i'm here! index! okay lets start!
Tooook you long enough.
I swear that guy had a torrent website on his monitor.
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I wonder if the british arc will be ending soon.
I think it already has. This Academy City arc will serve as an interlude and next we see of Touma he'll be running off to Russia to try and punch Fiamma in the face.
Hah hah. Accelerator wants to be a bad guy so bad but he can't not be good.
Accelerator's GROUP is a real mess of people.
This is very silly.
Talk about mood whiplash.
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GROUP is like the most evil well I guess ITEM is evil too all these little teams are kinda bad
They either all serve the dark parts of Academy City's government or serve their own purposes. Though it seems GROUP more recently has been the good-ish guys.
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It's weird how kanzaki became obsessed with them all of a sudden and created a bunch of them though.
Like every chance he gets Accelerator can't help but do the good thing.
This girl's ~chou verbal tic is chou annoying.
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domestic wa kanojo! interested to see where this one goes kinda curious as to why this is only 105 mb though hmm it's 24 min despite being 105mb i guess just not that animated let's start!
It's gonna go DORAMACHIKKU The first episode wasn't much larger either. Guess they just got a really good knack on the encoding.
Wow these two sisters sure are something.
The vocalist for this OP has a voice that really reminds me of YUI.
He should really not be that surprised at this development.
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Interesting oP I don't know what direction this show is gonna go.
It seems like she was kind of looking forward to being his imouto.
She doesn't seem like the kind of person that makes friends well.
Just a bit, huh. It still seems like she's awfully eager to do family things with him.
Hah hah hah.
They have some good chemistry between them at least. Once she gets riled up she's kind of cute.
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He helped her get friends! Good for her.
that was nice good for her
Yeah they've already seen each other naked once. Shouldn't be all that embarrassing.
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Looks like he won some points too. wow a lot of points
Ara ara
He has a decently sensible head on his shoulder. With how she phrased it, it did feel kind of lewd. But he snapped out of it fast.
One of these sisters is going to be bad at cooking. Wonder which it'll be.
Oh I guess not.
Ah yeah not really bad but she just did all the boring stuff.
Onee-chan really is a boozehound.
Girls are always jealous of naturally curly hair but having it is a pain in the arse.
Oh my.
I guess we're gonna have to get through the onee-chan break-up arc between he can properly go down her route. Though this also leaves him and Rui entirely alone in the house now~.
Oh it didn't last long.
I wonder if Rui expected it to be their parents or Hina's boyfriend.
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I wonder who's route he is going to end up on.>>633218 I think it's better to have straight hair. mahou shoujo ep 2! I'm also interested to see what this one will be like let's start!
was not imporessed with ep 1
>>633224 Well I complain about it but I wouldn't trade my hair for anything. It might be a pain but when I get it on point it's fabulous.
Oh this is some nice OST.
Para-military mahou shoujo is still a really funny concept to me.
That's a convenient side-effect of her magic. You can be as transparently a mahou shoujo as you want to be and no one will know who you really are.
Wow tomboy-chan's dad is a police torturer.
Geez fucking louise.
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This is a really strange show.
It is kind of weird.
Ah yeah here we go. I was expecting her to have a bit of PTSD over that event.
These guys are manipulating her into going back into service and she knows it. That's not very nice of them.
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So she's going get more companions properly? That's kinda what the midcard made me think.
Well she's got a few from this big war they keep referencing from before this series started. But I feel like there was a bit at the start of the first episode that insinuated some of her new friends are also gonna get the MS.
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Wow, she fights in a crazy way.
The WUB is strong in this one.
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Poor Asuka. Can't run fast enough to escape her past.
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Doukyonin ep 1, right? okay lets start
Yeah, we haven't watched this show yet. I think this one might start off kind of mopey but get feel-good fast.
I like the way they use the two vocalists in this OP.
Hah hah he was traumatized by SPOILERS.
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>>633246 Yeah, it seems slice of lifey.
The English translation for this series is "My Roommate Is A Cat". Despite the fact that the Japanese title makes no references to cats, hah hah.
The MC's a bit less mopey than I was expecting. He's kind of autsy but he also gets pretty worked up.
He does seem to be a real pain for his editors though.
Well that's not entirely accurate but cats do bring their "family members" stuff for a purpose. Usually it's because they don't see you looking after yourself so assume you're incapable of doing so.
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This seems more like a proper slice of life. It reminds me a bit of that one about the handwriting nerd that went to an island.
Yeah I can see that. Just instead of a little girl this guy gets a cat. I like this guy's situation better.
>You should ask them yourself Can't really do that to a cat.
Hah hah. The cat gets its own side of the narrative too.
Oh gosh this is cute.
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The cat is pretty bratty.
Well cats -are- pretty bratty. ;_; ;__: That hurt for a moment there.
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Cats aren't nearly that nice.
No way, cats can totally be that nice. Cat logic is just something people have a hard time grasping.
Looks like his girlfriend-to-be works at a petshop.
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thanks for anime!
Make sure you get your good sleep in tonight so you're not so tired next time~.