yeah that's what i meant it happened last time too i'd add a note on my thread after another day of no responses and immediately // well, the next person to post anything would bump the anime thread that had been dead since that morning with some filler content like interedasting or all according to cake and then nobody'd see my thread because it was three down i thought i was just being an eyesore and they were pushing it down but idk really it's a little discouraging when i had spent a week basically begging for emotional support and just completely ignored but if i say that it sounds victimizing and i dont mean it like that sorry this is dumb
not as dumb as what I do tbh Honestly I've been wondering myself why I sometimes see random posts bumping threads that have been dead for hours if not days like that too I guess I didn't correlate them when I just figured I had missed a thread you made by a few days as usual since I don't often visit the home pages of any of these boards.
i just do it this way because honestly it hurts too much to post in the main thread and then not be addressed and i dont like shoving it at everybody but then i guess im still doing the same thing, so i can hardly blame someone for pushing itdown
I used to do the same thing when I still felt Usually someone like Okuu or Aska would post and try to cheer me up then I'd feel even more bad for doing it in a round about way when I wanted to vent and didn't know how to ask for help When I did it I really just wanted to get something out there though. Saying it made me feel better. Then people would say nice things and I'd feel bad for being bad.
>>619036 Yeah, I was just remembering stuff. I posted a lot of threads not many noticed in /tano/ crying for help. Sucks to be such a bitch ass. I'll punish myself.
im just trying to reach out i feel like nobody can reach me and i can't reach anyone ive not known what to do for a long while some help resources said to reach out or dont be afraid to reach out or something like that i dont know how, and i really dont have anyone to reach out to i tried to reach out to my family over my november trip but i didnt even get the chance and it was really bad now im not really sure what to do and i dont think anyone else does either but at least putting that out there is better than no communication at all and what i need is to be able to connect to people i feel like im locked in a room where i can't signal out to anyone
i need some help communicating im having a lot of trouble doing that but even then i dont know if i have anyone left to communicate with i'm so terrified all the time that i freeze up and i can't i think people think im a jerk or arrogant because i wont talk to them it's actually that im just terrified
>>619038 I don't know about you but I keep thinking about getting executed in Saudi Arabia or Africa today
>>619038 I don't think you have a problem reaching out. But you seem to have trouble reaching out to people that know context. Or maybe I'm just a dumb ass. You've always seemed pretty well spoken to me, moon man.
I posted to say hello I am bit very good at making emotional connections or having conversations at all *not but sometimes you just need someone to say hello and how are you and really mean it or at least that is how I feel sometimes so hello how are you
i really have lost everyone the warmth and emotion drifting slowly away like the conversation of friends echoing along the breezeway as they depart dimmer and less intelligible until it's indistinguishable from the background i want to shout hey, wait but i hesitate, and my voice fails i can't deliver this message i'll never be able to be heard im really scared moe i need help really bad
can't walk can't eat can't communicate can't die can't even sage my own thread apparently can't cope with feeling of ostracization which probably aren't real and are precipitated feelings of persecution from distressed psychological faculties
if anyone with organizational skills can help me figure out what im supposed to do it would really help alleviate some of this concern