Again, Mondays and Tuesdays are early starts for me this semester, so I'd appreciate not being this late to start.
Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale Boogiepop wa Warawanai --Episode 2-3 Domestic na Kanojo Dororo Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika Cooking with Emiya Girly Air Force Grimms Notes The Animation JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Mahou Shoujo Tokushen Asuka Mob Psycho 100 Pastel Memories Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken W'z
>>631333 Yeah, sorry. I worked late, got home late, ate late, was running late all day.
It's not a big deal this week because my schedule's all out of whack from converting from vacation sleep to school sleep but I might be more on track come next week.
Doukyonin wa Hiza might be kind of comfy. From checking it out it starts off kind of sad but I think the main theme of the show is a guy and his cat.
Oh also I checked out the Kakegurui fansubs for episode one I was looking into. They're a little stiff but they're decent subs. I think the subber just took the Netflix Japanese subtitles and translated those, rather than listening to the dialogue and translating from that. If you're interested the group is [Lv1 Translations].
The fact that Doll-man didn't react is a pretty good indication it's not even an evil monster. Maybe it's an actual spirit but it also kind of looksl ike it -looks like it might be a person in costume.
>>631405 Well that part is true, but everyone has roughly the samr body temp.
what a spoooky stand
Oh no that is a very unpleasant thing to have in your hand.
Oh there's new ED graphics. They're still using this song though.
>>631407 Yeah I know, the female equipment is naturally disposed to accumulate fat. But when it's worded that way it comes off as pretty funny. The rest is just Araki being weird with biology as has kind of been the case in this part.
>dorfs and slimes both use nipswords what kind of korean mmo is this
Well the dwarf king's sword isn't reaaaally designed like a katana aside from the single sharpened side. And the Japanese don't exactly have a monopoly on those.
the nip part was facetious his sword looks somewhat foreign but the japanese generally used that kind of blade shape a lot more than the other asian countries which favored either scimitar scimilar curves or a straight blade with counterweight (china/korea)
Hah hah hah. They're all getting carried away with the dumb name he came up with on the spot.
>>631464 Yeah you're right. And the dwarf kingdom kind of has a semi-European design aesthetic to it in general so it's weird to see a sword with that style of blade in the hands of its king. But hey, this is a fantasy world they don't need to match up perfectly. If anything it's kind of nice to see an aesthetic mash-up instead of a direct style copypaste.
that was a fun ep slimes one of the best shows from last season