Thread #60202
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trinity 7 movie is out
isn't an amine some type of physiological thing
>>60207 I didn't watch that at all.
>>60208 you're thinking of amino probably
hand shakers seiren girls bike club youjou senki is late or didn't air this week
Seems like it may have delayed subs from what I saw on /a/.
urara is new too but we usually save that
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well, let's get started with hand shakers okay let's start
Oh I guess she's talking even in normal situations now.
oh it's related to ammonia
Yeah it's a part of organic chemistry.
Hah, the logo on that box he was holding shifted positions between frames.
these two are nice
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I like her exploding memes.
Poor Masaru.
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I guess this is the last slice of life episode before the end of season drama arc. They're giving all the old characters a chance at the camera.
Aidoru's arc felt like the season climax. A finale doesn't necessarily have to be a story climax, and the aidoru episodes will be hard to top for the finale.
Theres a Bang Dream mobage
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one sec and we'll move on!>>60241 yeah, I don't think there's an ENG version though
>>60241 The doujin event they're trying to host got nine circles registered. I head -heard the mobage is currently the most played game on the Japanese appstore, but that's probably just because it's new.
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okay seriren okay let's start
Okey dokes.
Furry-sempai is really trying hard here.
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>childhood friendzoned
They're careening hard towards a friendzone end. I wonder if it'll end up the same wayt -way the Rihoko end ended up.>Wool undies
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They're going to end up coupling. She's just stupid about her emotions.
moe-nee is the best
Here's another heroine that'll come later on.
I wonder if there'll be a Moe-nee OVA like there was an OVA for the imouto from Amagami.
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okay girls bike club okay let's start
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I guess she's still Kuma-chan after all.
This show's a lot more instructive than Long Riders! was. Long Riders! was more about the experience and photoporn of nice food.
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Protagonist-chan and gaijin are getting kidnapped by strange girls.
Gaijin-chan's Japanese is still super grating on me. I wonder if this is what all foreigners speaking Japanese sound like to the Japanese.
Youjo is out
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I was about to say, aren't they supposed to carry spares.>>60273 do you wnat to watch it tonight?
Aw shoot. I was hoping it would stay delayed since I didn't get around to watching last week's episode.
wow tilde!
okay tomorrow or sunday tomorrow is fullish
>>60277 I'm clinically bad at watching stuff on my lonesome!
This show keeps on getting such good endcards.
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I like the little cycling 3DPD stuff at the end. So we're saying youjo?