Thread #612511
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Anima Yell! Cooking With Emiya --Episode 10-12 Goblin Slayer Irozuku Sekai JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 9-12 Sora to Umi no Aida --Episode 8-9 SSSS.Gridman To aru Majutsu no Index Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru --Episode 8-9 Yagate Kimi ni Naru I'm guessing you've watched the stuff we did last night though, right. Sorry to hear about your night, and that we missed each other by like half an hour or less.
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Oh, it's fine. It's natural to have a disaster here and there. And yeah, I'm caught up. Will Jan be joining us tonight?
I think he said he'd be available, so maybe he's around.
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Ika said that his computer is dead and to go on without him. You guys did watch Gridman last night, right?
Yeah, Gridman, JoJo, and Goblin Slayer. If Jan's not immediately around I'd be fine watching it a second time.>>612520 Oh hi you.
i'm right here
it's-a me, italian stereotype-a
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okay Jan veto any of these if you don't watch them index tsurune release the spyce anima yell yagate
can we watch nah fuck it nevermind that's fine
What's the shoooow Jaaaannnn
its the one ika likes a lot
good guess!
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okay, which should we sub out for juliet? Do you not watch any of those?
Well he did say to save it for Ika.
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>>612529 yeah lets save it for ika-chan i'll watch everything else
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okay then Index hopefully I'll have more info about his computer tomorrow I hope he fixes it soon. okay lets start!
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well he can only type approximately three words an hour so it might take a while to find out
If he's got a phone he probably has Discord so he could get in contact with me too.
Majutsu ni hakkingu
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you'll never be as cool as psycho-pass old man
Acqua is pretty fucking powerful. Hah hah he just shortforms holy prayers for spells.
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he knows he doesn't have protagonist amounts of time to callout attacks 900 IQ villain
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The shippers probably loved this scene.
Well the party of them that are pro-Misaka. I think there are shipping companies for pretty much any girl Touma deals with.
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>w-wow i'm touching her board
fucking rejected
>I also have the option of heading off with him to fight Then do iiiit Misakaaaaaaaa. I wanna see an esper versus magic fight.
i bet sitting in a you-shaped hole in the wall is real comfy aside from hundreds of broken bones
She's managing to get under Acqua's skin better than most people have so far.
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I guess this guy is really strong.
He's one of the Big Four or something of the Roman Catholic faction in this series.
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Seems like he's been doping as well.
Hah hah hah hah. That was a really clutch Imagine Breaker.
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>>612553 everyone was so busy looking at the ceiling they didn't notice him stumble out between the rubble
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This fucker.
This fucking silvertongued snake.
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That's really impressive that he has a perfect model of her.
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>>612557 you mean genius right?
>>612559 Tomato tomahto
Fiamma looks like he just walked into the church in his pyjamas.
Wow dude don't go trashing the Vatican.
>>612561 i guess he blew up the vatican in his jammies
Oh cool Index gets a new outfit next episode. Probably temporary but it'll still be nice to see her in something besides that habit for once.
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Her normal outfit is iconic so i'm sure she'll go back tsurunbe okay lets start!
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her normal equipment always looked kind of goofy to me
>>612566 Well it's a nun habit that's more functional than fashionable.
>looks at a boy >cuts to flowers this show really knows what they're doing
The OST's really nice here.
Grumpy guy's really passionate about the competition.
>When your own mother compliments another boy your age as super handsome
isn't that a normal thing?
I dunno I guess, maybe. I've never heard a mother compliment the attractiveness of a guy their son knows though.
maybe your friends are just UGLY
Probably accurate.
my own mom said Rook was really handsome when I showed her some group photos haha
Are areeee
Yeah I was gonna say. The glasses guy totally moved in front of the MC to defend him from the handsome guy.
wow even their own team treats them like tweedle dee and tweedle dum
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grabs dick
>>612582 They really do act like that though.
I know this is a focus show for the boys but the girls in their club are also really cute too.
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>>612586 every single character this studio has ever drawn is cute
Well I don't know if I'd go that far but KyoAni certainly has creating cute characters down to an artform.
i want to see kacchan slug these fucking twats
Yeah would be nice. Shame he's going up against their club's super-ace.
maybe he'll take all the MAD and channel it into kyudo
oh no
Instead he's gonna CHOKE.
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wow he's choking hard
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Archery doesn't seem like a good activity for the hot blooded.
It's focused though. I bet there's some hot-blooded people that can use that to really get a lot of pressure out of their energy.
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>>612595 hot blooded people need balance in their life too you can't only do exciting or calming things
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sensei is still best boy though
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release the spyce okay lets start!
i need a sec to move my laundry
what are those little green drinks
Probably some kind of gween tea.
Supa pa parappa
She's been trained real well by now.
would you eat the face rice off a cute spy
Yeah, sure, probably.
She doesn't have the eyescar at this point. This story probably doesn't end happily.
stories about spies rarely end happily after all
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I hope we get to see what happened to her eye.
wow i would be even madder if i was watching this on TV they cut to commercial and then came back
The amount of doping that goes on in this show is pretty funny.
i would release the spyce into my veins
Shame you're not a high school girl so it would have absolutely no effect.
not in this life brb gensokyo
getting cut like that probably feels really bad when your 5 senses are all powered up
Oh fuck.
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a samurai's death
well, shinobi i guess with the bomb
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the spyce girls still basically won
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Well it seems like her mentor isn't alive but you really never know.
she activated the bomb for when you can't fall into enemy hands she's super dead
Momo secretly going "oh shit I finally get to touch her chest",
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>>612630 yeah>tfw you get to touch shisshou
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anima yell! okay lets start!
Time for CHAIR
sounds like they're gonna kill all the shisshou
Wow you can't just ignore someone like that.
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Brown really gets caught up in her own panic fast.
She just unintentionally blackmailed the teacher into being their adviser.
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>>612642 that's the power of CHAIR
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wow how do you even hide afterschool activities from your family
Well you can lie about the club you're in. Or say you've started hanging out with friends after school.
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kohane has such an addled brain
Oh no her otouto HAETS CHAIR
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>>612647 it's ok he likes his onee-san
All this advice is really terrible.
The red-haired one's look really changes a lot from school mode to chair mode. Dropping her puffball twintails for the tieback really changes it up.
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nobody can haet chair with kohane around
Otouto can't believe this degree of stamina.
The lyrics to this song are kind of weird in the verses.
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Yeah this has kinda been a weird ep in general.
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they have awoken mini uki to the glory of chair
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yagate! okay lets start!
You've got to respect the power of chair
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they are barely bigger than the soccer ball but even they can harness the power of chair
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this is the kind of place that always has fucking wasps
Or spiders. Or both.
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come to th ink of it the gym storage room is a pretty common place for things to happen in anime and manga
Yeah. The moment she was tasked with going there I expected either Touko to already be hiding there or for the super cliched bit of the door slamming shut on her.
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it's a pretty bad place to be alone everybody is gonna know when you two went there and nobody saw you for an hour
Yeah but they're usually in some corner of the schoolyard it wouldn't be too hard to slip in if you're subtle about it.
There's also the plausible deniability of saying you went in and out several times throughout the time period and the questioner just missed you.
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with their luck they'd probably just get spotted by somebody who's like "damn nice" and goes on about his life
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in fact i bet this guy was like >hey psst she's in the storage room nows your chance
This fucker's still being a pain in the arse.
use the power of gay
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More insert songs.
It's a gay romance you gotta have insert songs.
Touko sure is thirsty.
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Wow, she decided to not go for it.
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>I can't do it i'm not a switch
Well it's probably for the best. If she starts showing she's falling for Touko then Touko might go "you promised you wouldn't fall in love with meeee".
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>>612675 also touko is your average yuri fan
>>612679 If that's the case she sure is living life.
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thanks for anime!
Arigo toe yo Finally I can go get something to eat.
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>>612680 like that scene from megalo box's last episode she's living the best moment of her life
is it safe to microwave cough syrup oh wait sorry this is the anime thread my bad
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>>612684 it isn't safe because most cough syrup has some amount of alcohol and will release flammable vapors as well as crystallizing the syrup and potentially catching it on fire resulting in either a fire or small explosion neither of which are really fun to deal with
vapor? i dont even know her
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what kind of flavor vape her