Thread #632684
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yes i am so fast
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uoi eh you are the fastest
Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale Domestic na Kanojo Doukyounin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue --Episode 1-2 Egao no Daika Girly Air Force --Episode 1-2 Go-toubun no Hanayome Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka W'z Yakusoku no Neverland
>>632687 i just happened to hit the home button at precisely the right moment but it's not like it matters
I guess it's Squid we're holding on then?
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Yeah, we need ika.
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Not really sure what to put on the list tonight. also did you guys want to watch that virtual youtuber show?
I think it's a whole 3D CGI show and I can't say I'm really interested in the premise. Go-toubun and Neverland are out tonight at least. Egao no Daika might have a bit of a hook this episode and the Mahou Shoujo show might be interesting, but I've heard some conflicting takes on that. I think the Doukyounin wa Hiza show might be comfy, the Bermuda Triangle show is probably a SoL about mermaids? Domestic na Kanojo is a romance drama series.
no it looks trash and kizuna ai isn't in it i think
>in creative collaboration with anno hideaki ANNO DOES IT AGAIN
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>>632696 Is this Ika?
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okay yakusokou neverland domestic wa kanojo mahou shoujo go-toubun we'll see if there's time to slip another in
I dont see domestic 02
There's only one episode of it out, that's why. We haven't started it ye.
Yet even.
we haven't started yeet
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yakusoukou neverland okay lets start
okay yakuza neverland
Oh yeah that's probably some pretty good nightmare fuel they saw. Urf that swinging was kind of messing with me.
hype song
They're gonna have to learn to grow up fast.
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This show seems to be making a splash.
It's a Shounen Jump adaptation, and that first episode certainly had a 0 to 100 moment to it. So it's pretty understandable that there'd be a lot of attention on it.
Maybe that's why they all seem to have HUGE heads. Because the orphanage is raising them to have big, delicious brains.
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Maybe they're not after the brains but are instead after the foreheads.
>Jump the fence >Get faced with a stone wall afterwards I wonder if there's an even more imposing wall after this.
Ah the orphanage lady has a tracker. That'll make it hard for them to escape.
Hah hah this pathetic fallacy.
i bet white hair will die
Haowsu Emma's a pretty good actor at least.
I wonder how long it'll take them to get Sasuke on their team.
maybe he already is the long connie
Well he sought them out himself.
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He's a natural conspiracy theorist.
He's pragmatic about their situation. Escaping with a whole a cadre of kids is a ridiculous challenge. Though maybe he'd not be so cynical if he had seen the situation with Conny.
Oh my.
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okay domestic wa kanojo okay lets start!
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this is a fun show reminds me of death note with the goofy paranoia and logic>>632737 its ep 1 i dont see ep 2 anywhere?
Time for DORAMA
is thsi ep 1 or ep 2
hey tilde do you know where i can find domestic 2?
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>>632741 No.
the opening for this is really good
The vocalist has a good emotional range.
>Finishes up shagging a girl >Immediately goes and dive-hugs his guy friend
What kind of teacher gets to go around smacking the butts of her students.
>>632747 the kind that gets into an illicit relationship
this shows written by that guy who makes people angry always>>632750 i dunno that might be his name
Seo? I thought he did his own artwork.
>>632749 This show's original manga is written by a Sausga Kei. As far as I can tell there's no relation to any work written by Kouji Seo. Who's the one that did those famous rage-inducing series.
>>632752 oh well thsi show willl piss people off too then
Yeah I've seen a lot of spite from people of this series, hah hah.
sausage kei
Poor guy. She's awfully kind of flirty with him. No wonder he's fallen for her.
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>>632758 he's going to get ensnared by a predator
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The teacher route is high risk high reward.
Hah hah. His dad is so excited for this.
Oh my what a shoooocking development.
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So his teacher that he was crushing on is his new onee-san?
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>>632771 And his one night stand is his new imouto. What a mess.
Hah hah hah. Not only this marriage but he and his dad are also moving on up in housing.
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every time my bro comes over he hits me with this heavy shit
Ripiito afuta mii
>You can just forget about it Good luck with that.
Oh she's a bit of an airhead.
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Or she did it on purpose.
I don't think she's that brazen. Maybe if their dad had been out of the room I could have seen it as intentional. But the afterwards outfit, maybe.
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this guy's kinda fucked up lol
Eh he's not that bad. He's just got some personal choices that life has made EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for him.
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mahou shoujo! okay lets start!
This is another one of those could be whatever, could be passable shows. Doesn't seem to consensively be good or horrible.>>632801 It's a romance-drama with emphasis on DRAMA.
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domestic seems like it'll be a riot
Kind of like Citrus but without the gay.
Oh she's got an Eevee for a familiar.
>magic karambit is this CSGO
CSGO players wish they could rock a dress like that.
This is a fair bit of military shit for a mahou shoujo show.
i knew it was fucking csgo
Nani kore
Search [iqdb] (345 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo To(…).jpg )
this is just csgo with mods
Geez fucking louise this is some mahou shoujo PTSD.
mahou torama
so does she just kill people that piss her off if there are no witnesses or what?
Maybe. Though really reacting violently like that isn't a far-fetched reaction for someone suffering from PTSD.
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well the brown anime girl will heal her heart i'm sure
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I'm guessing there is grim darkness waiting.
Hah hah that OST for a moment there was DING FAIZER DONG DING FAIZER DONG
Yeah you've got to be careful with your wishes! Genies are assholes after all.
Oh this is some funky music.
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oh hey that magical girl is slicing people up
She's got a pretty sharp blade.
magical edgelord
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i like it so far
This was a corny-fun pilot yeah. I was expecting something kind of contrived and it wasn't nearly that bad. Plus the end line of "we magical girls now fight organized crime and terrorism" was really funny to me.
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hey kid come join my magical spec ops team
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That's a bit interesting. okay so we have about 45 minutes until the top of the hour Do we want to do 1 or 2 more?
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doesn't matter to me
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How about you, Ika?
that show wasnt good hmm i think one more
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okay go-toubun okay lets start!
ok now go
Time to see how dumb these girls actually are.
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I'm guessing very dumb.
Yeah they're probably some high level bakas.
gotta love the chad narukami look
Oh his phrasebook in the OP has a different English phrase each episode it seems.
>He might try to teach us stuff once we let down our guard Oh no he might FORCE TEACH them things.
i like miku the most
Futaba seems to be the baka-est of them all.
Wow this guy HAETS KOI
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This girl's probably scheming something to get him out of her life.
Or maybe she's just socially dense.
Oh no.
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I hope she bought a case. oh looks like she had one Looks like he's in trouble though.
she's spaghet
She literally fangirl'd about Sengoku warlords until the sun went down.
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Oh, he's found a way to exploit her interests.
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a dating sim where you try to convince different girls to fucking do their homework
Oh well. Guess an academic can't win out against the weird trivia you find out about Sengoku warlords from those kinds of games.
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Oh he's having a nerd rage moment.
This guy has some pretty good moments as a harem MC. Though he also has a lot of typical harem MC moments. Hah hah he got tricked by her.
I wonder how often they'll play the quintuplets as a gag.
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That's a pretty lame trick but I Guess it worked.
Well the hair colours in the anime here are a bit of a stylistic choice. Apparently the manga makes it less distinct. The hair length is probably still a dead giveaway, but the two of them would have looked more similar in it.
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He's going to combine their strengths to create the perfect wife. The twist is that the girl in the first episode is all of them.
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>>632890 then he's going to go home and play some fucking video games finally free of this curse
>>632890 That would be a nice culmination to this series but probably not. He's gonna have to pick one before it's all up.
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Headphones girl ended up being pretty cute. That her ep was first up doesn't bode well for her though.>>632893 It's pretty obviously going to be the bitchy one.
i wonder who wins
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>>632894 she's gonna have a second ep and still lose
Well the manga's at sixty-eight chapters so far so there's plenty of chances for them all to get their own episode.
the true treasure was the test scores we made along the way
But more importantly the ones we made right at the end.
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Well thanks for anime!
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i love the way the MC looks he just needs silver hair
He's got a pretty sharp look. In the manga I've thought he looks kind of moody but the colours of the anime make him look a lot cleaner.
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just add a blazer and pop that collar and he'd be drowning
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It's quite a change in look for him honestly.
>>632904 looking like ginko in the bottom right
Yeah I see it.