Thread #59226
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anime friends wwu
what wdo we have
we're watching allt he anime
anime is dead, forever
Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 1051x751, 1489621745821.jpg)
we'll start with all out and masamune's revenge
if tilde shows up we'll LWA after that
let's orangme for all out
it's yoko-sama
lets start
who is this cutie
wait 2 minutes
based retard-kun
which one
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 507x625, 1442645950667.png)
They're pretty high energy even though it's night.
real neet hours
Search [iqdb] (862 KB, 1158x1637, 1489564349723.png)
it's ika
thats su goi
no im the prince
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manlet rage
is that what you're like
Search [iqdb] (248 KB, 1022x1453, 1481392105545.jpg)
I'm not a manlet.
a little chromosome change and you would be
jinko going to get smashed tbh
Search [iqdb] (274 KB, 514x617, 1489639334803.png)
My brothers are tall.
Testosterone makes you taller.
are they even going to get to the tournament this season
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 847x600, 1489451963075.png)
I dunno, I hope we get going with some game episodes soon.
Let's watch Masamune's revenge
we're waiting on ika
let's start!
gather rook and tilde if possible
Mirror heart
>watching taiwanese animated cuckold porn
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 999x694, photokano1.jpg)
>run away from scary girls
>run into the most scary girl
Yeah but she's pretend not-scary.
Side ponytail Aki is still nice.
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 317x492, 1489310239980.jpg)
side pony tail aki is a SLUT
someone needs to give her a black eye
and throw fatty off a bridge
yes imoutos are the worst i agree
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poor kojouro-chan
They're really trying to muddy the waters, eh.
Search [iqdb] (428 KB, 1008x891, 1414787596988.png)
He should just change routes.
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Sounding more manly is going to be tough for him since he has hanakana in his voice box.
and hairclips
Search [iqdb] (862 KB, 1158x1637, 1489564349723.png)
I guess he'll see fatty's secret here.
Or maybe he'll just be imprisoned by a lesbian.
yurifags are the worst
Evil stepmother saving the day.
dumb yurifag
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 812x825, 1383858171845.jpg)
I guess masamune will save the day in the face of overwhelming NTR
muh ntr
Search [iqdb] (185 KB, 1779x1000, 1489480573748.jpg)
thanks for anime sugoi!
let's the rest of us watch LWA
let's start!
Oh time for more handsome man.
These two have a fun dynamic though.
ruh oh
Search [iqdb] (742 KB, 1000x1414, 1390947365101.jpg)
He's probably telling the truth about his thoughts being in disarray since they met.
Obviously the man has never heard of ROCK
Akko is in full force this episode.
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time for Akko to disgrace herself.
Andrew is being pretty kakkoi this episode too.
i ship those two
Too bad Akko/Diana is the OTP.
Oh geez.
Search [iqdb] (293 KB, 876x1350, ayesha2.jpg)
Akko is pretty amazing to be able to move like that wearing heels.
Oh wow.
This show has been consistently pleasant.
It would be nice to have a bit more progression though.
Search [iqdb] (715 KB, 1280x1273, 1489635408423.jpg)
that was a good episode
I think that's all for me for tonight, thanks for anime.
Don't have time for Gundam?
Search [iqdb] (346 KB, 666x1227, 1489591374504.jpg)
I'm going to relax a bit and then nap.
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 389x589, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 05 [91EC(…).jpg)
we got handhsackers for next time too
Search [iqdb] (390 KB, 509x684, 1489635728894.png)
Yeah, let's do that tomorrow.