Thread #584515
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Akanesasu Shoujo --Episode 1-2 Banana Fish Black Clover Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Double Decker! --Episode 2-3 Cooking with Emiya Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 2-5 SSSS.Gridman Tokyo Ghoul re Yagate Kimi ni Naru --Are we watching these? Bakumatsu Sword Art Online - Alicization Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi --Summer 2018 Hanebado! Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
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Any preferences tonight?
tokyo ghoul season 2 is bad they're gonna rush like 9 chapters each epsidoe
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Is it the kind of bad that you want to watch, or the kind of bad you don't?
I wanna see how gay Yagate sets up to be. And I think Juliet will be fun.
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Did we watch kaze ga ep 1? What was it about?
That was the gay running show.
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oh yeah that one wasn't great oaky
>>584521 i dont i think
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double decker ep 2 SSS gridman chuukan juliet let's do that orange for double decker okay lets start!
whats juliet
>>584529 Romcom. School academy with two really divided factions a la Shakespeare's Montagues and Capulets. Each side -The two sides have a Romeo and a Juliet that hate each other on the surface but Romeo is secretly crushing on the Juliet. It's got a bit of a battle academy vibe too.>>584532 The one show in the list that has Juliet in its name.
what is it called
I don't see it that is why i am asking you
found it on nyaa
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It's been there since the first episode. Or well since it aired a few days back.
This old boozer is really red. I wonder if he's had too much to drink.
We get a lot of the younger pretty boy's internal thoughts. I guess after T&B I expected the oji-san to be the main character.
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Yeah you'd think that. I think oji-sans are better.
Well Barnaby from T&B was charming in his own way. The young guy in this one doesn't really have that charm and is more of a brat.
Doug's a bit of a cloud cuckoolander.
They're normally more upbeat and positive people too. It's uncommon to have one be kind of pessimistic and cynical like him.
>Wants to rid the world of class Oh shit he's a proper commie.
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yeah that's some dangerous stuff
Well they're good things to aspire to rid the world of. Really lofty ambitions though.
Aw he didn't get to keep the Okappa nickname.
h e r o
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SSS grindman I dunno what this one is gonna be like oaky lets start!
Gridman is an oooold giant robo or some kind of /m/ franchise. I think it has an anniversary so they got Trigger to animate this new series.
>>584552 Gridman was an old live action show about a superhero that becomes giant like ultraman
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This girl seems too cool for him.
>>584556 Well I was correct with my second guess at least.
Special doggu
RIP special doggu
I'd heard this first episode was kind of slideshow-y, and it is pretty unanimated in parts.
>Old computers are terrifying! >Old computers are amazing!
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I like the OST here
I think the okaa-san here is voiced by Nonon's seiyuu from Kill la Kill.
it was ok
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okay chuulkan okay lets start!
chu s
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kaiji time!
Not quite. Before-Kaiji time
This guy sure knows how to use his free time to make people suffer.
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I love the way he says NUMBAH WAN
Oh I really like this ED.
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I guess we'll be getting a good bit more of this. Juliet! okay lets start!
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ah there it is
He's going to make a fool of himself.
Wow, pepper spray. They're really not holding out against her.
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She'd be screaming a lot more if she were really hit with pepper spray.
I wonder if she's gonna fall for him because of this. And it becomes a bit of a Nisekoi thing.
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Looks like she just thought he was a rapist.
These three are pretty mooky despite being kind of villain-y.
haha that arrow>>58457 → >>584597 that lock earring guy looks evil
>>584598 Yeah but he's voiced by Sugita. There's no way he can go full evil.
this show is kind of cute
I had a hunch it would be up your alley.
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Ika loves tsundere stuff like this.
Oh gosh.
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haha he confessed during all this, what a champ
How charming.
Oh he clued in fast on why she was like that that. Though it looks like he's still kind of dumb about it too. I wonder if this guy who's Persia's bitch and the girl that likes Romeo are going to be the off couple.
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He has a long road ahead. thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.
this show has decent designs i hope the drama isn't too heavy constantly