I don't have a composed list of everything we haven't watched but is there things you'd want to watch aside from Gridman and Goblin Slayer?
give me a minute to check HS
Oh yeah, I'd like to watch Jojo The other stuff I'm not in any kind of rush but we could watch a fourth or fifth if you want
I did tell Ika there was a thread up.
Hika. Is watching JoJo along with the usual two tonight good with you?
lets do gridman
gridman goblin and then jojo sound good? ?
Okey dokes. I'm pretty much good with any order.
As much as I'd like to be on top of things I am kind of glad it's only three shows tonight. I am heeeella tired.
All right, we're all orange. Let's go!
alright griddomen
>>612146 same here honestly i've had a hell of a day
I'm approaching the end of the school semester so everything's moving at full steam and it's been a huge stressor. So it's messing with my sleeping times and a bunch of things.
Hah. I wonder if she just hard reset the whole city.
>>612150 i can't really relate honestly the whole uni structure is foreign to me I do know that deadlines make me feel uncomfortable though, when I took online classes I always tried to pound everything out ASAP because thinking that I had to do X before Y made me stress the fuck out even if it was just some simple exercises
The bits with Gridman in the reflection are neat.
I wasn't paying attention to the date in previous episodes. But I guess it was summer wasn't it. It's April now, so it's probably before.
Did things hard reset or is this just a flashback?
is she speedrunning their routes or what? i'm confused
Well the bit with Rikka was in the past. I'm not sure if the thing with Yuuta was also in the past or just a rewind to the time at the start of the series, or if it's the time period immediately after the last fight.
But if this is a flashback then Rikka knew about Alexis all along?
>>612160 i thought the city they were in was her lotus eater machine
Yeah, it seemed like something like that already.
Though it looks like this level of Lotus Eater has a different effect than the overall city. There seems to be a lot of outside interference on this level.
this show is getting pretty strange over the last few episodes maybe they were saving their crazy shit
The Tonkawa girl that Akane kaiju'd in like the first episode has really become a massive thorn in her side. She's also in part the reason Rikka didn't come to her side last episode or the one before it.
I guess gridman is here to Touma this fake world or something maybe there's something dangerous about it existing or something
Well it already seems to be a little more unstable than the city. Though if it's a dream under the control of Akane that's not too weird.
It's kind of funny that the four of them go "fuck saying our special codes in sequence let's just all shout them out at the same time". Though at the same time it's a lot more reasonable than them all waiting their turn.
yeah it's a fun twist on the usual sequential activation that is a HUEG gridman
Wow that was a superhuman save from that fall. I guess she can't die in the city.
I'm not sure that makes sense I've died in my dreams Maybe the city isn't quite a dream though
Yeah. She's the reality bender for it but I've been getting the feeling the overall construct is probably more something of Alexis'. And he's both encouraging and using her to set things up.
Right, ready when y'all are for GioGio Okey dokes. Let's start!
>>612181 yeah he's definitely a brat and also dumb as dirt
but he does some pretty badass stuff despite having a worthless life and the IQ of a rhubarb
>>612182 Some people just have eyes like that. They might not have the best eyesight but it's usually functional.
>>612182 he's probably got bad depth perception but otherwise his eyes are like any other
Yeah, Bruno could have hidden it pretty much anywhere with his Stand. I guess the more out of the way it is the better though.
hide it inside of a pet bird they'll never look there
Man Bruno just took a huge promotion. Hope he doesn't get dragged down to much by the dullness of logistics and management.
giorno seems so shocked that a dude has a daughter haha
Yeah but have you ever met a mafia boss with a daughter?
>>612189 he's gonna become a yakuza upperboss and just sit around filing paperwork and calling lower bosses all day the true endgame of crime
>>612191 well i've never met a mafioso and probably never will they don't even operate much in my area anyway as far as I know the dangerous gangs are mainly cartel branches and such
He thinks he's a real mafioso don or something but his cat knows- HEY FUCK YOU BUD. His cat knew he was an asshole for good fucking reason.
haha. poor cat
the clever guy with a shitty power vs the dumbass with an awesome power who will prevail
Well his power is pretty much Ant-Man that's not all that bad a power. It's got applications even if it's not combat-suitable.
yeah you can definitely make it work compared to some of the other stands though it's situational usefulness isn't too great for sutando combat
Okay Joblin Slayer!
All right, let's start!
Oh I was about to say, poor Goblin Slayer, tasked with a job that doesn't really involve slaying goblins. But then a vision of a whole goblin town was revealed to him.
>>612207 a whole world of goblins just waiting to be eradicated
I wonder if that's supposed to be an allusion to The Hobbit's Riddles In The Dark.
can't say i'm familiar
When Frodo --Bilbo meets Gollum in some caves in The Hobbit, he makes a deal with Gollum that if he can win a game of three riddles, Gollum will let him go without eating him. He proceeds to guess correctly at Gollum's riddles, and Gollum his, but at the final riddle he is stumped for a riddle, and in a panic fingers at the Ring he'd previous found and slipped into his pocket. And so he makes his final riddles "What do I have in my pocket".
oh yeah, now I remember man poor smeagol
I mean he literally strangled his friend to death for the Ring. Even if the Ring manifests an influence on those who would help it acheive its goal of returning to Sauron, Smeagol was still in the end the kind of person who that will could be worked on within MINUTES of finding it. It took Frodo carrying it constantly for like eight or nine months before it finally acheived that influence on him.
Oh is that the same super goblin from before? It seems to be missing its eye.
>>612214 i guess so, he definitely wasn't a good person but still what a terrible fate
Yeah, that's fair. He had to live as Gollum for like, hundreds of years. And then his final fate is getting dipped into lava once and for all. It's a lot of suffering.
She's steadily coming to understand he cares for nothing but which relates to slaying goblins.
that was a pretty laid back episode thanks i ought to be around for the next couple days at least >>612226 haha it's alright they're just fucking goblins
Aside from, y'know, dropping an entire ceiling on a gobling gang.