If there's another show either of you want to watch we could maybe do that. But at the least Gridman.
If you guys didn't already see jojo I'd be up for that. Other than that I'm not really particular.
We did get it done yesterday but I'll watch again after Gridman.
sounds good then. I'm ready when you are. hm lemme ah ok haha
Just waiting on Ika to pop in and be ready.
Okey dokes. Let's start!
RIP Utah.
Hah hah hah. He's bleeding out from a stab wound and all they can do is put him in the back of a van.
Yuta's parents probably don't even real.
The city didn't reset for the first time this series. These girls sure are taking sudden kaiju appearences in stride.
>>618713 huh I wonder why maybe it's cause the evil girl's off the deep end hard now
i guess kaiju showing up and rekting your city isn't too unusual for japanese just another godzilla w/e
I think the crazy kaiju from last week also tore into those kaiju that normally look like their made of stone. Which in some way are key to the city's ability to reset.
>>618715 Yeah that's probably more likely haha This show sure got bizarre compared to the first impression
The dialogue in this show is done interestingly. It feels fluid and natural despite its kind of absurd setting.
>he's pretty good >>618719 yeah it does seem strangely organic for sentai based stuff though I honestly kinda like the goofy writing in sentai/kamen rider and related crap >>618720 blood doesn't wash off easily
she probably doesn't bathe since she's a turboneet hikki tbh
Yeah but I don't even think she's TRIED.
This woman is exceedingly chill for the constantly bizarre situations she encounters.
Wow in trying to help the four musketeers ruined our PLOT.
>>618735 We're just re-watching what we watched last night. You can stay if you want but I figure yeah.
Have a good night Squid.
Well that's pretty much it then. Let's go!
;_; Araki is always so brutal with housepets.
Though he seems to have a particular vendetta against dogs.
He'd probably die from a step like that at that size.
narancia is too fucking stupid to know how to die
When the drawbacks to your low INT fall so low the value overflows and becomes maximum instead.
I figure an eye infection would eventually get treated in a situation like juvie.
i guess it depends on how terrible your local detention center is I'm not acquainted with the ins and outs of prison and hopefully won't be
>>618744 he took all his base int out to buff cha but he can't speak well so nobody likes him
A spider that was large enough to do what it does to its prey to humans would be fucking terrifying.
Oh him being too stupid to live finally came back to bite him.
bein too stupid to live is a constant bite
This guy is extremely capable of talking while on fire.
>Sets out to take a quiet shopping trip >Ends up carpet-bombing an entire street
Oh now it's a scavenger hunt.
jojo's bizarre scavenger hunt
To be fair it's been a scavenger hunt in the past. Part three's "Where In The World Is DIO" was effectively a scavenger hunt for DIO himself.
Well that was fun. Hopefully we can get Rika for the finale for Gridman next week. It might even be best to wait until she's around for it. I think it'll be fun.
i'd be cool with saving it if you want and she isn't capable of doing it today i know she likes it a lot at least.
i'm really fond of this part and they did a good job adapting it so far can't wait for the requiem bullshit to be animated
I've heard a lot of contrary stuff about this part from peeking in on others discussing it; some people seem to really enjoy it and others can't. It's been fun for me so far though; the further we get in the parts the more elaborate and creative Araki gets with Stands and plot writing. So that's a treat.