Asobi Asobase Banana Fish Cooking with Emiya Hanebado! Happy Sugar Life Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-9 Island Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 19-22 Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo Planet With Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 8-9 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 7-8 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 4-7
Her mom doesn't really seem to comprehend how she's done wrong.
I kind of expected Ayano's badminton craziness to be a sort of mid-series resolution sort of development. It really puts a weird juxtaposition on the cheerfulness of this OP.
>>567716 he's basically me nothing really fazes him he probably doesn't even notice her
This woman really has no sense of tact. Like mother like daughter.
Oh also, there's a show airing in this upcoming fall seasno. Season, even. It's a spin-off series to the Tiger & Bunny world, Double Decker! Doug and Kirill.
CrunchyRoll sneak-peeked the first episode of it today, so it's available from HorribleSubs. Should I put that on the list to watch, or should we just wait until the show is airing proper in October?
>>567724 oh that's awesome tiger & bunny was a really good show
planet with W H A T >>567724 well, I don't know the answer to that. I guess probably wait until it actually starts to air. If you want to watch the first episode anyways I'm down for it after we're done with the standard shows?
I'm good with waiting for the show in Fall, but I know the original Tiger & Bunny was popular with the fujos so I wanted to see how eager they were to watch it. But they're not paying attention to me so I guess that's that.
Glasses guy is going to end up with some violent waters hidden under calm surfaces.
Souya's spirit sure has taken a beating.
Poor ojii-san. His son got turned to dust and now his world is all gray.
Wankamoto gave Sheep-kun the most ominous sealing device. They've all been so clowny before this.
>>567759 I would rather live in this shitty world than live in a fake one made just to please me.
What's the point of living if it's all a dream? What's the point of doing anything if you can't do it with other people? If you just want to exist in your own head forever, sure. But humans aren't like that. They want to commune with each other.
Hah hah hah Sheep-kun's mad at nya.
I hope Chuuni-sempai gets the fire in his soul lit again before this series wraps up.
i'm really sorry i didn't forget you i promise buddy i just moved my fingers too fast
I'm not upset, hah hah. I meant my starting on time is whatever, since timing doesn't matter that much. It was just fortunate I got back from the washroom at a good time.
oh yeah i feel you then you know me i don't really care too much about starting at the right time half the time i start like a minute later than everybody else because I'm looking at another tab since rika takes so long to start after we all ready up no offense rika
This is all Ika's fault so I have someone to lay PROPER BLAME on.
Adult Sara is pretty high-grade.
>>567790 smol sara is top tier but big sara is SSS-tier
she leveled up from like level 10 fluff to level 99
wew this got serious
RIP kids. How villainous.
Oh no.
These guys really are going full autocratic theocracy.
Wow they're popping errybody this episode.
yeah this show really should have been 2cour
These VN adaptations always end up that way. It sure would be nice to get a slower, less compact adaptation for once.
It's probably a bad idea to bring a wounded person out into arctic freeze.
This cave is probably the island they sailed to in the past.
Rinne so possessive she even gives up the comfier bed to be the one sleeping on Setsuna.
Oh no this Karen is a vampire.
What a weird convergence of technology. Computer walls and time travel machinery. Huge, island-covering infrastructure. Yet the streets are lined with torches.
Dun dun dun Another one bites the dust
This show went down the deep end real fast
He came from the future to change the past, from a time period where he Er. He came from the past to the future to change the past, in a time period where he came from the future to change the past. I wonder where the time loop begins and ends in this show.
These are some weird love analogies.
Sure is betting high on saving the world from a global ice age by going back to save a girl.
>>567816 I guess he's stuck in a permanent time loop with these two girls forever now.
The final twist is that future Rinne and island Rinne are the same person.
Yeah I've been thinking along those lines. Rinne got stuck in one of those stasis chambers too. Who's to say she didn't take a detour into the far future like Setsuna did before going back in time to wash up on the shore of the Island.
wow that first scene was literally them fucking
from episode 1
Well she was sending him off to the past and maybe never seeing him again. Got to make something to remember it by.