Thread #618925
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Anima Yell! Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-12 Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Release the Spyce Sora to Umi no Aida Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-kun Tsurune Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc Yagate Kimi ni Naru
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Spyce Sora Tsurune Tonari may slip a 5 in if we make good time may change things up if jan joins
We watched Gridman last night but Goblin Slayer was a recap episode so it didn't get watched. We'll probably save next week's Gridman for when you're around because it'll be the show finale and it's a shame to leave someone out for that.
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I watched the latest gridman, it was really good. Can;t wait for next wek. week
Well then keep in mind we're saving it for you! So don't go off and watch it on your ownsome next week.
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sypce play lets tasrt! start too
This show sure hit its end-of-season in an all out mad sprint.
This girl is really having fun being all evil.
What kind of torture department keeps their imprisonment chairs in such a state of disrepair.
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Oh looks like she's going to get tortured by her own robot.
Goemon sure is crazy strong.
Momo's become pretty capable over the course of the series.
Well I'm unsurprised she's not dead. But it's a little surprising she's in this role.
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Yeah, it was pretty obvious she was going to make it.
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I thought she'd be comatose in the hospital or something along those lines.
blonde is gonna shoe show* up to save the day
Honestly she probably doesn't need to, hah hah. Goemon is a BEAST.
Oh well maybe she'll need some saving from this though.
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wow that's a bit extreme
orange is totally a tripple agent
That or she really wanted to be the ham.
The OST for this show can be pretty funny at times.
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Oh, it's a brainwashing device. Kind of weird.
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aww, what a place to leave off.
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space fishing okay lets start!
Oh the girls are going to have to rescue the asshole guys to finally prove themselves as REAL FISHERWOMEN
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Oh yeah that seems like a fitting end forr the series.
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wow, tank 99!
>I got drunk on purpose for you Wow I wish I could have such a convenient excuse.
These three are bluffing pretty well on the fly.
Wow really.
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Her dad quitting his job is kind of a problem for her too.
They're going to space in a prototype rocket. This is the kind of thing that gets them blown up and turned to stardust before even reaching space.
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Wow, so many resignation letters this episode.
Guess that's just the Japanese way. Though if everyone threatens to quit they could maybe convince the execs to concede their demands.
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okay tsurune okay lets start!
I guess this old woman and their coach know each other. It seems to be setting that up.
They really ought to have gotten a larger table! Feels kind of a shame to have the girls all off on their own like that.
The one brother teased his other about being an okonomiyaki fundamentalist but now he's being all strict about how you cut it.
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Kind of a slow episode after the excitement of regionals. Archery ranges seem pretty comfy though with the rain.
Yeah, the sound of rain on the roofing above you must be pretty relaxing.
he lost his way
It kind of feels like he never really had a way. Just kind of followed Minato.
Wow, harsh.
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tonari! okay lets start !
>Being curled up in your blankets on the weekend is biss Bliss even. But how true.
Hah hah Game Buoy Oh wow a real Furby how terrifying.
>I can't imagine a time without cellphones
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haha I didn't have one till high school and it was dumb phone.
I didn't have a cell until I was like nineteen or twenty, hah hah. Though I did borrow my mother's and we did get one for both my brother and I that more or less entirely became my brother's fast since I didn't really have anyone to call anyway.
Wow they just got Pizza Hot instead.
A girl in a cape like Sophie probably isn't that bizarre an experience in Akiba really. Though she is a gaijin so she'd attract looks all the same.
Oh yeah the PV from last week had Akari sick.
They're centuries-old vampires- Hah hah hah hah hah. Yeah I was expecting something like that. It's kind of funny how crack medical treatment from the medieval times did actually some times work.
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I wonder if you can save someone from the Japanese cold by turning them into a vampire.
Yeah that was the expected result.
I kind of expected Sophie to be freaking out a little more. Oh well more along these lines yeah. Yeah, Sophie was born in a time when getting a cold was pretty close to being a death sentence. It makes sense for her to panic over it.
Vampires sure are eccentric.
I kind of expected there to be some kind of animated doll defense squad in her room when they talked about sneaking into it.
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that episode went by fast thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks. Good luck with your week.
>>619014 Episode
sdfasdfasdf asd