Thread #619242
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Akanesasu Shoujo Anima Yell! Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-12 Golden Kamuy Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc Yagate Kimi ni Naru
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double deckah golden kanui slime anima yell yagate???
>>619247 sounds gud
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double decker okay let's start!
double deck'em
Oh I'm sorry the new posts weren't showing up.
Doug and Kirill have a pretty good dynamic. No wonder they're great AIBOU.
Gee Em Ess
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Maybe this is where we'll figure out how it's related to T&B.
B for Bamboo Man B for Brian Cooper
i had to let the doggo out did i miss anything in the last like 5 mins?
Their tech guy found Yuri's core but it's totally trashed. Kirill met up with the military guy who's a super soldier from an orbital colony. Kirill apparently has antibodies in his system to counteract the effects of Anthem.
Oh what hah hah hah. I didn't know that bus bar was mobile.
Aw. I was looking forward to them shooting him full of Kirill's piss.
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episode is ending now as shit is getting real
Bleep him in his bleepin' bleep
This is a rare thirteen-episode show I guess.
Dough -Doug in another rough spot.
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golden kamui! oaky lets start!
Speaking of shit going down at the ends of episodes.
kam this ep will be really good
this is like my fave opening
This is an all-out siege, man.
That's a lot of creativity from Lt. Headplate.
How manly.
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This has gotten really crazy.
Well so much for the fake Noppera-bo.
fucking rip
wow rip too
The inmates are running the asylum now!
Lt. Headplate really did get his prison riot.
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I guess this is where the doublecrossing starts.
He's sending Shiraishi in against Hijikata alone huh. This sounds like a poor match-up.
Even the photos were a part of Hijikata's keikaku.
Sugimoto really is lucky he's immortal.
It feels like they're setting up a lot split-up between Sugimoto and Asripa.
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Sugimoto is so crazy.
Oh right, I forgot this guy had a gun in his fake leg.
Hah hah is he still alive? Eventually that guy's going to become more artifice than human.
This guitar makes for such a great lead-in to this ED.
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slime! okay lets start!
can we gay first actually slime
mary sue or maybe yagate idk
Oh okay.>>619297 Are you worried about falling asleep before we have a chance to watch Yagate?
There's something kind of weird about a dryad eating potato chips.
You'd imagine they'd strip the body of its PLATE METAL ARMOR before devouring it.
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That seems like a pretty presky skll.
Also one that kind of needs to be dealt with. A horde moving across the world eating everything in sight is a pretty considerable threat.
These lizardmen are hilarious. A+ total stupidity. Oh one of these things is not like the other.
Despite being unnamed, this old lizardman chieftain is like, incomparably wiser than his named son.
Shame he's gonna get coup'd by his idiot son.
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Here comes a royal idiot.
Doubly so a royal pain.
the lizards look really damn weird honestly
I think they look kind of cute.
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seems like ika wants yagate? let's end on that oh I see okay anima yell then! okay lets start!
oh i can watch anything
amine scream
Hah hah oh no. She wants to beat her fear of heights. Wow come on Uki jumping from that height's not gonna kill you.
That's not very chair of you Uki.
Uki his hella excited to have her head between Kohane's legs.
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She's consistently displayed that she's bad with loanwords.
Poor Sensei.
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You normally practice this stuff on pads.
For a dojo you'd expect maybe tatami too. Which while not pads would probably give you a bit of cushioning.
I guess she was afraid of heights for so long she never learned how to jump properly.
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>glomps really though
>>619327 It's a bit outdated, but they are high -school students. I wouldn't blink at hearing one use the term.
Wow Kohane didn't even flinch when she got mad there.
Rivals from the past, huh. They seem like troublemakers.
Well I guess they're not as bad as the rest of her old squad though.
They all have ulterior motives for it, huh. I don't get why they're buying new uniforms when their old ones are still fine.
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thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks.
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oh no yagate? well thanks for cartoon
Too late in the night I guess. The proper adults have things they have to do.