Also I'm gonna have really early mornings on Mondays and maybe Tuesdays this semester. So I'd appreciate it if we can be faster starting on those days in the future. Tonight's not a big deal since I don't even know if I'll be sleeping but going forward.
BanG Dream! --Episode 1-2 Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale Boogiepop wa Warawanai --Episode 2-3 Domestic na Kanojo Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika Cooking with Emiya Endro Girly Air Force Grimms Notes The Animation JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka To aru Majutsu no Index W'z
I checked out BanG Dream! and it is a full CGI show and it's ... really bad CGI. Or at least the faces are horrible. Unless you really want to watch it I'm kind of inclined to not.
But I am also gonna insist on watching Kaguya-sama tonight because that show is gonna be GOOD. Ika probably wants to watch it too.
I guess they're finally going to get good this cour.
Well it's only thirteen episodes so it's more they get good right for the finale.
Penalty shootout!
Hah hah hah. This is such a Japanese thign thing to squabble on.
Oh, yeah, Kakegurui's second season is airing this season. But no one seems to be doing reliable subs for it, and there isn't a simulcast because Netflix has the rights. I've been looking at less reliable subbers but I'm not sure of anything good yet. There's one that might be good for it but I still need to check it out.
>>630925 Netflix is holding the rights and it's rare that they do a simulcast release for shows like that. The only one in recent memory was Violet Evergarden. Instead they do their usual business model of releasing the full season all at once. So that means for people who rip subs like HorribleSubs, there isn't a week-to-week release. Kakegurui's first season was fansubbed, but it seems like this time around they're not doing it.
Hmm, that is strange but that looks correct. I guess it was cheaper just to animate them since they're obviously minor characters?
Well the bartender guy was also 3D CGI. Which is kind of weird. I imagine the girls are the actual pilots so they just use the models full-time since they went through all the work to make them.
These girls look like they're 2D too, but I guess it's kind of ambiguous in the lighting.
>>630939 I assume the bartender will be a recurring character, so they made a model for him. I imagine there's a point where it costs less to animate a character vs making a model for him, if they won't be appearing often.
Yeah, probably. The 3D CGI is honestly pretty good for anime standards but it is kind of jarring against the consistent 2D features.
Man this is a really mechanical plane.
They've lost quite a few planes pretty fast. This high up in the air it's kind of hard for the pilots to survive going down too. If the exploding ordinances didn't get them first.
>>630953 That question made me curious so i went to google and it seems the real places didn't have rear view mirrors either. The answer seems to be that there's no way to design such a mirror in a way that would give it a wide enough field of vision to be useful.
Hmmmm. I feel that shouldn't be an impossible feat but I'm not a plane engineer I guess. But it does look like all the neck craning they need to do is way more trouble than it's worth.