Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-12 Goblin Slayer Irozuku Sekai JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Release the Spyce SSSS.Gridman To Aru Majutsu no Index Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru Yagete Kimi ni Naru
let's try to move quickly and get through five well let's do 5 if jan shows and 4 otherwise. That seems like a better plan.
Is JAn usually around on Saturday?
Jojo Goblin Slayer Spyce Gridman Yagate / Tonari
actually let's do this.
He's been fairly regularly around, that's why we've been watching Gridman without you.
I think he's coming actually though.
Also I will be around tomorrow night, but the night after, I won't be home to watch stuff. It's Christmas Eve so y'all should be spending it with your family and other loved ones anyway.
Oh, I see. Yeah we may have some catching up to do after Christmas but that's fine.
hmm what was I going to say oh yeah Stein's Gate 0 - 24 Have we watched this? I remember it leaving off, don't I?
Oh yeah sorry I forgot to add that. It's an OVA that I don't think is plot-related? I can put it on the list though. We don't need Jan for that one anyway.
salutations im here whatever tonight is fine with me as long as we do grid and goblin
People you can see in mirrors seem a lot more dangerous than anyone else.
What about vampires? They're pretty dangerous, and you can't see them in mirrors at all.
I guess it's kind of weird that a mirror is just hanging on a wall in the middle of the ruins of Pompeii.
The Stands this episode are mimicking their masters in funny ways this episode. When Giorno turned to look back at Purple Haze earlier his Stand did too.
I wonder how much he owns anyway. The quests he takes are pretty low rank and probably don't pay out much, but he also doesn't have a lot of expenses I figure. But he also some times buys weird things for goblin slaying that are probably a little pricey.
Well in D&D standards that's a ten silver, a hundred copper. A decent meal and night at an inn could be maybe a few silver or five. So maybe like a day's work or more per goblin slain?
But who knows how the economy works in this world.
Oh that is a big goblin.
Cunning little bastards.
Hah hah hah. Pikes have historically been pretty effective against calvary.
I wonder if this was the final event in their game. Or leading up to it.
Well for a goblin slaying themed campaign, I dunno what more you can get than a goblin lord. I'm pretty sure the novels are still ongoing so there's more that comes after this at least.
Looking at some of the chapter names from the LN volumes, this season of Goblin Slayer looks like it's only covered the first along with some content from the second (the trip to Water Town). There's currently eight volumes.
>>621859 The three that were captured escaped captivity, the blue-haired one wasn't actually dead but can't join active duty. The one that backstabbed them is still either actually evil or pretending to be pretty effectively. The evil organization is gonna cover the entire city in their brainwashing spray out of a weird flower-looking building.
ok good to go i think i missed last week's ep if i could get a quick recap that'd be lovely
>>621878 I thought Kiznaiver has some pretty interesting characters. And FranXX didn't have particularly unique characters but they played the relationships between them well.
Trigger's biggest problem with writing is they start off strong and interesting then have a hard time sticking the landing. Though in this show's case it's kind of been the inverse. It started off so-so but then they hit their stride HARD.
sec i forgot to get this one alright ready whenever
i did that dumb thing i do again where i think the post closed but really im just fucked up >>621875 usually i would disagree but honestly i've gotten pretty interested in this series during the second half
i think they really took a boring generic setup and made it really interesting regardless
i don't usually expect good writing and characters from trigger but they did good this time
Tonight has been a pretty gay night so far. Good thing to round it off to. >>621900 Episode twelve? It only came out last night.
It's still 2018 for another week or so!
hmm i might have watched this alone oh no that was the last ep goddamn what year is it now >>621899 man i can't wait for the new year every year it's such a fucking riot i hope i don't have to fucking work and i can just stay inside >>621897 ground control to major rika
>>621900 I don't have any plans for New Years. I guess if I'm free during the day I'll tune in for MOGRA's New Year's bash. If nothing else changes I'll probably just do my usual ringing in the new year here on /moe/ and elsewhere.
I started gridman a second time and only just realized goddamn I need some sleep this schedule is gorilla killing me
>>621903 I preemptively assumed it was gonna be "I need the time" hah hah. That sounds kind of rough though. Can't see if you can request an easier time?
>>621906 well i did so it worked out i figured you'd just know what i meant by saying something else
The dynamic between these two is pretty funny.
>>621906 it wouldn't really work i'm the only reliable guy my boss can get to stock the deliveries and work the weekend haha he's tried to get people to help or do one day and i do the other but they always end up being shitheads or quit otherwise
i don't really care too much about it anymore though i just end up really tuckered on saturday and get the days where there's actually work to do
plus i get paid more than the rest of the grunts haha
Well as long as you're content with the situation. Just look after yourself proper, aight.
This is some pretty good acting from a bunch of relative amateurs. Though I guess Touko is already well-accustomed to acting.
Yuu on the offensive!
>My feelings for you haven't become hate or love Maybe lust perhaps though~.
I always like how this series puts Yuu in the position that's normally done by the sempai of the pair. Though I guess this is a rare inversion.
Yeah it's a little unfair of Touko to be like that. But I guess she's got a lot of problems she needs to sort out.
There's something super seishun-poi about just all-out running towards an ambiguous objective.
This is some real good literary critique coming out of a high school girl. It's a really intelligent analysis of the character even considering the meta structure of the play.
i really like shoujo and yuri tbh i wish there was shoujo yaoi that was like yuri yuri almost always gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling and deals with cute first love problems >>621925 damn color me surprised it really feels like a shoujo manga with how the well show feels idk i can't think of a way to describe it well
>>621924 Not that I entirely disagree with that classification but Yagate Kimi ni Naru's manga runs in a shounen magazine, hah hah. I love light-hearted romance stories like this regardless of gender, but I also love yuri so getting the two together is a super combination for me.
>>621924 If I had to weigh in a consideration, I'd say it relies on a very inwards-focused character focus? Like the story arcs tend to be a struggle with the personal rather than the environment, where as the outwards, environmental focus would be more of a shounen style. Yagate does have a fair bit of environmental focus, namely the play that it has been building up to the later half of the season, which is why I don't entirely agree that it's shoujo-like. But even the environment is usually just to set the stage for a personal drama.