Thread #570331
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I think it's tilde we're waiting on.
If you want me to be prompt it might help to link this thread in the main thread. I only got curious after you posted in it.
Banana Fish --Episode 9-10 Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-9 Isekai Maou Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 20-23 Kyoto Holmes Satsuriku no Tenshi Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 7-8 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 4-7
Shichisei has not seemed to air this week, and honestly, I'm not sure of the fate of it. Its director got arrested for soliciting a high school girl for activities last week. So I'm not sure if they have a contingency plan for continuing work on it. I'm sure Ika is ecstatic.
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>>570337 Did I forget to link? Sorry, I thought I did. It's me being a baka.>>570341 Oh really that's crazy wow
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wow what a crazy twist okay we have jan tonight I think?
>>570341 :>
I mean don't get too excited They might just need a week to get their shit together and shove someone else into the directorial position.
oh okay>>570341 wow what the fuck
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yeah directors are probably easy to find banana fish 9 banana fish 10 shoujo kageki 7 isekai maou
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sooooo banana fish 9 just need ourselves a jan
Feesh>>570369 Is ramen really masculine? What's even the precedence for foreign foods like that.>>570368 Squid you're Quebeccois would ramen be masculine or feminine.
banana>>570367 nani
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/09/07 (金) 04:50 No. 570369
i’m a not-jan! that’s a kind of jan je mange un ramen
yes hello this is jan
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oops accidentally hit done while trying to type more okay lets start!
>>570368 Oh I was under the understanding you were Quebeccois.
Shouta Wong
samurai boi
what kind of a name is shorter that's like being called manlet
The kind of name first-generation Chinese immigrants might give to their son trying to give him a normal American name, I'd guess. I've got a Flip friend whose parents tried to give him a perfectly normal Anglican name but didn't know how the spell the phonetics of it so his name looks totally not like the name they were trying to give him.
Even with all the work Arthur's done he's still playing second fiddle to the accomplishments of Ash. Oh no Shorter's gonna get Banana Fish'd.
he got banana'd the fish up
noooo shoter
they didn't check for air bubbles before using it that's just plain irresponsible
Well I'm sure they won't be crying rivers if he gets fucked up.
>>570385 but then their big plan is RUINED
Poor Eiji. Came to America to take photos and now he's being violated by fat white men.
>>570387 almost violated*
talk shit get HIT and experimented on
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He's high on the banana fish
bad trip
They're just getting Eiji's shirt all cut up. How mean.
it's the natural evolution of the shitty chest window outfit meme
He almost got saved by the grace of Ash.
Being Ash is suffering.
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Arthur's such a power-tripping douche.
rip shorter his life couldn't have been shorter
nic e
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i hope arthur gets to die soon
He's totally the climax fight man. Dino's an old man, he'll go down like a bitch once all the barriers in Ash's way to him are removed. Arthur's feeling like he's gonna be that last barrier.
no way arthur has gotta be the midboss unless they're only adapting part of this manga
Oh I'm not familiar with the manga, so I don't know how it develops. This is going to be a two-cour show though.
the only shots boss dino will fire will be in eiji's yaoi hole
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banana fish 10! pokay let start !
No stops on the suffering train>>570408 Hokay pokay
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>>570406 there's still much more suffering left in this world
Eiji has some surprising fire to him. He's kind of timid a lot of the time but every now and then he pulls out some unexpected energy.
will everything be alright
Everything will be fire.
Oh Ash's gang is gonna try and break him out. I can't wait for them all to fucking DIE.
the moral of the story is>go to america >get shot
Moonboy sure gracefully accepts his fate.
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he's pretty opposite of ash's personality WOW WHOA
He's the moon to Ash's sun.
And then the Ash rescue squad and the two old men meet up with each other and mistake each other for foes.
the chinese may not forgive his killing of manlet
>>570422 Dino's probably banking on Moonboy to soothe the Triad's concerns on that matter.
this is why servers ban noobtubes OP
>>570424 ash is hacking
Ash has gone full Rambo.
protect his smile
Yeah you better fucking panic you little shit.
These are some serious flags.
set up for the eiji vengeance rampage arc
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Ash will probably be okay. He can't suffer if he's dead.
Oh Moonboy didn't kill this asshole. How nice of him. He even paralyzed him so he couldn't run from Ash.
wow he drilled shorters brain out
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Oh no Chinese boy.>>570436 To be fair Ash -did- kill Shorter.
feisty little fellow
Moonboy's gonna get him on his side and use him to plot his overthrow of the rest of the Triad.
Talk about one hell of a detour. Ash is back on track in the Big Apple.
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okay shoujo kageki 7 okay lets start!
okay?>>570441 should have never gone to chinatown
ash is gonna do it
Ii desu ka?>>570444 And throw himself to the wolves of the Triad?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
2018/09/07 (金) 05:46 No. 570448
denja denja hivolteej
>this powerpoint presentation
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They're all calling her Nana-san or Daiba-san. What happened to the Ba nana
dai banana
Oh man banana muffins are RIDICULOUSLY good. Ah this is the inception of the Ba Nana.
crybabies can't be stars you little shit
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That's probably not true.
you would know
Hikari's not here though. I'm a little confused of the chronology of it. I thought they were putting on the 99th year presentation. Maybe I just got it mixed up since they're also the 99th year class.
they got 99 clases but you were wrong
She sure likes her photo graphy.
so did eiji this anime will take a dark turn, mark my words
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>cute girls shooting up an enemy gang's hideout kyoani does it again
absolute kino
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evil giraffe
This is cute and all but I miss the boys of last show
>>570465 Typical Ika post.
She went back in time! I thought there might be some timey stuff involved. But I guess I figured the Homura expy would be the one kicking it off.
So Karen wasn't the only one with premonotions of Hikari's arrival.
Well that wasn't a little eerie in the slightest.
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The ED is so much like fly me to the moon.
Yeah I feel there's definitely some homage or inspiration they're taking from it for this ED. No lyrics this time though, huh.
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Yeah, it's totally intentional.
fry me to the moon
The name's even "Fly Me To The Star", so yeah. Hard to see it as anything but.
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isekai maou! okay lets start!
Elves are quick to recognize lewdness!
isekai meow
This Fallen girl always talks so stiffly. I don't know if it's just what she's supposed to sound like or if the seiyuu's jut -just not that good.
Her voice is a little flat you could say?
>Diablo is pouring into me!
Oh no.
heat hwat
Geez man why rip up her spats like that.
Even now he's doing his dumb Demon Lord rolepaly.
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maou got summoned earlier than expected.
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Oh yeah it's a girl, no surprise.
Guess Diablo has a daughter now.
not much of a girl though
Oh it's another damedame Demon Lord.
the etolord
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Yeah, I guess maou has a daughter now.
This supposed paladin girl seems to be the most enthusiastic for this loli Maou to destroy the world.
>>570502 Paladins always have a secret dark side. They're just repressed
Well some of them aren't so secret. That Sandler guy from last week was pretty open about his.
I guess they're going to have a bunch of annoying weirdos like this showing up to talk with them now.
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It kind of feels like they might've hastened the resurrection process and that's what's made loli Maou so dumb.
Like she didn't mature long enough in the womb.
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Yeah, that's probably it. Or maou messed it up somehow.
Oh this weirdo might give Diablo a bit of a more entertaining fight.
Didn't expect his magic reflection to work on a summoned weapon like that weirdo's lance. Guess it's more universal than I expected.
Momma Rem saves the day.
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>this is dumb i wanted to smite evil
i like the banana fish ending
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mana transfer
It's pretty convenient that he's got a bottomless mana battery now.
knew i should have made a caster
He sounds more in pain than anything.
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>>570519 he is
A hoonter's got to hoont.
See, Sandler's back up and at it for round two.
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Paladins are crazy.
Spoken like a demihuman who needs some purging
>When you try to summon a Demon Lord to destroy the world but she ends up being a dumb loli that's more interested in eating cookies than ending the world
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oh boy
Yeah looks like that'll be fun.
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I guess we'll see some true colors. thanks for anime!
thanks for anime
Arigato yo